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Sith Inquisitors over powered?


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The issue is not three on one,the issue is how the chain lightning is utterly disrupting any game flow,I do not believe this was intended.


It's a damn channeling ability. If I'm Force Lightning you, I'm effectively doing nothing else but snaring you and dealing a moderate amount of dps. I can still be cc'd while doing it, focus'd while doing it, killed while doing it, etc. You don't just instantly explode while i do it, you don't get a lightning explosion meter that fills us causing you to self-combust or something. What is the issue?

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Assassins? Yes. At the very least their utility needs tweaking. Between Guard/Taunt/Absorb/Haste/Knockback/Stun/Stealth and their high damage. They're *the* class to be.


Sorcerers? Not so much. They have good utility, and their off-healing is alright. But ultimately their damage isn't that insane and they're kind of squishy if you can catch them.



That's my opinion anyway. And yes, it applies to Consulars too. ( This is a Scoundrel PoV ).


LOL at assassins needing nerf

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I have played now with sith juggernaut about a month and been 50 level about 2 weeks. I havent won a single 1 vs 1 fight with a sorc. Insted when i started levelin up the sith sorc at level 11 i already owned almost every 50 level marauder and juggernaut in wz. Sith sorc is overpowered and everyone who says otherways clearly havent tried playing with warrior classes againts ranged with their health spams... And what good is interrupt ability with 143 ms lag and 4 m rang and 8 s cooldown. Sorc can just healt spam him/her self and continue fighting. I always get killed with jugg while sorc have almost full health. :p
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