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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

Recent actions against some customer accounts


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Funny thing is, that when I was farming there, whole Ilum was empty place. I was there as only Imperial. And I did not see any Republic player on any place tied with PvP objectives. :) So nodes were respawning normaly.


I did however "won" Ilum for Empire once or twice in those 6 hours of total farming. Great cutscene followed. If this is reason of warning, I am more angrier than before. Because I was in the game 16hours per day and did not had oportunity for browsing "several message boards" talking about exploits.


If what you're saying is correct, then I clearly think Bioware made an error with regards to your situation. But if I understand correctly you did not get banned at all, right? "Just" a warning? And once you got that warning you listened to it and adapted?


Well, it's not all black and white, but I still withhold that plausiblity and common sense will prevail in 99 times out of 100.

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Bugs in MMO exist, live with that. Who lead an MMO need to fix bugs ASAP. Players that intentionally and repeatedly abuse bugs to gain an obvious advantage (and feel themselves above the common rules accepted before playing) need to be sanctioned. Not hard concepts. :D

EDIT : (Sorry for my bad Eng, hope it is readable)


Noone can reasonably believe being able to loot containers is a bug though, and not letting people cancel their subscription after they get banned for looting these "bugged containers" (if they really were bugged and was not meant to be lootable) are just unfair and punishing on a massive scale. Not even Blizzard would come up with something _that_ stupid.

Edited by xngxng
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So what is and isn't allowed exactly? Can I not farm credits for my own use (and to help friends in the game out) either? Or is it just selling said credits for real money, or exploiting game mechanics to gain them that's not allowed? I would hope it's the latter.


If "working the market" and trying to get rich (for what ever own personal enjoyment) is not allowed in this game it's going to lose a lot of customers, cause there's a huge community of people enjoying this part of these games (MMOs). Being the first to reach a certain level of riches is in itself a game for many players.


No, farming credits is fine. I loot chests myself - everytime I see one. There is an exploit though related to Ilium around the chests. That is the problem. Unfortunately, some people got fale positives due to the fact they were looting these in the same fashion as the exploiters.


I know in the email (have seen a copy of it) that they specifically mention being under lvl 40 and going to Ilium, but the issue resolves around the exploit

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I am a happy customer knowing that bioware will take steps against exploiting.

Since i have read on another site the EXACT steps to exploit this i can personally tell you these people deserved to be banned.

Bioware will never ban you for trying to explore a place at whatever level, after all thats why you are allowed to travel there anyways.

They are very specific on their bank list and i am very happy they are doing it.



my 2cents.

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I am a happy customer knowing that bioware will take steps against exploiting.

Since i have read on another site the EXACT steps to exploit this i can personally tell you these people deserved to be banned.

Bioware will never ban you for trying to explore a place at whatever level, after all thats why you are allowed to travel there anyways.

They are very specific on their bank list and i am very happy they are doing it.



my 2cents.


Fact supercedes your religious beliefs.

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It is obviously NOT ok to camp these at lower levels. If you camp it then noone else can use it. You have to learn to share. Camping resources IN THIS GAME is NOT OK. Is that clear enough for you? Bioware isnt going to let people like you grief the rest of us.


You have to learn to share?!?! Really? We don't need a nanny state in an MMO, sorry.

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You have to learn to share?!?! Really? We don't need a nanny state in an MMO, sorry.


Ya god forbid people act like humans right? I mean why be nice when you can grief everyone. Its the internet right so noone can really do anything about it.

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Ya god forbid people act like humans right? I mean why be nice when you can grief everyone. Its the internet right so noone can really do anything about it.


Competition is part of playing a game. If Bioware has to lower the rim so everyone is all the same why play? If someone wants to play 'harder' then you and achieve more in game then that is their right. You make it sound like you want Bioware to make sure people who want to play that way can't since it will leave you behind.

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Competition is part of playing a game. If Bioware has to lower the rim so everyone is all the same why play? If someone wants to play 'harder' then you and achieve more in game then that is their right. You make it sound like you want Bioware to make sure people who want to play that way can't since it will leave you behind.


Griefing is not competition. Its making a jerk out of yourself and being greedy. Luckily it seems Bioware is not going to put up with that kind of nonsense. Why are you so mad you cannot grief everyone? I mean really it totally sounds like this game is not for you. If you only like taking then you might want to try a different game. Sounds like it will get you banned in this one.

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Griefing is not competition. Its making a jerk out of yourself and being greedy. Luckily it seems Bioware is not going to put up with that kind of nonsense. Why are you so mad you cannot grief everyone? I mean really it totally sounds like this game is not for you. If you only like taking then you might want to try a different game. Sounds like it will get you banned in this one.


In NO MMO is farming griefing. Hell, in most MMOs if I play on a PVP server I can stand over your body and kill you over and over and that isn't even griefing. I don't condone the behavior but it is allowed. You know why? Because you can do something about it. If you don't like someone farming chests, guess what? You can do something about it. Farm them yourself. If they opposing faction, kill them. There are other solutions to the issue than banning/suspending.


If you read the replies to this there are quite a lot of MMO vets who agree that this is counterproductive and heavy-handed. This will bite Bioware you know where.

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Which in any other MMO out there is fine behavior. Hell, in EQ you HAD to camp mobs. If people want to sit there for hours so be it. If I want to run around all day and do nothing but farm nodes that should be my decision. If you are going to tell someone they can't farm for their own use you start down a slippery slope. People already have a bad image of EA (for whatever reason I don't know). This just fuels that in their minds.


The key phrase is "for their own use". The bans were for people who were credit farming and selling the credits to upset the economy, not for individual players who found a good loot box location they can reuse. You can still farm that location, just don't sell the credits.


This game was live for one whole day before I got my first credit seller spam. I have no patience for credit sellers or the players who would defend them. I'm glad BW/EA is taking this seriously.

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The key phrase is "for their own use". The bans were for people who were credit farming and selling the credits to upset the economy, not for individual players who found a good loot box location they can reuse. You can still farm that location, just don't sell the credits.


This game was live for one whole day before I got my first credit seller spam. I have no patience for credit sellers or the players who would defend them. I'm glad BW/EA is taking this seriously.


Please go back and read the response and the myriad of posts from other posters. It appears (lack of clarification from BW making this confusing) that some were warned/suspended simply for farming too much for their own use. Gold farmers (for sale) should be stamped out and I too have already received ingame spam mail for RMT. My concern is they are also warning players that are farming 'too much' for themselves. What 'too much' means is anyone's guess.

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The key phrase is "for their own use". The bans were for people who were credit farming and selling the credits to upset the economy, not for individual players who found a good loot box location they can reuse. You can still farm that location, just don't sell the credits.


This game was live for one whole day before I got my first credit seller spam. I have no patience for credit sellers or the players who would defend them. I'm glad BW/EA is taking this seriously.


wrong they suspended accounts for people looting containers. They didn't have to sell anything. THAT is wrong.

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They have stated this many times.....


If you want to go to Illium before lvl 40, you are perfectly welcome to. If you can get to a chest on Illium with a character under lvl 40 and loot it, you can. If you want to stand there all day and wait for re-spawns to re-loot the chest, you can. That's not the problem. To them this is considered "normal" gameplay.


The problem is there were a small portion of players who were "exploiting the chests." Not looting them - exploiting them.


Example: It is perfectly ok for me to use Archeology and scan the various rocks / tablets and increase my skill and collect stuff for crafting. If I discovered "hey, I click on the rock 15 times before it's scan is complete, I get 15x the reward and its always the higher level crystals" that is exploiting Archeology - that's not how the system is suppose to work.


Example: I go to a rock, scan it, wait for it to respan, scan it again, wait, scan it again. That's not exploiting the system. That is normal gameplay.


Thank you for this concrete example. This should be posted in yellow at the beginning of this thread, in my opinion...

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Hey guys, we are sorry that our development team has 0 foresight and cannot fix issues in a timely manner, so if we find you are using the game in a way that we designed, we are going to have to take actions against your account.




Wow... You've never had to Game Master a RPG before have you?


A basic tenet of ANY game is that no matter how thoroughly you attempt to anticipate player actions, they will always find that one method you hadn't thought of that will screw over your best laid plans.


Dealing with players is 95% reaction, and 5% pro-active.

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Server Mask of Nihilus there are currently THREE lvl 10-17 on Ilum camping chests, and it's the same three that have been there for three days now, they might change which toon is at what chest every day or so, but other than that they do not move and are getting the chests every time they spawn. Edited by Malvonius
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Server Mask of Nihilus there are currently THREE lvl 10-17 on Ilum camping chests, and it's the same three that have been there for three days now, they might change which toon is at what chest every day or so, but other than that they do not move and are getting the chests every time they spawn.


Yeah, the arguments claiming freedom for exploitation are built on solid foundation, and, keeping in the spirit of game and sportsmanship.



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EVERY game bans or suspends accounts of players using exploits. Every game that wants to last anyways. Even WoW did it. Lineage 2, however, did not and that game rapidly fell apart.


It's pretty simple and the people who are making a big deal out of this are likely those who were punished for using exploits or intended to use those exploits themselves.

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Server Mask of Nihilus there are currently THREE lvl 10-17 on Ilum camping chests, and it's the same three that have been there for three days now, they might change which toon is at what chest every day or so, but other than that they do not move and are getting the chests every time they spawn.


Good, then it shows more clearly to the designers that their design isn't balanced. Not the players fault. In fact, any other player can also go to the chest locations to loot them.


This has been something that has happened in ALL games prior to SWTOR; the designers should have predicted it instead of blaming it on the players.


Someone mentions farming for sale as a service outside the game. This is not specific to who you are or what you do with the loot so that is besides the point. In fact players that want to earn a little extra and goes there to do it, even now, normal genuine players that wants to waste their time looking for chests rather than enjoy the other content. You know what? I am all for it because that is also a part of mmorpg gaming for most; the tedious efforts to level your skills, to earn enough to get superdupper-riding or the shiny loot on the auction house.


If people didn't have to do it would it be inflation (somewhat depending on how good, how plenty drops and thus the offers are); people simply had enough for everyone to get the best is still not something that satisfies everyone and players tend to require distinctions on progress and efforts.


So farming of chests can't be against the TOS. The "how" might, if it is exploiting, but sitting by chests to wait while they respawn is NOT exploit.


However, if Bioware hardcaps areas, is it still possible to camp for those with intended access to the place. What then, should a L50 be banned for camping chests and why did they put the chests there in the first place?


The last is obvious; to reward people, either randomly, or for doing certain things. These people are "doing certain things" and wait for the chests to respawn.


If they are not doing the "correct" certain things, then Bioware can reward with tokens, points, quest rewards and what not to enforce their intentions.

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EVERY game bans or suspends accounts of players using exploits. Every game that wants to last anyways. Even WoW did it. Lineage 2, however, did not and that game rapidly fell apart.


It's pretty simple and the people who are making a big deal out of this are likely those who were punished for using exploits or intended to use those exploits themselves.




Please read some of the thread b4 posting. People were warned/suspended for farming 'too much' for their own use. At least that appears to be the case since for whatever reason BW doesn't want to/hasn't clarified. If folks are selling credits for real money, ban away. If folks are farming to amass wealth in game cuz that is what they like to do then warning/suspending is uncalled for and wouldn't happen in any other MMO on the market today.

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wrong they suspended accounts for people looting containers. They didn't have to sell anything. THAT is wrong.




They did NOT suspend accounts for people looting containers. Please stop perpetuating this lie.


They warned people and in some cases temporarily suspended accounts for exploiting the game in ways which breached the EULA and TOC. As part of this exploit they were able to instantly reset the timer on containers.


Please stop being wilfully ignorant and stubborn.


You can loot as much as you want from which containers you want - that is perfectly normal gameplay. What you cannot do is use exploits to loot containers.


God, why is this so hard to understand?

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