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I hate my companion


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I love the way the companions work... now that I'm use to them. Just wish there was a way to work in a little more choice in the matter. IMHO that might make the immersion thing go a bit smoother !!


Yeah .. the Jawa might be cool ! not looking forward to "Mr' fish lips" comming on board !



Edited by OlBuzzard
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I'm not a fan of most of the companions tbh and think they could have been more creative, and acquired in a better order for utility as well as a better companion system could be in place to make people's companions less like clones.


Still, the one I dislike the most is completely insulting to the player's intelligence...





As a bounty hunter, you're forced to take a companion who is your TARGET.


After about the 3rd time catching him, knowing that he is:


-VERY wealthy (wealth he acquired by cheating others, and won't be sharing with you)

-A con-artist

-A back stabber

-A complete liar

-Self serving


You have him at gunpoint, ready to pull the trigger and the only real option is to allow him to get on your crew. Does that sound like something a logical person would do?


Let this guy who has cheated, lied and betrayed his way to great wealth, is now on the run and looking for a ship to get off Tatooine to be reunited with his wealth, onto your crew and ship... clearly he's a guy you should work with and can trust. He seems legit. :rolleyes:


yup !! that is exactly the sort of thing I'm talking about !

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Mako is a good companion to have and i have used her all through the game to level 40 but ive given up trying to please her. As a dark side player she is always conflicted by my choices and even if i try to choose something to please her shes usually disappionted by it.
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