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Free Legacy Reset


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So for all of those who, was drunk, typed wrong, didnt know what they were doing.


I think everybody should get a FREE LEGACY RESET. Just one!


So here how its done.


You get a "Legacy Resetter" in a mail, on the character you made your legacy on.


Cool Way:


A Vendor gets spawned at Imperial/Republic Fleet.


You go deliver your "Legacy Resetter" to this vendor guy, he resets your legacy, everybody happy! :>


Standard Way:


You get your "Legacy Resetter" Click it, and your legacy has been resetted, everybody happy!


This is only fair if you ask me. Then nobody has to complain, and everybody gets a second chance.


I hope Bioware sees this and does something real fast!

Edited by uga-buga
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So for all of those who, was drunk, typed wrong, didnt know what they were doing.


I think everybody should get a FREE LEGACY RESET. Just one!


Nope. Why? The reasons you just gave.


First, they were drunk? They should be forced to keep it just so every time they see it they will think "man that was stupid. maybe I shouldn't get sloppy drunk."


Second, they typed it wrong? LOL! The legacy system is a fairly important feature to you characters, if they couldn't type it right the first time what on earth makes you think they would have the ability to type it right the second time?


Last, didn't know what they were doing? Then that's just plain incompetence or laziness. No hand holding for idiots.



I think a better idea would be for people to pay attention to what they are doing.

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Nope. Why? The reasons you just gave.


First, they were drunk? They should be forced to keep it just so every time they see it they will think "man that was stupid. maybe I shouldn't get sloppy drunk."


Second, they typed it wrong? LOL! The legacy system is a fairly important feature to you characters, if they couldn't type it right the first time what on earth makes you think they would have the ability to type it right the second time?


Last, didn't know what they were doing? Then that's just plain incompetence or laziness. No hand holding for idiots.



I think a better idea would be for people to pay attention to what they are doing.


Sup mr.perfect... First of all, im not perfect with english, but i had no idea what legacy was, it was late, and i didnt think about googling it, i was really excited, just completed my first act of class quests, got new cool companion, and then this legacy thing, so i typed in something, and next thing i know im stuck with this...


Maybe you did everything good, but wait till you make a mistake.

And thats the problem, your probably one of those fat geeks, who has no life other than the game, and enjoys that youve done everything correct.


And why in the world would you disagree? so everybody couldnt become as cool as u, cos you got your legacy right...

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