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(Spoilers) Issues with a boss mob...


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If you haven't gone to Voss with an op or sniper just leave now i don't feel like spoiling anything.


Anyways, Im a full heal spec lvl 46 op. I love healing as an op find it to be a really fun class to play.


My problem comes when i attempt to beat Xanar at the end of "Shining man". This guy literally cant die. He puts on a shield probe and heals him self every 2 secs for like half his HP, i sat there trying to kill him for about 5 minutes. The way I usually take on the high level high DPS elites like this is i will heal my companion and throw a little dps in here and there. This doesn't work on this guy. (BTW i use Scorpio as my comp.) How can I do this fight? I've tried using my interrupt, Distraction, but that's not enough for this guy because of the high CD on it.

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Well, the answer sadly IS interrupt...

Interrupt + Flashbang + Stun-Thingy made him go down easily, atleast for me and I was Healing Operative with Scorpio as Pet.


Oh, and if you want a tough fight, take on the avatar of don't know his name in the hearth of darkness. THAT is a tough fight.

Edited by Tsaimath
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I did this yesterday, and after figuring out he never dies, I started interrupting... No problem from that point on.


I am healer spec, and he does not do much damage. I used Ensign Temple which should help quite a bit on the damage rate. I think he healed once or twice, the rest I managed to interrupt.


And I agree on the avatar being hard. I found someone else struggling with the same, and with 2 persons he was quite doable...

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Didn't have too much trouble with either with my heal spec'd avatar.


As others have said, interrupt as many heals as you can for the one guy. And, of course, use good attacks on him. His damage output is low, so that left me with plenty of energy to stab with.


The Avatar, well, my companion got dropped fast. And then I solo'd the Avatar without too much trouble. Corrosive dart, the occasional pop shot for him. Kolto and Surgical probes on me. And lots of running and hiding behind pillars. Basically, as long as you stay out of line of sight as much as possible, don't stand in location based effects, pretty easy to keep yourself healed up. And while it will take a bit, dart and some base attacks will wear him down.


You can probably speed the fight up a bit by setting the companion on passive until you have a sizable aggro lead, then letting it join in the fight. Assuming that lets the companion survive. Probably the Doc would be best. But really, as a healer, all you need is you.

Edited by Battilea
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I am a lazy companion healer on elites, and not being a pvp-er I am not so good at running around :-)


When trying with companion, the avatar hit both me and the companion quite hard at once, so it may be just as well to use a dps companion while he/she lasts, and solo the rest. Or find another one that struggles at the same time. There should be a healthy supply of those.

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still can't do the first guy... Hes bloody difficult. Even though his damage output is low, that heal makes any damage you do almost irrelevant. Ill try temple next time in some up to date gear. I also attempted to try him as a lethality and conceal spec and failed even worse. I tried interrupting, but i find that when you Flash-bang him your companion wont DPS until you break the flash-bang. and the guy will start to heal even after the FB hits. maybe hes bugged? His sustain feels so much more stronger than any other mob I've encountered in the game.


With the avatar, i just did what i did against Darth Jadus, LoS and keep spamming heals and C+1 and C+2 to make my companion dodge the aoe stuff. companion will eventually die but you'll be alive long enough to blow him to bits with overshot, grenade and a bunch of stabs.

Edited by metalblaster
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EDIT: sorry, thought you were talking about the heart of darkness guy. The below applies to that fight.




I struggled with this for a long time. Then I just decided to exploit line of sight.


I was full healing too. Forget your companion; they won't do anything this fight. Fight him at the bottom of the steps, and dot him up, or just take pot shots when you can. Stun him when its up and use your melee attacks. Don't try to go toe to toe. When he's casting, get out of line of sight. When your cooldowns are down, just keep kiting him around. It will be a long fight, but easy when you do it this way.


Edited by Balkasa
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