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Everything posted by NomadTidian

  1. Also, Biochem is EXPENSIVE. The medpacks sell less for what armortech can craft. Compared to other crafting stuff, the stuff you make with Biochem sells for a lot less, not to mention the purple re-usables you can't even sell unless your buyer has the same level of Biochem as you!
  2. This. People seem to forget that Biochem, through leveling, is pretty expensive. To get those reusable items you have to gather materials from missions, craft a whole bunch of greens, RE those greens, craft a whole bunch of blues (after going out on god knows how many diplomacy missions) and RE those to FINALLY get that reusable purple. Then you have to be lucky enough to crit on Diplomacy to make that purple. Oh, btw, when you're done with that, turns out you are now level 21, and can use the next tier of craftable stims, making your level 8 ones useless. Rinse, wash, and repeat.
  3. Agreed. Actually, tbh, I just wished that when playing my Sith, the lightside choices were called...something different. Most of my "light" side choices were just slightly less evil. Just becuase I keep someone alive to manipulate and build up my army to eventually overthrow my master doesn't make me a good person. I wanted the DS points, so I just killed everyone, though. Worked out in the end, only had one "uesless" ally with me though.
  4. It provides an advantage getting to end game. You generally are able to craft better gear for you and/or your companions than what you can get. At endgame switch to Biochem and level that up. You'll have enough companions to get there in no time.
  5. Exactly, they provide an advantage...an advantage you don't need. Want to make your life a little easier? Then you have to work for it (aka, get Biochem and spend the money to upgrade it). If you don't want to work, you don't get the advantage. Benefits should not just be given freely to players. Make a choice and live with it. Each crafting skill has their benefit and each one has weaknesses. Pick a choice, then live with it.
  6. You don't need stims. I got to level 50 never buying any and only using those I found. You also don't need to buy medpacks. I always had enough from drops to keep me alive through fifty levels. To me, taking on Biochem will only be more expensive, seeing as I don't need to use anything that you craft. It's not an advantage if you don't need it. I actually find crafting mods with cybertech as more useful as Biochem while getting to level 50.
  7. This is no excuse for Bioware not fixing the "move lag" which plagues commandos. I for one would rather be able to click and shoot, not click, wait a few seconds, then shoot. That's not being a commando. That's a bug.
  8. It reads the entire stack. I commonly RE a stack of six stims/adrenals/medpacks and get the blue version of that.
  9. I'm going to agree with the OP to an extent. I'm a tank and there are absolutely NO mods that give even remotely enough endurance. Hell, most mods in general aren't made for tanking classes.
  10. Why wouldn't you want to do companion gifts? Maybe Bioware is trying to encourage you to do something that could potentially help you? Companion affection greatly effects your crafting and mission outcomes.
  11. Lol. Obviously you aren't level 40+ yet. Slicing does not make you any money at all. In fact, I usually lose 100-200 credits per lockbox mission. I don't need that when I have a 140K repair bill every few hours. Also, all of you people that sell your crafting items on the AH, don't expect people to buy them anymore. You *****ed and complained, and now no one has credits to afford any of it. Note to Bioware: Don't try and "fix" the economy of a new MMO within the first month. Why? Well, lets see. Most people haven't made it to endgame yet, so they don't know the money sink that repairing is. They ***** and moan about people getting so much money before level 20, yet when they hit level 50, they have NO idea how much money it will cost to repair your items after a few hours of questing, not to mention the expensive 50-100K per level you have to spend JUST on training. All you knee-jerk cry babies that panic because your stuff won't sell, you may have just ruined the economy. Oh, btw, you're probably the ones that are going to drop the game after the free month anyway. Never listen to the forums, Bioware. Statistically, it's stupid. Anyone that has taken a high school statistics class knows that judging based on forum reactions is pretty bad. And just for the lulz, I'm going to make this my sig: Pre-nerf: -Slicing at low levels was broken -Slicing at high levels was not broken Post-nerf: -Slicing at low levels is now broken -Slicing at high levels is no broken I have a level 47 Sith warrior with maxed out slicing. Post nerf I was able to buy my crafting materials, make ridiculous repairs, and was able to afford fairly good gear for my main companion and myself, but I never saw over 300K. At higher levels, 400 slicing was NEVER broken due to the expensiveness of just repairing and keeping your gear up to date. At lower levels, though, I was paying for myself and two other friends for all their training and such because I had so much cash. I admit, 300 slicing at level 20 was broken. 400 slicing at level 47 was not. Now, I can't really do anything, slicing is just a useless money sink, not even worth the schematics or missions. Dropped it last night because it was going to end up costing me to much. What's the solution? Don't nerf slicing as a whole, that's stupid. level limit it. Make sure 400 slicing can't be used by level 20s. They can only send out on like...class 3 missions. Slicing has absolutly no use now. People rarely use augments, making them useless. The rare schematic s and missions are useful, but if you have slicing you tend to need to buy crafting materials to replace the gathering skill(s) you didn't take to get slicing and spend money on useless mission in hopes you'll crit and get a purple mission? With 350K credits in training at level 50, I don't think so. Also, it's a new MMO. Economy is always broken in new MMOs. The worst thing you could do is knee jerk it, and now I have a feeling the economy will be screwed even more.
  12. Pre-nerf: -Slicing at low levels was broken -Slicing at high levels was not broken Post-nerf: -Slicing at low levels is now broken -Slicing at high levels is no broken I have a level 47 Sith warrior with maxed out slicing. Post nerf I was able to buy my crafting materials, make ridiculous repairs, and was able to afford fairly good gear for my main companion and myself, but I never saw over 300K. At higher levels, 400 slicing was NEVER broken due to the expensiveness of just repairing and keeping your gear up to date. At lower levels, though, I was paying for myself and two other friends for all their training and such because I had so much cash. I admit, 300 slicing at level 20 was broken. 400 slicing at level 47 was not. Now, I can't really do anything, slicing is just a useless money sink, not even worth the schematics or missions. Dropped it last night because it was going to end up costing me to much. What's the solution? Don't nerf slicing as a whole, that's stupid. level limit it. Make sure 400 slicing can't be used by level 20s. They can only send out on like...class 3 missions. Slicing has absolutly no use now. People rarely use augments, making them useless. The rare schematic s and missions are useful, but if you have slicing you tend to need to buy crafting materials to replace the gathering skill(s) you didn't take to get slicing and spend money on useless mission in hopes you'll crit and get a purple mission? With 350K credits in training at level 50, I don't think so. Also, it's a new MMO. Economy is always broken in new MMOs. The worst thing you could do is knee jerk it, and now I have a feeling the economy will be screwed even more.
  13. I agree with the OP. I thought Id get to chose. Doesnt matter what they said, their advertisment is very misleading for a reason.
  14. This was careful planning. They made us aware of their plans MONTHS in advance.
  15. trolololololol. Early Access is[/i] a gift. You can keep lying to yourselves, telling yourselves it isn't, but when it comes down to it, they didn't have to do it. Also, this is much better than letting everyone on in a single day. Why? Because I'd rather be on the forums waiting for early access with no downtime than log in, find out LOL LAG, and then the server is down because their servers can't handle it. Stop Trollin' For Unicorns (****) and be happy you'll get into the game early eventually. I used to be excited for TOR, but then I took Finals to the knee.
  16. lol@all the people who feel entitled to early access. Trolls be trollin'.
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