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Champion Bag System


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Is the person responsible for this fired yet? RNG system for PvP? How did this even get in to Beta, let alone past it? No real way to get Mercenary commendations? Why even have them in the first place? It only complicates things even more. Thinking hard on the subject, I couldn't have designed a more flawed system if I tried. In theory - you can get no items from 100 bags, or the same item from 100 bags, over, and over, and over, and over, and over, and over.


P.S if you don't PvP I don't care about your opinion.

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This system is beyond flawed, you have to grind out 800 warzone marks to trade for a random chance at an item which you may or may not have. i know people who have gotten 3-4 of the same item, no way to trade it, can't even vendor it, or you get nothing at all...possibly one of the biggest letdowns i've ever seen. i don't mind grinding for gear but this is ridiculous if you're not even guaranteed the item.
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Hence why they are making it 70/70 and 100% chance of the items in the next patch ;)




Of all the things to ***** about, the OP picks one of the things that is literally about to be fixed. Funny thing how half the post is false and the other half is already acknowledged and has already been fixed (see the patch notes for the upcoming 1.0.2 patch in the Public Testing forum).

Edited by theLast
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Any confirmation as to if our comms will be reset or is it safe to save up for patch day?




Also I don't really mind the system. I found it to be pretty rewarding. I've completed my Champions War Leader set, working on DPS set now.


Maybe I'm just lucky ;)

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Of all the things to ***** about, the OP picks one of the things that is literally about to be fixed. Funny thing how half the post is false and the other half is already acknowledged and has already been fixed (see the patch notes for the upcoming 1.0.2 patch in the Public Testing forum).


You're real smart. Are you referring to this?




PvP lockboxes now cost 70 commendations, contain more consumables, and always contain an item.




The green PvP lockboxes are not champion bags, and also champion bags never contained 'consumables' This is why I said I don't want your opinion if you don't PvP.


Taken from another poster for clarification:

Champion bags are not lockboxes. Lockboxes are those low-level green boxes you get for completing the dailies sub-50. You can also buy them from a vendor but no one does because why would you spend commendations on those when there is champion gear to be had.


/MEGA Facepalm

Edited by Vitiatix
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Before we get excited please realize that the patch notes specifically say this







PvP lockboxes now cost 70 commendations, contain more consumables, and always contain an item.


Bug Fixes


Corrected several PvP items that were Bind on Equip. They are now Bind on Pickup.

PvP vendors on Capital Planets now offer the correct PvP items.

Commendations received via in-game mail are now correctly added to the Currency tab.



Now.. is that lockboxes only? Or champion bags..

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I recommend you guys DL the PTR if you have the space too and level a character just high enough to get to the republic fleet so you can keep track of the new goodies as bioware implements them. Edited by peroxsigh
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