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Marauder woes


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I am currently a level 42 sith marauder. I am getting a ton of mixed reviews about my class and was hoping for some clarification. A lot of people seem to think the marauder is really underpowered compared to other classes, but I also see a lot of posts saying the marauder is just fine and the marauder class is just difficult to master. I am personally siding with the underpowered group since I feel like I can't even quest solo at this point in the game. In both PvE and PvP I find myself doing really low damage and I feel like I have no survivability...almost as if I'm trying to protect myself from enemy light sabers with a wet paper bag. For those people that claim it's a matter of player skill as to how good to marauder is...PLEASE ENLIGHTEN ME. I can't seem to find any elitistjerks style website out there for my class and I am so desperate for information. I am more concerned with how to pvp as a marauder since that is what I will be doing mostly at level 50. Any advice would be greatly appreciated.
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I am currently a level 42 sith marauder. I am getting a ton of mixed reviews about my class and was hoping for some clarification. A lot of people seem to think the marauder is really underpowered compared to other classes, but I also see a lot of posts saying the marauder is just fine and the marauder class is just difficult to master. I am personally siding with the underpowered group since I feel like I can't even quest solo at this point in the game. In both PvE and PvP I find myself doing really low damage and I feel like I have no survivability...almost as if I'm trying to protect myself from enemy light sabers with a wet paper bag. For those people that claim it's a matter of player skill as to how good to marauder is...PLEASE ENLIGHTEN ME. I can't seem to find any elitistjerks style website out there for my class and I am so desperate for information. I am more concerned with how to pvp as a marauder since that is what I will be doing mostly at level 50. Any advice would be greatly appreciated.




It's not really the damage that is the problem its us living throught things. We need to know what spec you are to help you. Mind you, nothing we say will fix the class. We can however, tell you what you need to know to get the job done.

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Marauder is actually a VERY good class right now. Just extremely hard to play



Make sure you keep your dots up, DOT/bleed damage is one of our main gimmicks. If you spec crit your DOT crits go up too. DOT/bleed ignore armor also, which means you'll do just as good DOT against tanks.


Use your interupts and go for the squishy healers. Marauder is very good at taking out healers. Worst case scenario they burn mana trying to heal through your dmg.


In PvP don't use charge to open a fight.... Use it to regain position when you get knockbacked, it'll happen a lot.


Use your cooldowns, we have a lot of abilities on longer cooldowns that turn us into killing machines for a short while. They are just going to waste if you don't use them as soon as you can.



Read this thread: http://www.swtor.com/community/showthread.php?t=47978


and especially this thread: http://www.swtor.com/community/showthread.php?t=72872


Don't give up! Keep trying out new **** DOTS DOTS MORE DOTS, and then burst the **** out of people.


Oh and make sure you're geared up with the absolute best you can... We are definitely a gear dependent class. And always have a healer companion out if you're having trouble. Marauder with a healer is a wrecking machine. Get in a guild with some people to PvP with, PvP with a healing speced Sorcerer, melt faces.

Edited by parabola
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the problem with this DoT argument is that the only DoT effect is the bleed effect and there is only 1 attack that grants that effect and that's rupture, the only way to get more procs of that effect is to be in the annihilator tree which makes a lot more attacks grant bleed status...


Marauder as a whole needs love but the Carnage tree more so. after all, remembering to hit rupture every 15 seconds isn't massively hard but in my opinion isn't a make or break of the other two trees, it's helpful and the damage stacks up but the other two trees are more focused on their burst damage...

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It's not really the damage that is the problem its us living throught things. We need to know what spec you are to help you. Mind you, nothing we say will fix the class. We can however, tell you what you need to know to get the job done.


I am currently carnage spec.

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the problem with this DoT argument is that the only DoT effect is the bleed effect and there is only 1 attack that grants that effect and that's rupture, the only way to get more procs of that effect is to be in the annihilator tree which makes a lot more attacks grant bleed status...


Marauder as a whole needs love but the Carnage tree more so. after all, remembering to hit rupture every 15 seconds isn't massively hard but in my opinion isn't a make or break of the other two trees, it's helpful and the damage stacks up but the other two trees are more focused on their burst damage...


There's a lot more to anni than rupture. I haven't really tried carnage - but I've heard that it puts out respectable dps as well in the hands of a capable player.


To the OP: a lot of it really is a skill issue, but there are some other issues as well. Remember that you have a plethora of defensive cd's on short timers...use them...all the time. Also, make use of force scream and smash in packs of normals and remember that force choke works on hards - basically free damage and rage and CC every time you use it.


Play the class like a glass wrecking ball - charge in, dot stuff up and stun to give your dots time to breathe. If you use all your tools, you're nigh unstoppable - I regularly solo heroic 2's with almost no issues.


I think my only complaint is CC - our CC has a very limited appeal. I would like to see us either get a CC that is more widely applicable (like cyclone) or increased survivability a la WoW rogue's recuperate.

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