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Only doing class quests


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I'm wondering if it's possible to make your way through the game doing ONLY your unique class quests?


Would you level enough to finish them all or are you required to do some of the other quests to progress?


I'm interested in the class stories but I just can't do that other 90% over and over again.

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You -can-. technically only do class missions.


But you need to augment your experience some way. grindng, Flashpoints or PVP.


The class missions, truely alone, are impossible to get you enough XP.

Edited by acheros
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I've been leveling this way exclusively. The side quests are good but it's not my thing. I usually do class quest until it becomes too difficult to complete at my current level then go do warzones, flashpoints, and space missions for a while. Leveling this way means slicing is almost a necessity to make up for not getting as many quest rewards.


Props to bioware on this; it's nice that I am not forced to level a certain way.

Edited by Kurenar
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