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Posts posted by Keypek

  1. A dye on the other hand has chemically bonded with the item it is coloring so is a one use item. Why should they change the laws of physics in this universe just because you are too much of a cheap-*** to buy a new dye module?


    So why can dyes be used over and over again on your star fighter in this game once you get it? In GSF dyes are reuseable with no limit. Yet for your toon they are not? Couldn't be because no one would ever pay money for a GSF dye cause that part of the game is dead? Face it, they do it for the money and it has nothing to do with "the laws of physics". lmao

  2. With that kind of reasoning everything should be free and unlimited becaus "it's a game".


    Thanks for not reading either of my posts before chiming in but actually none of my reasoning had anything to do with the cost of dyes or removing them. I could care less if they cost cartel coins because they are also on the gtn for credits which is how I buy them. And I could care less that they are a one time use. But trying to rationalize it to people who do care by using real life as an example is dumb which was my point.


    Rationalizing dyes can only be used once because in real life you can only use dye once is ridiculous.... especially since you can go into GSF and use a dye as often and as much as you want and change the color of your ship as much as possible. So even the game contradicts itself without needing stupid real life reasoning. For those that need such reasoning at least. I'm just here to point that out.

  3. No, it isn't. Rechambering a gun to another (often more powerful) caliber is relatively routine gunsmithing. Recovering a dye from a piece of clothing and using it to dye another is impossible at worst and impractical at best, because the dye has chemically bonded to the fabric.


    BTW, some guns can be had with multiple barrels, each for a different caliber.


    Yes ignore the rest of the post. But I'm sure blacksmiths around the world are hard at work switching the barrels of all the laser guns in circulation whenever the owner gets a new one after killing Revan. It's also a good thing dyes in the galactic star fighter are able to be switched at will once you get one. I guess they just keep ripping that paint off and gluing it back on when they feel like reusing it? I mean if we have to be completely logical about it and everything.

    The point is it's a video game based on science fiction not real life so rationalizing a dye's number of uses is dumb.

  4. I actually really like this game. Unfortunately it took over a year to release new, real content. Yes housing was cool and fun and all but more of a distraction between doing real content. GSF was fun for a month but now no one plays it. And after more than a year since the last raids come out they finally release more content. And it is a lag infested, buggy as can be disaster for most people.... and their response was "yeah we know but we're going on vacation for three weeks. Will see if we can fix this stuff you paid for when we get back." And this is for a subscriber based game. If it was truly f2p I'd give a little lead way for them.


    I would love to do the new raids on all my toons all week long if 16m worked properly and wasn't a lagfest. I'd do my dailies and level a lot of my other toons up to 60 if Rishi and Yavin weren't so frustratingly awful to play in with ability delay and lag. I want to give them my money but lately I question why I should.

  5. Try dyeing one of your own shirts sometime. Then come tell us how easy it is to recover and reuse the dye.


    These explanations are dumb lol. It's probably similar difficulty to take a barrel off one gun and put it on another to make it more powerful. Or how you can magically put a piece of cloth on one toon and have it be heavy armor and it magically become light armor when you put it on another. Logic doesn't apply so give up that nonsense.


    But yeah it is strictly to make money off the cartel market when they spring the black and white dyes on us every couple months. However, in bioware's defense, which is rare for me these days of lag and bugs galore, everything can be bought on the GTN so it doesn't bother me. If I need a black dye I just bye it with credits and let some other schmuck use cartel coins to get them.

  6. There is an issue with the right hand side? Typically when I heal that fight I'm on the right side and haven't had an issue getting the shield down. Are you sure the two people over there are doing the right things?




    It's not bugged for imps. For Pubs the right side shields don't go down and you usually have to burn through the shields to kill the mobs. Something most pugs or not well geared people can do easily... so group finder and you get tython you're usually screwed.

  7. Seriously, learn to use the dev tracker.


    Check it every day hoping to see a post about some fixes. Unfortunately it's been December 15th since the last time they've even brought it up. So when they get back from their 3 week vacation like they are in college and not working a real job we'll hopefully get another update that actually says it's being fixed soon.

  8. HK is just annoying to gear. But if you have a maxed cybertec and you don't mind spending a little time and crafting mats you can get purple parts for all his slots that aren't too bad. And all the RE'ing to get them will get you mk-10 pieces to makes augment kits with so that's a plus.


    He's nice to have on a healer or tank character if you like playing either spec for things like dailies and such.

  9. Just curious if anyone has actually tested or theory crafted this yet. This would be more prevalent in tactics than plasmatech since it's the HiB spam spec now. But just curious if you'd get more dps using 8% more damage to HiB plus the 2% more damage to everything. Obviously the key would be if you'd lose more dps from lost main stat and other factors from using 4 old armorings. Because the actual 4 and 6 piece set bonuses in the new armor are kinda junk overall. The 6 piece especially, I'm not a big fan of the auto crit procs. Especially for cell burst since most fights you start with battle focus anyway so you're already more likely to crit to start anyway. Not a guarantee but still more likely then not probably. Not to mention it's a set bonus piece that wouldn't be useful a third of the time with regular crit rating anyway. And with battle focus up every 2 minutes normally or minute and 45 seconds with old 2 piece makes it even more trivial.


    Seems like when comparing 6 piece against the lengthy lockout, battle focus, normal lockouts, and 8% more damage to HiB I'm curious how, if any, much difference there is in dps potential between using the 2/4/6 or just the 2/4/2.


    *edited for mistype

  10. OK Bioware.. you're killing 16m raiding. There is no point running 16m for loot.. only achievements. Loot tables seems switched with 8m..


    Get your act together and fix it.




    Yep what he said, you fixed none of the other bosses. All the bosses other than the ones mentioned in patch notes still drop one token. For some reason I had hope that maybe the others got fixed since last time I tried it. But nope just one token per boss. No reason to do 16m anymore until this gets fixed.

  11. Send prayers to the families of all the people involved if you can people, its by far one of the worst things to happen in Australia for a long time.


    Definitely the worst thing to happen to you guys since Steve Irwin got stabbed in the heart. God bless that crazy s.o.b.

  12. As all of the 16m community knows the loot has been cut in half for the new 16m ops. You used to get two token pieces a boss kill since you have twice the people in your raid. Now only one token item drops thus making 16m gearing take twice as long as it would for 2 8mans. So would like to hear an official response as to whether 16m ops is supposed to drop one token now or if this is a bug that'll be fixed soon so we can start doing 16m ops again instead of two 8mans.


    If this is the way it is supposed to be I'd like the thought process behind such a change.

  13. Also the difference in loot. 16m drops half the loot...


    Yep, would be wonderful to get an official response. You know, in between fixing how many credits chests drop on Yavin.


    And to the previous comment, the damage values are very off for 16m in some cases it seems. Because of all the issues and lack of loot it's actually not worth the time to do 16man ops. Your better off breaking down to 8mans till they at least fix the loot to make it worth the time and effort.

  14. Not sure what actually fixes or completes it but this is what happened to me. I had the quest before 3.0 dropped. I noticed after one HM FP that it wasn't updating so I abandoned it and picked it up again. Did another HM and it still was saying only 0/3 completed. I ignored it and did several of the old 55 HM FPs with some guildies because they still drop elite comms. At some point the mission completed itself as I was strolling through the supplies area and the console was lit up to turn it in.


    So it works some how. I have no idea if it just doesn't update the 0/3 part but if you do 3 it'll be able to be turned in. Or maybe it was cause we were doing the old HMs? I don't know, so yes it is bugged but it is also able to be completed some how.

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