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Sith Marauder - No Force Push?


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I have been waiting so long to get force push on my Marauder just to find out that I don't get it. It makes no sense to me why Juggs/Marauders both get Force Choke, but only Juggs get Force push. Not getting force push makes me not even want to play my marauder anymore, and I'm 41. There is absolutely no reason why Marauder's shouldn't get it.
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Im gona tell you just what i told my friend, You wanted more Dmg so you lack CC dont complain when you get into pvp and cry how you cant push/root/snare/stun them like a Guard/jugg's Can.


Marauder's pale in comparison without any. I'm not asking for ton's of CC, I'm just saying that no force push is really really dumb.

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Marauder's pale in comparison without any. I'm not asking for ton's of CC, I'm just saying that no force push is really really dumb.


Hold on. You're telling me you want a move that knocks the opponent away on a class whose sole role is to put out raw damage, and does said raw damage from melee range?

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Im gona tell you just what i told my friend, You wanted more Dmg so you lack CC dont complain when you get into pvp and cry how you cant push/root/snare/stun them like a Guard/jugg's Can.


But pure dps advance classes don't do anymore damage then the hybrid advance classes.


BioWare's already stated that they want hybrids specced for dps to do the same ammount of damage as pure dps. That's why they removed the 5% damage increase pures had in beta.


Also not everyone rolled a marauder for damage. I rolled one for two sabers and because I think medium armour looks better then heavy armour for a lightsaber using class.

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Hold on. You're telling me you want a move that knocks the opponent away on a class whose sole role is to put out raw damage, and does said raw damage from melee range?


Yes. It adds versatility to a vast amount of situations. There is no reason in the lore, or in the game to not at least give this to Marauders for added depth. Not giving it to them at all is just as bad as not giving Force Choke, or Force Charge.

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But pure dps advance classes don't do anymore damage then the hybrid advance classes.


BioWare's already stated that they want hybrids specced for dps to do the same ammount of damage as pure dps. That's why they removed the 5% damage increase pures had in beta.


If this is true, then why do Marauders not get Force Push?

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Im gona tell you just what i told my friend, You wanted more Dmg so you lack CC dont complain when you get into pvp and cry how you cant push/root/snare/stun them like a Guard/jugg's Can.


the issue isn't that, the issue is that it ******* our class in pve as well, take the malgus fight for example, you have to have two classes with a good push. So unless you are the leader of the group, you are sorely out of luck.

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I like how marauders are pure DPS, yet hybrid classes can do just as much damage (sometimes more) and also have tons of CC to back it up.




Assassins/Shadows do just as much damage while having a metric crap ton of CC, so do Snipers/Gunslingers who do even more damage whilst having more CC too. Lets not forget the Troopers/Bounty Hunters who have as much damage whilst simultaneously being very tanky or healy WITH CC as well.


So... why don't Sentinels and Marauders have CC, anyone?

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Assassins/Shadows do just as much damage while having a metric crap ton of CC, so do Snipers/Gunslingers who do even more damage whilst having more CC too. Lets not forget the Troopers/Bounty Hunters who have as much damage whilst simultaneously being very tanky or healy WITH CC as well.


So... why don't Sentinels and Marauders have CC, anyone?



Those who try to argue against this are just being blind and abnormal.

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Assassins/Shadows do just as much damage while having a metric crap ton of CC, so do Snipers/Gunslingers who do even more damage whilst having more CC too. Lets not forget the Troopers/Bounty Hunters who have as much damage whilst simultaneously being very tanky or healy WITH CC as well.


So... why don't Sentinels and Marauders have CC, anyone?


Because people think marauders do way more damage than they actually do, so they don't think they should have CC. After leveling my Merc (31) and Sorc (26) a bit, the Marauder just feels like a joke. More damage? Not really. I notice no significant damage boost over the other classes, but I definitely notice me being half dead almost every fight. And just plain dead much more often than the other classes. I think I may have died 3 or 4 times on my 31 merc, and that was trying to solo a champion mob that I eventually did kill. On the marauder, even two strong tier mobs can provide a huge challenge.


Honestly, I don't die a whole lot on the Marauder. But it takes way more to stay alive. Popping cooldowns almost every time they are up, blowing through medpacs like there is no tomorrow. Also, I just straight up avoid elites that I don't have to kill for a quest.


In groups, I feel like I might as well not be there and someone should just bust out their companion instead. Other classes do the same damage, but can also help control the fight, or even offheal if they need to. The Marauder is just useless in a team situation.


Whether in groups or solo leveling, Marauders need something done in order for them to be on par with other classes. A real CC or a decent self heal.

Edited by frozenwings
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I have been waiting so long to get force push on my Marauder just to find out that I don't get it. It makes no sense to me why Juggs/Marauders both get Force Choke, but only Juggs get Force push. Not getting force push makes me not even want to play my marauder anymore, and I'm 41. There is absolutely no reason why Marauder's shouldn't get it.


Marauder used to have it in beta, but moved it to juggernaut only i don't know why... special when assassin and sorcerer got the most powerful knockback... if marauder had there knockback removed... why the assassin still have it ?

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I am just curious, i have both a sniper and a maurader. If i am not mistaken both are supposed to be pure dps, atleast the maurader is. right now, my marauder does far less damage then my snipe, i can sit comfortably opening with ambush, then chain laze and snipe, or just snipe every 1.5 sec till out of endurance, and toss in my dot dart. pop adrenaline and go for another min or 2. all the while landing crits as high as 1k. and base damage at 22 for around 450.


Now my maurader to get a 1k hit at 35 needs to force charge, force choke for the activation of talents then force crush and it allows me 1 hit for 1k damge, although it is aoe. but it took 3 abilities to unlock the damage, and to do it again it takes 50 sec, now i am practically out of rage, so i can use my quick rage builder for maybe 400 damage, then 2 rage using abilites, and bang i am done. and the rage abilities dont even hit for 400 unless they crit, then i am spamming a 100pt damage trying to rebuild rage. i also get ravage with a 45 sec or something like that cd. but all the while the sniper is just railing off shot, after shot, after shot doing more dps then a maurader.


now granted i dont have a high lvl snipe, but the fact at 13 levels lower i can crit for more then my marauder is eye opening.


now lets look at the cc, my marauder gets a droid slice, and 2 stuns to normal and weak enemies. He also gets a snare but it requires rage to use. kinda stupid if you ask me. and the stuns dont work in pvp. although my force charge roots for 1.5 sec oooh.


now my 22 snipe gets a melee stun, droid cc, ranged root, pbaoe knockback with root. gcd knockdown grenade(that doesnt work in pvp), and aoe 10 sec mez. thats alot of abilities to save your behind, there not meant to be pure cc, but in pvp all that short cc allows you to live and run away to reset and snipe at max damage.


Now i dont know what snipes get later, nor do i claim to know everything about these 2 classes, i am just stating what i have seen so far from both.


Also why do mauraders and snipes get medium armor? bh troop get heavy, but marauders who do less damage then both get medium? kinda odd isn't it?


it just seems that they need to address the rage issues, maybe have us start at full rage and it work down, kind of inverse of the bh hunter overheating. but having to build rage to do your so called power attacks is just plain stupid. i do 3 attacks for a total of 300 damage to be able to use 1 attack that does 450 or so? then i have to repeat, while a snipe over that time will hit what 3 shots for 1200+ with no crit? and yes thats at 22.

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I have been waiting so long to get force push on my Marauder just to find out that I don't get it. It makes no sense to me why Juggs/Marauders both get Force Choke, but only Juggs get Force push. Not getting force push makes me not even want to play my marauder anymore, and I'm 41. There is absolutely no reason why Marauder's shouldn't get it.


you get higher dps? just jelly cos you cant throw people into voidstar pits

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Because people think marauders do way more damage than they actually do, so they don't think they should have CC. After leveling my Merc (31) and Sorc (26) a bit, the Marauder just feels like a joke. More damage? Not really. I notice no significant damage boost over the other classes, but I definitely notice me being half dead almost every fight. And just plain dead much more often than the other classes. I think I may have died 3 or 4 times on my 31 merc, and that was trying to solo a champion mob that I eventually did kill. On the marauder, even two strong tier mobs can provide a huge challenge.


Honestly, I don't die a whole lot on the Marauder. But it takes way more to stay alive. Popping cooldowns almost every time they are up, blowing through medpacs like there is no tomorrow. Also, I just straight up avoid elites that I don't have to kill for a quest.


In groups, I feel like I might as well not be there and someone should just bust out their companion instead. Other classes do the same damage, but can also help control the fight, or even offheal if they need to. The Marauder is just useless in a team situation.


Whether in groups or solo leveling, Marauders need something done in order for them to be on par with other classes. A real CC or a decent self heal.




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If you compare a marauder to an immortal tank spec juggernaut then ya the marauder's cc/defensive capability will look like crap.


If you compare a marauder to a dps spec juggernaut then you have ZERO to complain about.


Why's this you say?


Let's compare marauder to dps juggernaut.


A dps spec juggernaut has saber ward which marauder has.


A juggernaut has access to endure pain, a +30% hp for 10 seconds boost once every 3 minutes.


Juggernaut has force push which can be used offensively given the right situation or defensively.


And that's it for cc's/defensive cd's for dps spec juggernauts folks.


Now let's compare that to any maruader spec.




Marauders have saber ward too.


Marauders have access to force choke as well.


Marauders have undying rage which sacrifices 50% hp for 5 seconds of 99% damage invulnerability on a 90 second cd.


Marauders have force camouflage which vanishes you from combat, drops aggro and grants invisibility and 30% movement speed for 4 seconds on a 45 second cd. With a certain talent spec you can either make this grant 100% damage reduction for it's duration or break all movement impairing effects. Boy that must be nice.


Marauders get Obfuscate which reduces enemy melee and ranged accuracy by 90% for 6 seconds on a 1 minute cd. For those of you not in the know, 90% accuracy reduction is damn near equivalent to +90% defense.


And we're not even done!


Marauders get deadly throw. A 10m ranged saber throw that does damage and reduces healing by 20%. And with a certain talent spec you can grant deadly throw a 3 second immobilize from 10 meters!


Marauders get cloak of pain which in a 1v1 fight can have near 50% up time and reduces damage by 20%. With this active you have similar damage reduction to a dps juggernaut in heavy armor. But, it gets better because with 2 talent points you can get the up time on this ability even higher!


Marauders get Fury! Hey you get to be a unique and beautiful snowflake! With this you gain fury killing enemies and using rage costing abilities. Once you reach 30 fury you get to activate 1 of 2 awesome group/self buffs and 1 individual buff. And hey, you also get frenzy when you just have to have 30 stacks fury right now!



I'm not gonna even go into the whole juggernauts do more dps bologna.


Try getting to 50 and getting geared.


If you want to dps as a sith warrior marauder has all the best goodies. The best pvp ability that dps juggernauts have access to is Unstoppable which grants 20% damage reduction and 4 seconds immunity to cc every time you force charge. That's it.


Roll juggernaut if you want to tank AND have the option to dps, but don't go making up BS about how dps juggernauts are superior when I just listed myriad reasons they are not just from a cc/defensive cd standpoint.

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All this whining is getting onto my freaking nerves. Why are all of you trying to ruin this game? I tried so many classes in Beta and Retail and while there are some problems in balancing and stuff and not everythings is perfect, this talk is ********. Be more creative and most important of all, be patient. Stop posting things like "The kid over there has toys I don't have. Give them to me too.". You got your own toys. Edited by mirosusan
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If you compare a marauder to an immortal tank spec juggernaut then ya the marauder's cc/defensive capability will look like crap.


If you compare a marauder to a dps spec juggernaut then you have ZERO to complain about.


Why's this you say?


Let's compare marauder to dps juggernaut.


A dps spec juggernaut has saber ward which marauder has.


A juggernaut has access to endure pain, a +30% hp for 10 seconds boost once every 3 minutes.


Juggernaut has force push which can be used offensively given the right situation or defensively.


And that's it for cc's/defensive cd's for dps spec juggernauts folks.


Now let's compare that to any maruader spec.




Marauders have saber ward too.


Marauders have access to force choke as well.


Marauders have undying rage which sacrifices 50% hp for 5 seconds of 99% damage invulnerability on a 90 second cd.


Marauders have force camouflage which vanishes you from combat, drops aggro and grants invisibility and 30% movement speed for 4 seconds on a 45 second cd. With a certain talent spec you can either make this grant 100% damage reduction for it's duration or break all movement impairing effects. Boy that must be nice.


Marauders get Obfuscate which reduces enemy melee and ranged accuracy by 90% for 6 seconds on a 1 minute cd. For those of you not in the know, 90% accuracy reduction is damn near equivalent to +90% defense.


And we're not even done!


Marauders get deadly throw. A 10m ranged saber throw that does damage and reduces healing by 20%. And with a certain talent spec you can grant deadly throw a 3 second immobilize from 10 meters!


Marauders get cloak of pain which in a 1v1 fight can have near 50% up time and reduces damage by 20%. With this active you have similar damage reduction to a dps juggernaut in heavy armor. But, it gets better because with 2 talent points you can get the up time on this ability even higher!


Marauders get Fury! Hey you get to be a unique and beautiful snowflake! With this you gain fury killing enemies and using rage costing abilities. Once you reach 30 fury you get to activate 1 of 2 awesome group/self buffs and 1 individual buff. And hey, you also get frenzy when you just have to have 30 stacks fury right now!



I'm not gonna even go into the whole juggernauts do more dps bologna.


Try getting to 50 and getting geared.


If you want to dps as a sith warrior marauder has all the best goodies. The best pvp ability that dps juggernauts have access to is Unstoppable which grants 20% damage reduction and 4 seconds immunity to cc every time you force charge. That's it.


Roll juggernaut if you want to tank AND have the option to dps, but don't go making up BS about how dps juggernauts are superior when I just listed myriad reasons they are not just from a cc/defensive cd standpoint.


Pretty much this. I played a Marauder up to the mid 40's before deciding to reroll Jugg so that I could tank stuff for my friends (who all rolled dps/healers :p) and I have to say, the Marauder-when played properly-has far more tools to do well in pvp than a Jugg. You literally have to choose on a Jugg to be tanky and do no damage, or be squishy (and I mean SQUISHY) and do good damage.


Now, this isn't to say that Marauders don't need some love, but comparing them to the other warrior adv class is kind of silly.

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