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how many chars are you going to roll till you get bored ?


I already have everything of everything because I can't decided which is awesomost.


Oh and I rerolled characters in other MMO's for years.

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Who's with me?




Oh wait I am on the forum..


Ill be staying. Yeah the bugs are many ... but not game breaking (at least not the ones I have run into yet). Im having a blast and while I have rolled many characters, all but one arent very far past the origin world with my main being 41. Sure, there are bugs galore, more than I have ever seen in any game ... but you /sigh, shake your head, work around them, and move on.


People are so picky. I ran into all kinds of bugs this past week, graphical glitches, UI, gameplay ... you name it. Ive been kicked from the game, stuck, killed, forced to relog and even got a BSOD once. Yet somehow, I still enjoyed myself. So much so that im currently running on 1 hour of sleep, at work, because I stayed up extremely late finishing up Act 2.


P.S: Been away from the forums all week ... its shocking how much more enjoyable the game is when youre completely ignorant of all the rants and negativity in the forums. Seriously ... every post I have seen only mentions a few bugs, most (not all) are just minor inconveniences. As if losing 5 minutes of your life to a game bug completely negates all the fun you had the last X amount hours of fun you just had playing the game bug free.

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so your playing next month?


good for you! You must be a optimistic.


sorry but I'm a realist and you'll be joining the /cancelled club the month after realizing that those bug fixes, features that should be implemented, and unresponsive controls haven't been fixed yet and no foreseeable fix incoming.

Edited by Schizogeist
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Yep, i will be playing next month and after that and so on.


Why because i enjoy the game simple as that.To those who just pretty much all they do is look for issues,never been a game relese without bugs and problems bigger the game more problems come with it.


But i guess people who wanted a perfect game from the start are the same people,who born with the ability to talk,walk,jump,run and wipe their *** right the moment they saw the first spot light in the nursery.And then begin to plan out their idea's for their "perfect" game they will be making.


Oh wait, you didn't becasue you needed time to learn those things,give a little time to the Devs to make the game better.


Lot easier to criticise than to create.

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