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Mercenary PvP


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I'm a powertech, and to me a gunslinger/sniper is a potential threat, and a commando/merc is pretty much a joke. Once a Gs/Sniper gets rolling you can't stop him, and they mitigate a lot of damage ( seems so anyway ) and hit pretty damn hard. Edited by NoodleSoup
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Hi! I'm a R63 arsenal merc, when the opposing team sees me... I am sure they mark me and go all in to finish me because if they leave me alone I will punish them.


At level 50 I can report:


People do abuse our lack of mobility (the need to cast to keep constant pressure) and makes us less usable when the target/objective is moving.


People do interrupt our casts as often as they can.


People knows for the most part that stick 2 melees on a merc and you've rendered that player useless and in most cases a dead merc. (We have alot of premades and a high R60+ community here).




So in short, merc pvp.. arsenal or pyro both works.

Arsenal has high sustained dps and the heat system in conjunction with talents is more forgiving, but prone to interrupts and casting means less mobility.


Pyro has decent burst, more utility and are very mobile.


But a PT pyro has even more utility and mobility and can do some mean damage ontop of that.


Stop flooding my warzones, atleast MY side of the team with useless 12k hp mercs that just stands there when someone interrupts...

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Nobody suggested bodygaurd? My 50 merc does just fine in pvp, stand behind friends and heal.


I play a combo 22/0/19 spec that heals while using combustible gas cylinder and don't really see a problem. If you expect to be a "lone gunman" then you are going to die every time, the class isn't built for solo pvp. However, you are an amazing utility class that shines when working in tandem with any solid DPS class.


If the opposing team is good, stay in combustible cylinder and use your "1" to snare people that are attempting to escape your melee dps; then heal, cleanse etc.


If the team is bad, switch to support cylinder and pop supercharged gas to spam powershot to proc your insta rail.

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