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Cross Faction griefing.


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I don't have a problem with cross-faction communication. There's nothing wrong with the tool itself, only with the users that abuse it. There's a difference between taunting the other team and being an outright dick. I don't think there's anything wrong with reporting somebody that is just degrading other players, and I'd like to think BW will eventually reprimand people for things like that. Its frowned upon irl for a reason, and it sickens me a bit that it seems fairly acceptable to the majority of the internet.


But honestly getting upset about being called names and claiming cross-faction communication needs to be removed is a little over the top.

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I actually thought it was brilliant that cross faction chat worked on /say I was delighted when i saw it ask I killed a republic player :)


WoW got away with not having it because of a supposed language barrier... I always though it was lame personally though.


Mardox if you cannot handle a bit of banter then as people already suggested /ignore the player.... turn profanity filter back on or create a custom chat tab which doesnt have /say included in it....


If anything you should be happy a player has stopped to smack talk, gives you time to kill them while they type.

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I don't know about when you grew up... but where I lived the kids who ran off tattling to mommy every time you called them a bad name quickly had no friends. Grow up and put on your big boy skin. You are not some emotionally battered housewife here. You are being called a scrub during a sport you are choosing to engage in by a complete stranger whose opinion isn't worth a grain of salt. I for one enjoy the cross-realm smacktalk. It fosters deeper rivalries in pvp and makes the community all the better for it.
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are ppl getting so thin skinned that they cant take some smack talk? i understand your side OP. some ppl dont like it..some ppl dont care. i personally am indifferent to it. i sometimes find it amusing..and annoying. ive even been known to congrats a person if they get the better of me in an MMO. but, if im spending time reading what some little kid is writing in chat then im not very focused on the warzone. you can still get griefed just as easy if there wasnt the crossfaction /say. if you dont like it..just minimze your chat window or use /ignore. thats what the features are for. if you have ever played a sport you know that teams talk smack... its the joy of competition. :)
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We should ban everything competitive for young people so no ones feelings get hurt. Also, make bullying of any kind a federal offence. Finally if your opinion is different than someone elses you should only be able to communicate that difference in opinion in court via lawsuit.


Oh wait we have already done this.

Edited by DekarSisk
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I was talking trash to a Maruader 13lvs higher than me as he chopped me to bits in Void Star. He even took time to CJ me and /spit. What he missed was my team mate setting the bomb on the door he was guarding. :D


RAGE: That which makes you do stupid sh**.

Edited by ImURmaster
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