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How to fix marauders


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Make Pommel useable in pvp with slightly less damage or the same amount to strong units (since the health is comparable) remove the 'has to be stunned or incapacitated' thing and make it stun pvp enemies for about 3-4 seconds and make it cost like 3-4 rage and give it a 15-20 second cooldown.


this makes it useable at least once per battle, increases our pvp damage output and gives us a CC since we are the only class besides sentinels that doesnt have CC. plus it doesnt make us retardedly OP either


thoughts opinions?

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With the cooldown time you propose, it might be a bit overpowered don't you think? 1 minute cd would make more sense. Regarding our lack of CC I would even be fine with just getting Force Push (pushback) that Juggernauts get.
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What is needed the most is the reduction of 1/2 of the cooldown for unleash

and a pushback ability


I'd rather have a force pull to ability then a force push. The only advantage I can see of a pushback is comboing it with Force Charge whereas a pull too ability closes the gap to ranged classes, more so with a slow effect. This said Juggs could probably use it too so maybe it should be a Sith Warrior ability...


I agree that Unleash should be on a lower CD tho, considering we're one of the classes most easily owned by CCs since there is currently almost nothing we can do against them other then unleash or camouflage for carnage builds.

Edited by nonumbers
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