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Everything posted by Talimar

  1. What about the flip side of the story, where I am happily actively talking to others in general, only to be bombarded by LFG DPS <quest name> over and over? I know what you're saying and I agree, but not implementing it has implications for the ones that are doing what Bioware want. I woud actually like to see chat bubbles ala SWG so that at least if I am in area I can see in game what that person is saying, though like many have pointed out, it's also rare to see another player.
  2. There are lots of common things that Bioware has not included for their own reasons. I am quite certain Bioware were not trying to make life hard for your cousin. Have you tried setting the resolution to the lowest value you can?
  3. My chat windows keep resetting too, back to font 14 and the chat tabs detach themselves. very frustrating.
  4. Yeap get them all the time. Edit: On tatooine only, at the taxies. Its that green beam cylinder, looks like a degenerate vertex.
  5. I live in Australia. I got my physical copy from Amazon on the 19th. I experienced queuing of 800 people once (before launch!) Launch day I got no queue 4 hours after. I have no lag on Taris. I have had 1 crash to desktop (last night after using the emergency fleet transport skill). #winning. Oh, except for tonight where bioware are taking the game down from 6pm to 10pm (most likely 11pm). Yay I get to do something else tonight.
  6. *sigh* Yes really. You WILL NOT BE BILLED UNTIL THE 30 DAYS EXPIRES. Come on people, this is normal procedure for 99% of MMOs.
  7. Yay right in prime time for Aussies. Love you Bioware!
  8. Interface is very smooth for me, I quite like how responsive it is. Only thing that annoys be is the \ key is an unchangable shortcut for create bug ticket, which then requires several clicks to close. Extremely annoying when you miss hit Enter to chat!!
  9. Fix the buggy chat windows always changing the font and undocking the tabs!
  10. Yeah I was talking to one of my friends about that, would be a nice option especially when you can't talk to your friends playing the opposite faction on the same server! I know it's all nice and RPish that you can't, but that just means we play in fullscreen windowed and use <favourite chat / voice client>.
  11. It's not a sandbox game like SWG was in the beginning, therefore I don't expect anything from the "crafting" mini game, except to be another option for me to play with. If you want that depth of crafting you need a game that is design around it, design to have an economy that wont be inflate at lightspeed after launch and has the proper sinks in place. Only SWG's original system came close. This is an action rpg, it's just not going to happen. With regard to dev billable hours, you know this game has already cost like $100 million... what's a few extra dollars here or there?
  12. I keep reading about burn, but I am a L24 Watchman, and only just got the saber charge. Prior to that I had a single low damage burn dot, yet the game talks a lot about burns in the talent tree. I am clearly missing something.
  13. I'm really surprised they didn't make something of the quality of X-Wing or Tie Fighter story and game play wise. They clearly have the talent to pull this off.
  14. Edit: I've back tracked and finally seen that this question was answered. Kudos Stephen! Is this going to be like WoW local servers, ie hosted in the states, or actual physical servers located here in Australia? oh, bonus points for actually going ahead with this so soon. If the servers are physically local I may move!
  15. I played for 15 hours on the 19th and my ISP shows internet usage of 139mb. That is pretty damn conservative imho.
  16. Unfortunately it is a curse of current MMO design, and will continue to happen while story objects are free for all and protected by free for all mobs. For gods sake bioware, I thought you would have learned from every other MMO. Make the story objects available to all players ALL THE TIME. That way someone has to kill the mobs, but noone can "steal" your story object. /epic_fail I also dislike mobs that stand around waiting for you to come attack them, or can see you attacking their friends but ignore you.
  17. I wonder what would have happened if Bioware had made a single player game this epic. Wonder if the cost would be justified. I love the story content, it has engaged me the same way the open sandbox and social nature of SWG did.
  18. Interesting, I played for 15 hours without any issues before launch.
  19. Being in a Red Zone, I was at work when the servers came up. I watched my server go to full, and read all about the 5 hour queues. When I got home from work 4 hours after launch, I logged in... no queue. /happy_camper
  20. I'm betting that new players created their characters there while the population was light or standard and now the queue is full of those who were there first wanting to play on their server.
  21. Shutting them off just punishes those of us who have been playing. Restricting them to people who already have characters there would have been better. Even then, a lot of us have had to wait to get on in the last few days, where there was no queue when we created the characters.
  22. It would be nice if they at least allowed us free character transfer to another server, that would be a fix for some of us. I would go make another character on another server, but this is going to be Proudmoore all over again, where 7 years later I still cannot get on the server because it's full.
  23. Mine says 19th too (Aussie). Estimated delivery date of the 22 - 28th. I highly doubt we will get it before xmas, but I'm still naively hoping!
  24. Got an email from Amazon saying they're shipping on the 19th now. Probably still wont get it before xmas though. Oh well, thanks for trying!
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