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Sith Marauders Do Need Improvement.


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I had a crazy idea, give us a force pull ability, basically pulls the person to us, knocking them down for X amount of time. This would act as a cc and a knock down and enable us to get into melee easier, still puts us in danger as we are now in melee ext. Put it on a decent cooldown so its not spammable but this would be a good idea IMO.
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I have a level 50 Marauder and as much as I like the class and the damage I can dish out, Marauders really lack defense. And I mean really lack. One time in PvP, a Smuggler came out of nowhere and practically two-shotted me. I feel like a fragile piece of glass.


I'm not saying we should have defense on par with those of Juggernauts and such, but we really do need a fix there. Marauders are melee-class and as such we have to get in close which means taking damage. Another issue is CC. All we have available is Force Choke and Slice Droid (Which is utterly useless against other players) and other than that, we have virtually no stuns.


As much as I enjoy Crippling Slash, a player I'm chasing can still kite. Personally I think Marauders should get a stun that lasts a few seconds so we can get that damage in.


My final issue is Savage Kick. I can never use it against other players I hit with Crippling Slash. Was it made to be this way?

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OP, you have no idea how depressing your words are. Know why? Thats the same thing I and many others said back in beta. Hit 50 on my marauder when everything was overtuned and usually, god help me, without Quinn because of a glitch where you couldn't change out companions. Jaessa is nice, but the repairs without a healer are insane.


We had medium armor, but I don't think thats the fix. We need some kind of mitigation. We use two weapons(although the second doesn't do much), they should add a passive parry at least, like a jugg's shield for instance. That would go a long way to fixing our survivability.


Be nice to see them change our rage maker(relentless assault?) back to the way it was, but we were so uber we obviously needed that nerf....sigh.


Either way, until they fix this mess I have several other classes to enjoy. I suggest you other marauders try them, see how life is on the right side of town. Gotta say, its pretty sweet.

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I have experienced some of the same issues as described by the op and other posters in this thread.


So far i have had little issue in pve, but i feel like a glass soccer ball in pvp. I learned to watch my timing and use the proper moves in rotation, which has to be in perfect harmony in almost every fight or i may run into issues.


I do think the marauder needs improvement. Such as a significant increase in damage output, maybe lower global cool down or cool downs on certain abilities such as battering assault, and perhaps the ability to use heavy armor.


I keep reading about people wanting a force push ability but that would be a bad idea for marauder because i thought the idea was to have the enemy as close as possible to deal damage. Because how am i supposed to kill an enemy as a melee class if the enemy is beyond my maximum effective range?

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The only good thing about a Marauder is that we are good in the sense our DPS is the most consistent and not CD dependent (As Anni no big CDs over 10s besides our defensive) and we can deal damage on the run. The problem is, we Can't do anything on the go because we're slowed with one ability to close the gap (We have the 50% speed buff that can be increased to 80%, but that's only with full fury, or you could use force camo to try to catch up) but in all that time we are getting bursted down by the ranged. Operatives/Scoundrels seem to be our match, I handle most other classes at 50 without going to low on health 1v1, but the Scoundrel catches us in a stun lock and takes us to 30% before we even have a chance to do anything. Not to mention BWs fail to make a viable PvP buff. Why the hell would you make a pvp stat that both increases and decreases damage? The only buff it offers is to healers. Imagine in WoW if you were a warrior, and a rogue was able to take you from 100% to 30% while you were stunned. We honestly need heavy armor, but there is little to no chance we will get that. Our only hope is that we get a stun added, and possibly a little better scaling with medium armor.
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I felt this was one of the better discussions about the issues of this class as most provided reasons for not liking or how they are struggling with their toon, and most provided possible suggestions.


While I have a lvl 15 sentinel, I am now in the works of leveling my warrior to become a marauder. While I can say I noticed the lack of cc and how squishy we are I think the suggestions of heavy armor or increasing our medium armor is a good idea.


I have done some PvP with my (combat) sentinel...(carnage) for marauders. I personally feel if I can catch someone alone as long as they are not a sorc or sniper then I can dispatch them with my focus dumps relatively easy (you all know I mean hitting 6 moves in three sets) longs as I pay attention to my rotation, mind you I am at a low level. My damage output so far has been around the 80-99K range hopefully with better gear and more skill points this output will increase. I have taken on 50's and lost most of the time but that has only made more hopefully of this class because I can bring them down to 10% health before I get back-stabbed !


While my lvl 33 assassin is much easier to play I simply love the flash of the dual wielders and the fact that I must put forth thought before I attempt to attack an opponent. Although as soon as my victim gets at least one other person for back-up I quickly watch my health disappear in three large chunks! I am doing my best to "learn to play this toon" but I am new to MMO's and I can tell something is missing from this class to make it on par with the others.


1) I think our armor should be "slightly" buffed/ increase or give us heavy armor.


2) If we don't get a cc then they should consider decreasing our cd on our defensive buffs.


Hopefully I made some sense, and this was just my two cents as I am still early in the class.

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