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Playing my marauder Wrong, need advice please.


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Hi there !


At the moment I'm playing a Marauder & a sorcerer. The two of theme are lvl 25...


I love the two gameplays, very difference playing style but I like theme both...


But, beside the style I can't find any upsides for the Marauder...


I have no attention to stop playin the marauder but the difference is so huge that I'm prety sure i'm doing somthing wrong...


(at lvl 25)

the sorcerer have ward, 150% Sprint, got around as much hp as a marauder, the sorcerer can mez, stun, slow, and if you playing him full madness as I do, he doesn't have much casting to do, so no interuptions.. oh and he can heal himself... as a ranged class he got big dps and very good survibility


He brings alot to a pvp/wz...


Now as a marauder you are a melee calss so you are in the fight so you get hit prety fast and can't realy hide or run away (no sprint, no ward, no heal) ok, thats fine, you don't roll a marauder to run away nor to hide !

But as an exemple : I jump a ranged class, the guy turn around push me back slow me, and just watching me trying to get to him while he is killing me from a distance... I can use the strangulation (every minute) but thats wont change much... because I cant hit him from a distance I cant build rage and I can realy hit him hard..

I'm playing Annhiliation spec at the moment...


I don't believe there are classes that "suck" and I don't realy think marauder is less powerfull... I do believe I'm doing somthing wrong, I'm having fun with the two of the classes but playing marauder in WZ can be realy furstrating... I often feel realy useless, with no real stun or a slow that requires me to be in melee... the only thing I find interesting is the jump.. that often puts you in the middle of hell ! I tried to become a healer focus to make myself usefull but again, often they just heal the target + themself...


I know i'm only lvl 25... but I rather ask advice now, and learn how to manage my marauder better now, than later ...


Again it's not a "this class suck up it bow" tread... just asking advice from you fellow marauders ... Thanks in advance, Taqui.

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one of the abilities that will help comes at level 30 which is force camouflage, it's a short duration (4 seconds) but it's enough to get you to your target without them being able to strike back. You then hold on to force charge until after they use push back. Once you have been pushed back then you use force charge which may even hold them in place for 2 seconds (meaning you can get 2 rage building attacks off here).


Marauders don't really shine until at least level 40 when you heavy ~100% change criticals. Marauder and Jedi Knight will probably be the first classes post-release to get buffed up a bit because before that point, you don't really have much you can do.


Also Predation gives a 50% speed increase for 10 seconds, Force Camouflage gives a 30% speed increase for 4 seconds and Ataru Form in the carnage tree can give a +15% speed increase.

Edited by nonumbers
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right ..


If it's huttball number one rule as a mara is, avoid force leaping first - if you did infact force leap then you HAVE to position urself properly (this is on a ramp) - position yourself parallel to the ramp so that if they do a knock back , you don't get hit off the platform - this takes a while to get the hang of but once you do your good to go. - this solves your first problem if your being knocked off platforms


Next alwys have Crippling slash on the target - ALWAYS - so if they do knock you back and your slowed they cant reali move away - (if you jus ran towards the target before - your force leap is free use it now - after this they cant knock you back again) - Again Crippling Slash them and they cant move away quick enuff - (I've never died against any range due to this move , if you have this up its easy to beat any class)


Force choke is not a good skill to be used at those situations - (only use it to kill on fire in huttball or to buy you time and rage if your 1 on 1 - unless you rage specced then ignore what i said)


You should use force scream and deadly throw wheneva you can if they are quite a far off and you can't get to them yet but if you have crippling slash on them it shouldn't be a problem


IF your level 25, spec to Anni - your survivability will be huge compared 2 the other 2 specs until you hit 40 - as an Anni put up the dots which will do huge dmg and keep crippling up - and you should never loose to anyone - (well i haven't in any 1 on 1 situation)


Also don't worry about the "we can't" get away bit you get force camouflage at 30, which will help you out in lots of situations - I've done couple of warzones with 0 deaths due to it


That's all the advice I can give with that scenario

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