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    Wellington, New Zealand
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    SW, archery, books, everything =D
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    Storeroom Coord..... alright, a storeman... =P
  1. One point that I think could help Is changing animations so that they fit with DS/LS choice. Imagine, if your a dark side Jedi, your going to do what it takes to get the job done. This should be applied to your moves. What I mean by this is allowing a option for your force animations as well as light saber combat to change to reflect your characters choice in going to the dark side. I'm not meaning that Consular gets lightning just like the inquisitor, I meaning more that their current moves take a dark side feel to them. This will make the choice of going dark side more meaningful to some, as they will see multiple changes to their character, since that character will be changing to the dark side. It will also allow for people who wanted to be Republic, but wanted 'lightning pew pew' to have that, without going to the Empire. Possible Move examples that can be changed: Telekinetic throw: This move, compared to the Sith Inq is probably the big one in terms of 'cool giggle factor'. With my idea we could possible see that this move has flickers of electricity going through the move. The move itself hasn't really changed, there are still pebbles there, all that we have done is add a bit of lightning to it. Now, before people say that this is too much like the sith, that it isn't very Jedi just remember, this is for Dark Side Jedi. Project: This one is a little harder to do. Again, we could follow the same approach as TK throw, in that we are adding more lightning to the move. The only problem with this is, it will become 'just another lightning move', and the one thing i noticed with Consular s is that fact that they have some variety in their project move. It isn't always a rock, but other random things. We can work on this a little. Firstly, since we pull out parts of droids, why don't we pull out a whole one that makes the screaming noise that R2-D2 makes. So, when we throw it you hear that sound as this little droid is hurled at you. This will add a little humor to the class, as well as a dark side feel, since yor are throwing a Droid at them. Other possible changes to Project: added Lightning to the move; pulling out molten rock; pulling out a Light Saber, which is then activated, and thrown at the target. Stasis Field: This, like Telekinetic throw is another move that gives a 'giggle' factor to the Sith, compared the the Jedi. Continuing with the whole Dark side twist, we could make it that doing Stasis will actually squeeze the target, pretty much just crushing them. Light Saber Combat: This can also be changed with going to the Dark side. What we do is make the style of fighting less precise, controlled, which it currently is (which fits the whole Jedi style) and make it aggressive, brutal, violent. In short, we make the combat look more like what the sith have. So we just find a middle ground for it, somewhere between what is currently in place and what the sith have. The Jedi can't do a complete change, because this is how the Jedi has been trained to fight, so suddenly doing a complete change would seem strange. What could happen is the current is, by going Dark side the character just changes them to be more brutal etc, of what is currently there. These would all become available to the Dark side player at Dark side 2, maybe 3. Now, I know that players of Light side might feel cheated out of the 'cool' moves because of this, but that's how it goes. If they didn't want to go Dark side in the first place, then they don't get the dark side force moves. The Light saber moves on the other hand could be allowed for both sides, possibly. We could also allow a section in the options called character animations. In this section the player can choose whether or not their character will have Animation A (normal) or B (Dark side). This will mainly be for Dark Side players (In terms of the Force moves that mainly involve lightning) so that, if they don't like the darker look they can toggle it off, just like the dark side corruption, but for set moves. This will add more variety in the characters as well as making the Jedi classes look 'cooler'.
  2. Maybe what I brought up in page 3 could work with # 10, the whole renegade Jedi thing, could be another possible idea since animations for some players is why they went Empire.
  3. hehe what my idea no good for # 11? heheh keep it up everyone =D
  4. For me, this is the biggest problem facing the game. The other problems, bugs etc can be fixed pretty quickly. But getting the balance will tkae a lot of work and time.
  5. One point that I think could help Is changing animations so that they fit with DS/LS choice. Imagine, if your a dark side Jedi, your going to do what it takes to get the job done. This should be applied to your moves. What I mean by this is allowing a option for your force animations as well as light saber combat to change to reflect your characters choice in going to the dark side. I'm not meaning that Consular gets lightning just like the inquisitor, I meaning more that their current moves take a dark side feel to them. This will make the choice of going dark side more meaningful to some, as they will see multiple changes to their character, since that character will be changing to the dark side. It will also allow for people who wanted to be Republic, but wanted 'lightning pew pew' to have that, without going to the Empire. Possible Move examples that can be changed: Telekinetic throw: This move, compared to the Sith Inq is probably the big one in terms of 'cool giggle factor'. With my idea we could possible see that this move has flickers of electricity going through the move. The move itself hasn't really changed, there are still pebbles there, all that we have done is add a bit of lightning to it. Now, before people say that this is too much like the sith, that it isn't very Jedi just remember, this is for Dark Side Jedi. Project: This one is a little harder to do. Again, we could follow the same approach as TK throw, in that we are adding more lightning to the move. The only problem with this is, it will become 'just another lightning move', and the one thing i noticed with Consular s is that fact that they have some variety in their project move. It isn't always a rock, but other random things. We can work on this a little. Firstly, since we pull out parts of droids, why don't we pull out a whole one that makes the screaming noise that R2-D2 makes. So, when we throw it you hear that sound as this little droid is hurled at you. This will add a little humor to the class, as well as a dark side feel, since yor are throwing a Droid at them. Other possible changes to Project: added Lightning to the move; pulling out molten rock; pulling out a Light Saber, which is then activated, and thrown at the target. Stasis Field: This, like Telekinetic throw is another move that gives a 'giggle' factor to the Sith, compared the the Jedi. Continuing with the whole Dark side twist, we could make it that doing Stasis will actually squeeze the target, pretty much just crushing them. Light Saber Combat: This can also be changed with going to the Dark side. What we do is make the style of fighting less precise, controlled, which it currently is (which fits the whole Jedi style) and make it aggressive, brutal, violent. In short, we make the combat look more like what the sith have. So we just find a middle ground for it, somewhere between what is currently in place and what the sith have. The Jedi can't do a complete change, because this is how the Jedi has been trained to fight, so suddenly doing a complete change would seem strange. What could happen is the current is, by going Dark side the character just changes them to be more brutal etc, of what is currently there. These would all become available to the Dark side player at Dark side 2, maybe 3. Now, I know that players of Light side might feel cheated out of the 'cool' moves because of this, but that's how it goes. If they didn't want to go Dark side in the first place, then they don't get the dark side force moves. The Light saber moves on the other hand could be allowed for both sides, possibly. We could also allow a section in the options called character animations. In this section the player can choose whether or not their character will have Animation A (normal) or B (Dark side). This will mainly be for Dark Side players (In terms of the Force moves that mainly involve lightning) so that, if they don't like the darker look they can toggle it off, just like the dark side corruption, but for set moves. This will add more variety in the characters as well as making the Jedi classes look 'cooler'. What the OP has mentioned with how the Jedi characters respond in the game is pretty much true. The Jedi don't seem to have any fun, they don't do little snarky remarks, and have a little pot shots at their bosses etc. To do so would mean your dark side, being classified as EVIL. Changing the remarks that these classes give, and giving more 'life' to these classes would do a whole lot. I'm not implying that the story is bad, I've just started Chapter two of my Jedi Knight, and I honestly can't wait to do whats mentioned . But the problem is, My character, who is Light side, is a good good Robot, with no fun side. On the other hand, being a Dark side Jedi, you come off sounding like a *******. Which I can sort of understand. But I feel that the Light/Dark side feels havent been captured correctly. if they can be changed (I know, this is a lot of work and time, money etc, but this could be a big factor in evening out the sides) to feel more like the Smuggler (fun, witty, clever, but still being Jedi) You Could allow for some of those races to be available from the start, but we could also allow more cooler ones from legacy system. This will help encourage sith to move over, esp if you can purchase a certain race you want ((only available to certain sides) with legacy points. Wanted to play Togruta? go rep. Wanted to be Bothan? go republic. ..::EDIT::.. Made changes to my whole post, expanded, and hopefully is makes sense and flows haha.
  6. OK, I've posted in a few threads with possible solutions, but most of them were pushed back in forums because this is a busy place. Possible ideas that could be used to help promote republic (please not this is going to ignore response issue, possible changes that will be brought in 1.2, since we don't really know what is going to be in it, as well as story) Legacy System: With the introduction of the legacy system it was mentioned that we would get character creation options. Lets use this to republics advantage. WE should give the republic races that are/were in more demand i.e. Mon Cal, togruta, bothan etc. There are lore reason behind why the empire doesn't have a big alien pref etc, and this is one issue that I've seen brought up many times for a reason as to why they chose A over B. This DOESN't mean that the Empire doesn't get any new races of their own. They can get other races (cant think of any at the moment, but there will be plenty to work with) Animations: The whole Lightning/pebbles issue. We could bring in the idea that, if you went down the dark side as a jedi your animations take on a more dark side look. For example, the combat style becomes more aggressive, brutal, the force moves could have a few sparks added to it, since your going to the dark side your going to do what is needed to get the job done. That means you'll be using lightning, angrier moves, so we could use that to make the animations of the jedi look more 'bad ***'. For those that don't want to change the move and like it, there can be a setting to turn it off, just like dark side appearance. The same could be done to Light side Sith. Exp boost: A experience boost could be given to allow players to get to 50 faster. For some players, getting to 50 again with another toon is just too much for them, but with an experience boost this will cut that down. Credit/Bonus: The republic could be given a credit/bonus for pvp, possible pve related things. For being the underdog you get given extra credits, also, in areas where there is world pvp you can give the republic side a 'bolster' boost to make the fewer republic characters strong based of the imbalance in the area. The larger the imbalance the greater the boost. As the numbers even out, so does the boost. This can also be applied to Empire if the situation changes.
  7. this was what i put in another post in PVP forums, but should apply here Possibly solutions for helping to even out the numbers based of some issues brought up (please note that these are ideas, not fully bug free perfect solutions, so please take note of that =D ) Possible Carrots: Use of legacy System - The legacy system says that you should be able to get character customization options (once implemented), lets use this option. We could POSSIBLY give new races (the more demanded ones) to the republic faction, things like: Mon Cal; Togruta; Duros etc. Character Customization Might be enough for people to change. Now, for those that say this is unfair to Imperials there are lore reason Why alien races aren't so big with the sith/emps so there's that side of it. Also, we can give sith races as well (of course we do, cant think of some good ones, don't know many races lol) - This is aimed at the already established player base. Animations - Players have brought this up many times at how Lightning is cooler then pebbles etc etc, what if we change the animations for going dark side on the Jedi classes. We make their animations more aggressive, and imposing, seeing as these characters are using the dark side. This will go well for those who found the animations to 'weak', as well as for Role players (can have a tab option to have it off if you don't want, in which case will revert to what is currently there) This can also be applied to Sith going Light. The Non force classes are harder to apply this to, because you cant really do much to them (from quickly thinking about it, but I'm sure someone can make up something). Players who want these animations, but want to play light might miss out, BUT, if could be done that, if you go grey, you get the normal animations, Light get something that fits with the Light side image, and dark get what is mentioned above. This gives you the 'choice' that BW said we would have. OR, we could just have different sets of animations, but that would become confusing if you have moves that were very dark side, yet you were light. Credit/player Buff - The Underdog side on a server can get a buff in Open world pvp based off numbers of Emp/Rep characters that are there. This would apply to Ilum. This allows the underdog side to have a fighting chance if the servers dont't balance out,as well as a reward for sticking with the underdog. Once they start to even out the buff will get less till there even (hopefully). This effect can be applied both ways if for any given reason there are more rep there on Ilum then there are Emp. Appearance - This has been mentioned, that the Empire looks cooler, this one can be fixed with more 'cooler' sets being added to the Republic. This is a small (imo) pro for going a faction, since gear will change with progression, but for many they choose a side because of how they look. Exp boost - Like what has been mentioned above this post, as well as many others, give an exp boost. This will allow for players (possible more aimed at exisiting empire players then new players) to quickly get to the end game to compete and play, instead of doing the grind to 50 again. Problems: Things that can't be changed (or very easily) that factor against factions. Story, Classes. These two things are possible never going to change (classes might in exp, but ignore that for now) for many people the story/class is the reason why they took the class (as a result faction) to begin with. SO, if the reason for the imbalance is based of that, then there isn't much to be done currently. Yes, the classes might have mirrors, but that doesn't mean they are the same. Please note that I am ignoring the issues of animations response, this like death from above compared to mortar etc etc. I see these as issues that will get fixed, or already in the process of getting fixed. A lot of the mentioned solutions can be applied both ways (if rep ever got the the size the imps are atm) but, once many are in place I don't think that it will be needed.
  8. Agreed, this won't change anything, it will just be the same issue, but on a larger scale.
  9. Problem with this is again, you are punishing players who want to play Empire, this goes for both new and current players. Forcing something to play republic, when they don't want to will make the player resentful of the game/bioware. On the other hand, the 3 faction idea is possible, and the Hutt Cartel can be introduced into the game. Having the Smuggler/bounty/merc (essential trooper) and a force user class (something different to what is already here, can think of anything)
  10. The problem with this is, Story wont make sense (if you mean bringing already established characters over) What could you do If you had a Sith Pure blood/Sith Warrior? All your story will have been for nothing, and you suddenly become a Jedi Knight? How will you explain Sith pure blood in the republic side? If this does happen, then why have different races for each faction to begin with?
  11. Possibly solutions for helping to even out the numbers based of some issues brought up (please note that these are ideas, not fully bug free perfect solutions, so please take note of that =D ) Possible Carrots: Use of legacy System - The legacy system says that you should be able to get character customization options (once implemented), lets use this option. We could POSSIBLY give new races (the more demanded ones) to the republic faction, things like: Mon Cal; Togruta; Duros etc. Character Customization Might be enough for people to change. Now, for those that say this is unfair to Imperials there are lore reason Why alien races aren't so big with the sith/emps so there's that side of it. Also, we can give sith races as well (of course we do, cant think of some good ones, don't know many races lol) - This is aimed at the already established player base. Animations - Players have brought this up many times at how Lightning is cooler then pebbles etc etc, what if we change the animations for going dark side on the Jedi classes. We make their animations more aggressive, and imposing, seeing as these characters are using the dark side. This will go well for those who found the animations to 'weak', as well as for Role players (can have a tab option to have it off if you don't want, in which case will revert to what is currently there) This can also be applied to Sith going Light. The Non force classes are harder to apply this to, because you cant really do much to them (from quickly thinking about it, but I'm sure someone can make up something). Players who want these animations, but want to play light might miss out, BUT, if could be done that, if you go grey, you get the normal animations, Light get something that fits with the Light side image, and dark get what is mentioned above. This gives you the 'choice' that BW said we would have. OR, we could just have different sets of animations, but that would become confusing if you have moves that were very dark side, yet you were light. Credit/player Buff - The Underdog side on a server can get a buff in Open world pvp based off numbers of Emp/Rep characters that are there. This would apply to Ilum. This allows the underdog side to have a fighting chance if the servers dont't balance out,as well as a reward for sticking with the underdog. Once they start to even out the buff will get less till there even (hopefully). This effect can be applied both ways if for any given reason there are more rep there on Ilum then there are Emp. Appearance - This has been mentioned, that the Empire looks cooler, this one can be fixed with more 'cooler' sets being added to the Republic. This is a small (imo) pro for going a faction, since gear will change with progression, but for many they choose a side because of how they look. Exp boost - Like what has been mentioned above this post, as well as many others, give an exp boost. This will allow for players (possible more aimed at exisiting empire players then new players) to quickly get to the end game to compete and play, instead of doing the grind to 50 again. Problems: Things that can't be changed (or very easily) that factor against factions. Story, Classes. These two things are possible never going to change (classes might in exp, but ignore that for now) for many people the story/class is the reason why they took the class (as a result faction) to begin with. SO, if the reason for the imbalance is based of that, then there isn't much to be done currently. Yes, the classes might have mirrors, but that doesn't mean they are the same. Please note that I am ignoring the issues of animations response, this like death from above compared to mortar etc etc. I see these as issues that will get fixed, or already in the process of getting fixed. A lot of the mentioned solutions can be applied both ways (if rep ever got the the size the imps are atm) but, once many are in place I don't think that it will be needed.
  12. Love the idea, currently it feels like I'm being punished for playing republic compared to empire. the server I'm on seems to have emp population growing, while the republic doesn't seem to change at all. My biggest concern from this is: As time goes on more people will be on the emps, which will result in more guilds, far more end game activity (guilds, server feel, crafting etc) People will see the larger, more active side and want to switch as they will have more options available to them because of the greater population, which will relate to more guilds (both pvp/pve). Crafters will benefit more as there will be a larger population, so the end result will be more possible credits. Leveling on the more populated side will make all the planets feel more populated, and lively (if shards are still in place maybe a little less, but the chat 'should' be more active) In regards to possible 'carrots' for going to rep, the idea of the special races will work, and like you have mentioned, there is lore behind it as well. You could also make some of the animations for moves more aggressive for going dark side maybe. Ex, Cons could flick/hurl the rock out of the ground, instead of picking it up, and then forcing it across. lightsaber moves for DS players could take on a more aggressive look, so JK's could use less precision in their moves, and more rage, brute force. Its just an idea based off people saying how they like lightning more etc etc. It wont be breaking the Jedi look that much, because choosing the dark side your more willing to do what is needed, even if its seem to be 'turning' into what you fighting against. Its been seen in the movies (thinking eps 2 (i think might be confused) with anakin on Tat, killing the sand people) as well as the books (mainly read the EU, so thinking Jacen (before fully changing etc) Troopers/smugglers might have a harder time with animation changes for being DS, as I havent really looked into possible ideas for them, mainly Force users. Could also look at mounts, but they wont have the pull factor like races. Just some thoughts, wanted to give my 2 cents to balance the servers out so that I can still play republic, and not feel forced into the emp because they have the pop/options. Butr who knows, could be alright in a few months once more people arrive, as well as more 50's appearing.
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