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Everything posted by tloops

  1. what is this book of events you speak of?
  2. they also included all the 30 day free subs, which by now alot have expired
  3. i hate when people say this..re-rolling is not the answer,server transfers in , or near launch was the answer. no reason we should have to abandon what we have done on our server to cover the neglect of bioware. you people who have done this,gave bioware a free pass ,and didnt help matters much.
  4. they should give me 3 months...thats how long my server has been dead
  5. you have no idea if any of those positions were meant to be temporary,im sure stephen rieds job wasnt supposed to be temporary. the writing is on the wall,and its sad so many people fail to see it.
  6. same here,at least on the forums there are people to interact with
  7. even if you were on a dead server on WoW (which ive never seen) cross server lfg workes like a charm.
  8. i used to play the tabletop rift game lots of years ago...i miss those days..D & D anyone?
  9. lol is that a joke,those listings have been there forever and probably will never be filled....compared to the number of layoffs ,this is nothing.
  10. no where does it say bioware is hiring,only laying off people.
  11. the OP is just trolling all the fanboys...lol so funny
  12. i love the fleet, because thats where the other 3 people on my server are.
  13. most of what you saw in 1.2 was nearly done and was actually slated for release. 1.3 is more of the same,meant to be in the release. the only thing they have been working on that is new is rated warzones,server transfers and LFG, which all should have been in a AAA mmo at launch,i blame this on taking to much time/resources on V.O in developement.
  14. sorry it was actually stated in multiple areas that the number was around 30%
  15. and you know this how? it seems highly unlikely they have a team of coders waiting around just to do cutscenes, that would be a huge waste of resources on biowares part.
  16. the coders are sitting there making the hundreds of cut scenes to fit those voice overs, they could be sitting there making new planets,new ops and flashpoints. but instead they are sitting there figuring out how to make mouth movements look right for the voice over work, id rather have the new content,and not the shiney cut scenes.
  17. voice overs take away time and money from developement. if there were none, we would have alot more contenet at launch and probably faster content updates in the future.
  18. i would be fine if they got rid of it all together and just pumped out more content. the voice overs is the reason this game is slow to produce new stuff.
  19. for a game that encourages alt rolling,the leveling process is way to linear. there should be more choice in planets you can goto for leveling. 90% of all the quests are the same, no matter what class you level.
  20. 5 million credits by level 25 ish? how is that possible?
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