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Everything posted by Devorin_Sargothi

  1. In this case, it isn't the tool that's the problem. Auto-kicking someone who's not doing quite the dps you think he should is just bad form. Once you see there's a problem, the right thing to do is ask what's up. They might be gearing for a spec they just started. They might never have played an mmo and need to be taught the fundamentals. They might be a mooch who's watching youtube while they play. They might have a crappy connection. Without the tool, you're far less likely to know there's a problem to be addressed.
  2. But that doesn't make it less funny. And you know you wanna type in G******IT JENKINS whenever someone screws up in some funny way. That's what a meme is.
  3. I find if you can't do a rotation and aren't aware of your surroundings, it's because you haven't practiced. Whenever I had to learn one, I'd find a target dummy and try it out for a while to build up muscle memory. Then I'd try out a normal instance and see how well I could do it on real bosses. Eventually you don't think about the key, you just think about the powers.
  4. This reminds me of the times when we would pug in WoW, and a player would be wearing tank gear for dps, dps gear for healing, and similar mashups. We never kicked them, as they were quick to explain they were building an offspec set of gear. Sure, they weren't optimal, but we didn't mind. They were good enough at their job, and we were quite willing to help them acquire the gear they needed. It's all about honesty and professionalism. The math is there to help fix and prevent problems, not cause grief.
  5. Now that I think about it, I think I fully respect someone's choice to play this way. Similarly, my choice to not join a group should also be respected. The problem is that someone might misrepresent themselves, and take advantage of an unknowing group. Shared combat logs would prevent this.
  6. I find myself wondering, if you didn't want people to watching your performance with a parser, why would you bother grouping with them? "DPS LFG private log only" Seems like this would solve any issue.
  7. When did I give the impression I had any desire to trash talk about you in general? I'm hurt. My whole point is that the two opinions aren't mutually exclusive. You could play with your log private, I could play with mine shared.
  8. How would I know what class of person he was? I just got the reply from him when I spammed for dps for a flashpoint. He could be a guildy, or a pug, or some guy's girlfriend. I don't know him from Adam. All I can do is run the numbers through a parser and find out what actually happened. If we can't, of course, we'll just have to be held down by him.
  9. Here's a thought. If some unscrupulous trooper with a hidden combat log decides to just sit and use hammer shot ad nauseum, and claim he's doing higher dps than he is, how are the rest of us to know? Taking down a boss becomes unlikely, if not out of the question. We lose out on loot and time, and gain only repair bills. I'm sure nobody in this thread would do something so mean, of course. Having access to others' combat data allows us to guard ourselves from such unpleasantness. We can go about our business secure in our knowledge, and just leave that trooper be.
  10. Nobody can force anyone to do anything in this game. If you don't like the group, you leave. A group only exists because there are at least two people who decide to play together. Like-minded people can be found to play with, whether you care about each other's performance or not. There's no reason to stay somewhere you don't feel comfortable.
  11. http://www.swtor.com/community/showthread.php?p=1435443#edit1435443 Right there at the bottom. If you want to keep your combat log private, that's fine. I want the option to make mine public. I have nothing to hide. I want people to trust me, and combat logs give them the data to do so. It's fine to feel a little put upon or even threatened by the criticism of others. People can be harsh. You paid your money, and you don't care to deal with criticism, that's fine. But I'm the one paying MY money, and I insist on having hard data on what's going on in my group. I actively seek feedback from my teammates. If you're not interested in this kind of activity, we don't ever have to group, play, or even speak together. I'm fine with that.
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