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Swiftsure server


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After the 3 hour waits upon release and numerous threads, the wait times were fixed to 25mins with 250 people in que, since then people have continued to make toons there even though it says the server is FULL. Wait times are now back over 1 hour with up to 1k people in que as of right now. The server needs to be locked or enlarged again. Last time the que was this long people just ran macros so they never got logged out to avoid the waiting times and this is soon to happen again.



Bring in server transfers or fix the problem once and for all please.

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people are still running macros to stay logged in. Pretty sure though this problem also is due to the aussies (get off my american server btw) have finally received their games in the mail after annual holiday shipping crisis and can play again after account grace period lockout.
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Regarding server transfers: From what I've read regarding their implementation of an aussie launch in march they seem to be aiming to add server transfer then.


Regarding queues: Really Bioware? I don't think your solution of making queues update faster really made much of a difference when player caps are still there and the same people online are anti-afking.


Its been a horrible experience playing as someone who for the past month and for the next coming month has to play in short periods due to being on holidays. But this is not a problem limited to me as I know people will say "Just don't go out"


- Imagine what is going to happen when more and more people get off holidays into their daily routines and come home after work to raid. It just isn't going to happen with near even oceanic player having to login at around 5-6pm. You're going to have queues that are worse off than now when people are still sporadically playing and logging in at different times.


As more people hit 50 the queues are going to become stupider and worse since more and more ppl will just login at the same time to get raids done. And no its not really feasible for some people to login in the mornings to beat queues (In which case it'll probably just be us logging in at American prime time hitting their queue periods)




This is a painful joke.

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Something really needs to be done. I can overlook 25-30 min queues for a short time, although they never went away unless you rushed home from work to log in before 5-6 pm. I am now waiting in queue. I joined at 11:15pm(central), i was 1104 in queue staring at 1hr10min wait time.


This is simply unacceptable. I am aware, that we have been asked to roll on another server. Simple fact is my guild and friends were automatically set to this server for early access. Most have leveled and progressed far enough that they will not create a new character on another server. Some hit 50 on the 20th...others have leveled their professions to max.


Do something so I can play with my friends.

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people are still running macros to stay logged in. Pretty sure though this problem also is due to the aussies (get off my american server btw) have finally received their games in the mail after annual holiday shipping crisis and can play again after account grace period lockout.


so you chose to roll on a server knowing it was the unofficial oceanic realm with longer queue times and whinge go figure

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so you chose to roll on a server knowing it was the unofficial oceanic realm with longer queue times and whinge go figure


i did not choose to roll here. BW chose for me, my guild and the other 400+people we had in a chain trying to get back together from SWG.

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Exactly! Most of us didn't even have a say in what sort of server we wanted to join. I think that just fell on the guy who premade the guild for TOR. And the rest of us just joined after SWG fell, or right before hand. By the time I got my character up to lvl 30, with my proffesions up to half, NOW i start having to deal with Queues.


Here it is, 2 am Central time (3 am for me.) I work midnights so I actually slept in and now stuck burning through an hour or longer just to play on a server. Who cares what them Aussies say? Seriously. They can be all emo about it being an "unofficial Aussie Server" all they want. Claiming that means nothing. Here, watch.


"This is hereby known as the Unofficial Ellen Page Server." So when she wants to, she UNOFFICIALLY has a server to join. See, I put Unofficially there, so its legit. True story.


Bioware, please. Just make them their own server, give them a free character/guild transfer and get them off my server. You guys were the one who pooled everyone together here. Fix it, please.

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