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Anyone Dislike Jedi knight voice acting?


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I think he's fine.


The female VO for Leeha Narezz, however...


I found her voice sexy. ^_^ (different tastes :p)


And I really liked how she


changed it quite a bit, when she went dark.



As for our male JK, yeah, sometimes he does sound... very neutral.

Makes me wonder if I tried Dark Side options, if he'd sound more like Snake. ;)

Edited by GhostRiderLSOV
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I can't believe your even posting a thread about this. Yes it tells a story, however voice acting in no way affects how fun the game is or your ability to play it. If you hate the voice acting so much, there is a little thing on your computer called a mute button, then you can read the subtitles and play James Earl Jones' voice in your head for all I care. (although personally I think Morgan Freeman is better)


Heretic!!!! how dare you say that?? James Earl Jones FTW :p

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He might be a great voice actor and has did solid snake (whose a ***** campared to Big Boss) but for the Knight...I think it's pretty lame. Maybe he was trying to be lame in which case he is perfect. Script is well Jedi's are just dorks.


Regardless of who or what the actor has done it it doesn't matter. It isn't those games. I didn't pick the class for the voice actor and I won't stop playing because of it. Yet it is still a lame voice despite the talented voice actor.


Its probably more the script than the actor and in reality he gave the developers what they asked for so...It's just lame period but whatever.

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I chose the Jedi Knight BECAUSE of the voice acting. Solid Snake is a boss.


This. Voice acting/cast was good for Jedi Knight.


Jedi Consular... another story. I mean, I think the actor is okay, just the voice was poorly cast. Sounds like an old man.

Edited by McVade
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Yeah, uh. Right.


Play Sith Inquisitor or even Sith Warrior and you'll learn to appreciate the the JK's voice.




Sith Inquisitor - sounds like a wiesel.


It's all offset by the Imperial Agents voice. I get turned on by him and I'm not even gay.

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I was originally going to make my Knight male for the Kira romance.

I could not stand the voice, so I went female. It's still not great, but far more tolerable than the nasally, monotone crap that the male voice was.





I dislike Jedi Knights PERIOD. Because throwing rocks is for little kids.


That's understandable. I'm sure that at the ripe old age of 14, the last thing you want is to be confused with a child.

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I was pretty chuffed when i heard David Hayter was voicing the male Jedi Knight. I thought his calm voice did fit perfectly with the jedi role.


But if you come across the dialogue at the end of the Esseles Flashpoint, there is an option where it says I'm no hero.


You know you just want him to go into solid snakes voice and go,


" I'm no hero... Never was.... never will be."

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It just doesn't have that commanding power yet calm and wise voice about it , it always seems like he has no emotion and that he has a bubble in his throat though the sith warriors is worse but honestly , i dont understand why they didnt get one of the jedi knights from the trailers to voice him


Imho I think his voice sounds perfect AND got a lot of emotion actually... maybe that's why my Jedi turned to the dark side D:

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I don't mind the Jedi Knight voice. What I do mind is the lack of variety in voices. All characters of the same class sound alike. It would've been cool if they would've had more voice actors. It would add a bit more individuality.




This is my thought on the matter also. I dont mind the voice acing really. I thought most of it was pretty good - some flatness with some stuff but over all great job.



I think if they had a voice actor for each class spec (jedi guardian // jedi sentinel) that would have put it over the top and been perfect. The fact you go from hearing "your voice" during talk cut scenes , then a party member of the same class (jedi) comments in the exact same voice... it kind of takes away from the whole experience.


Granted i dont play the game for the voice acting, but IMO they did a pretty good job. If they went that extra mile though i think it would have been a night and day difference.

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I don't mind the Jedi Knight voice. What I do mind is the lack of variety in voices. All characters of the same class sound alike. It would've been cool if they would've had more voice actors. It would add a bit more individuality.




This is my thought on the matter also. I dont mind the voice acing really. I thought most of it was pretty good - some flatness with some stuff but over all great job.



I think if they had a voice actor for each class spec (jedi guardian // jedi sentinel) that would have put it over the top and been perfect. The fact you go from hearing "your voice" during talk cut scenes , then a party member of the same class (jedi) comments in the exact same voice... it kind of takes away from the whole experience.


Granted i dont play the game for the voice acting, but IMO they did a pretty good job. If they went that extra mile though i think it would have been a night and day difference.

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