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If Star Wars Galaxies Was Still Around I'd Be There; I Miss Crafting


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Amen to that!!!! Just nowadays nobody wants to work hard at stuff anymore. They just want it handed to them. A good example of that would be when SWG did the CU/NGE upgrades and pretty much gave out Jedi profession from the start... Where as before you had to grind for many months to unlock it. Nobody has the persistence or patience anymore. We are raising a bunch of entitled little brats that want it all right now... Those that hated crafting in SWG didn't craft simple as that. But they knew where to go when they needed good stuff.. :) ---> ex Master Weaponsmith/Architech/Doctor/Ranger/TK/Rifleman/Merchant/Entertainer lol


This game would be alot better if they would just listen to the customer base that knows what and how a true MMO works. Sandbox is the way to go... Build your life from scratch not in just one week either.... lol




Lol.. now see here is the funny part about this... and it's ironic. SOOO the NGE was made to make everything eaiser period.


But yes, the crafting pre-CU and even into the CU was great. I know I did all 32 profs... I unlocked at pub 7 -- I was lucky and loved it.


However... any mindset from the NGE on .. is not the same.


I TOO think people should make part of the game or a game take effort ... MUCH LIKE pre-9 Jedi was.


But it seemed that made people mad. Oddly people did not like that concept... hence the NGE. I do miss the EFFORT - REWARD concept but we wont see that in a game in the near future sadly.


People need that quick fix and high-speed everything. (Reason) - It's a game, -- always seems to be the excuse.


I do hope though, while the NGE and the goal of it was to cheapen the efforts needed that we never see that concept again, in crafting or gaming at all.


I too loved the crafting pre-NGE though - I loved Chef and Bio Engy.. good times.

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SWG will Return once SWTOR goes down eg. probably next week.


I can only hope-wish, use karma -apply logic that SWG never comes back as the NGE.




You can only win "Worst MMO of the year" so many times in a row.


And actually close so many servers, then close the game down so many times lol.

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I see that crafting in here isn't really need only thing we really need is artifice for the crystals - maybe cybertech for the vehicles and biochem.


the rest are a waste and really not needed, once you get a orange you don't need the rest, I hate to admit it but WoW has a better crafting system and SWG Pre-cu did.


I only upgrade my gear one time, and changed my lightsaber 3 times, the light saber should be the only thing we should be able to mod, and scale with us, not the item we get once we leave coruscant and dumond. I hope the devs learn the error in this and make crafting useful and not useless, but George Zoeller already said he doesn't care for the consumer, so we won't see nothing changing...guess I'll be going back to WoW.

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Well I just want to say I would be right there with you OP. I was a AS on Eclipse for years and I miss it so much! Really I would play any sandbox MMO if the crafting was like SWG. Play based economy gave me a reason to log in every day!
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What actually was crafting like on SWG? I never played and the answers probably numerously posted everywhere (probably even this topic, i admit i skim read it) but im curious just from all the love ive seen it given but i never played


Gathering was more in depth...instead of just "Steel" and "Iron", there were multiple types of the item scattered around all of the planets...you had to find the best type of this item by surveying (Yes, they had stats too), and place harvesters down, or if you couldn't afford them or couldn't make them yet, you would take samples.


Crafting itself made use of many components. IIRC a small house was like 10 wall modules, some storage module, and a power unit, plus something else that escapes me ATM. All were crafted before you could make the final product.


You might be saying now "Well, screw that..." You could buy/make factories that produced these components for you en masse...this aspect is closest to TOR's crafting, but not by much, however you could drop the mats in, tell it what to make, and let it run unattended...You could then mass produce the finished product with a factory.


The biggest thing was that everything you needed for your toon was crafted. All speeders, weapons, armor, even stimpacks and buffs like spice. Houses, starships, components for your starships...the list goes on and on...

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  • 4 weeks later...
After one month of SWtor all I have to say is that my money is ready to subscribe to SWG again. Honestly SWG had everything in place to be an amazing Star Wars experience but was backed by a terrible company. Pass the game into the hands of a real company (BioWare) and watch the game become something amazing again.
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