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Posts posted by Onager

  1. Barrage of fragment sentences incoming. I'm gonna sound forceful, lol force.


    Opportune Strike and Pommel Strike. Learn them, love them.


    Learn to control mobs first and kill them second. Awe. Use it. Make passionate love to the stun on Force Sweep.


    The higher your dps is, the shorter fights are. This is significant defensively as well, as the attrition effect plays less of a role. There are very few situations in this game as a solo guardian that can't be answered with higher DPS. Once you get Plasma Brand and Dispatch, the build is complete. You don't think Dispatch matters? If your dps is as high as it should be, and you take the talent that makes Dispatch crit 60% more, basically at that point fights with golds and silvers are over when they hit 30% health instead of 0%. It's also got a longer range so you can anticipate it and spend the intervening GCD moving to your next target as you toss your saber at their Jugular.

  2. I personally think roots and snares should go onto a different bar than resolve but one that functions identically to it in every other way. Basically have a Resolve bar for the stuns and mezzes and a second bar for snares and roots.


    That way the DR for them is counted separately.

  3. Conan! What is best in life?


    Conan: To crush your enemies, see them driven before you, and hear the lamentations of their women. Oh, and to pwn noobs in worse gear than me in PVP trollolololololol. :tran_grin:


    Yeah, no. Conan didn't need a gear discrepancy to succeed in PVP, and neither should you. PVP should be about What is Best in Life, not about gear. If you're a real PVPer you'd be cool with everyone going in ancient greek gladiator style with just a stick and a loincloth (loincloth optional).


    You want to feel special? You can unlock new looks for your PVP gear that (if BioWare's track record is any indication) will get more bizarre and asexual as you progress. The stats can be normalized based on intended AC performance and when an AC overperforms in an area they can nerf the PVP gear rather than the AC so that their PVE performance remains unharmed. You can get noncombat pets, mounts, custom lightsaber colors for your PVP only set, etc.


    Best of all, if there's a problem with PVE performance, they can just tweak it and then tweak the PVP gear to get them back to fighting form. Easy Peasy.


    Those of you that think your time investment should matter in PVP: Chances are if you like PVP that much you should (Theoretically) have the skill necessary to still succeed in a normalized environment. Those of you that don't only thought you were PVPers, and actually weren't from the very beginning. You can step up your game and learn to play. Wouldn't it be great if you rolled fools in PVP and you knew for a fact that it was because YOU are better rather than YOUR EQUIPMENT? I'm getting hot and bothered just thinking about it.

  4. Georg,


    Thanks for the reply on this. I feel like expertise affecting DPS far more than mitigation or healing is what is making us feel so squishy. Myself I have over 1220 expertise and against certain classes, 1v1 even, like marauders I can easily be defeated in 4-5 GCDs.


    Would you be able to tell from overall number of WZ kills now vs pre-1.2? I expect there should be a substantial increase. Hopefully you guys track this stat. Also any chance on sharing with us? : )

    Like the guy above stated, the TTK thing goes beyond expertise. People in full recruit gear are getting stomped by people in BM/WH gear just like people in PVE gear are getting stomped by everyone. Recruit gear giving you 13000 health is stupid. You need a massive PVP gear normalization. Everyone should have 'PVP gear' automatically switched into upon joining a warzone, and that gear should be normalized from AC to AC to enforce parity. When something needs buffed or nerfed in PVP, you buff or nerf an AC's PVP set.


    New gear shouldn't be a reward for competing in PVP, you should just get new appearances, titles, pets, etc. PVP should always be about the PVP, not about enforcing a gear disparity for no other reason than because other MMOs do it (badly).


    Also, snares and roots need their own DR system if you're not going to put them onto Resolve. Call it Tenacity or something and make it a second bar.

  5. As for whether or not Sentinel is meant to tank, players have retrofitted classes that aren't designed to tank for that purpose for as long as MMOs have been around, so whether or not a class is designed to tank or not is irrelevant for purposes of this discussion. I can give examples if you guys want, but if any of you had been involved in the MMO community half as long as I have you'd all have an example of your own that demonstrates this very principle.


    Anywho, Defense rating is the only tank stat that can work for a sentinel, Shield and Absorb require use of a shield to be active and sentinels can't use one.


    I've tanked via dps on my Guardian as Vigilance for short bursts, and it was totally viable, I just didn't have the same cooldowns that a Sentinel has. IMO if you're going to tank as a DPS spec Sentinels do it better than Guardians for longer periods of time.


    I don't have any specific logistical analysis on this subject due to lack of personal experience with the Sentinel or Marauder in specific, but I just wanted to chime in to support the thread on basic principle.


    Feel free to proceed. :p

  6. Light Side vs Dark Side is different for empire characters than it is for republic characters. Light Side for Empire tends to lend itself more towards useful compassion, personal honor, and actually thinking about stuff in a pragmatic light more than blatant disregard for everyone around you.


    You still very much serve the Emperor, but you're still not 'good' in the sense that a Light republic character is 'good', much like a dark republic character isn't even close to being 'evil' in the sense that a dark empire character is 'evil'.


    This may apply more to Sith than it does for empire techies, though. I'm speaking more from an Inquisitor perspective.

  7. This is 'the whole picture' thing, you 'really' don't get it do you ? if you did, you wouldn't make such a crazy suggestion ! :D You think its FAIR to take away every thing people have grinded for, for many hours of their lives day after day ? they earned the right to be a battlemaster, or a War Hero now, they have been hardcore gamers, dedicated to their characters, and wanting them to have the best they can get for them.


    We all want this, (our toons to be geared well) etc, but within a fair system. You don't put veteran players in 'Recruit' gear come on please, that's 'not' very reasonable is it ?


    Newgen PVPer. You don't do it for the PVP. You must be the kind of person that sqeals like a woman when you get a new shiny in PVP that you think you earned but you really didn't.


    If you were serious about PVP you'd want it to be balanced. As long as there's any kind of gear disparity that is impossible.

  8. 2 different progressions in the game. PvE or PvP. So PvP'ers should be penalized because other players are too lazy to grind.


    I want to PvE, but i only have orange gear. Its too hard for me to get Rakata, i want to PvE HM now. BW should take away all PvE gear above Columi so people will want to PvE with me as well as remove all HM and NM levels! CATER TO ME NOW!!!




    PVP should never be about progression. If you're a real PVPer, you should be willing to run out there in a loincloth with a wooden stick as your weapon and let your skill, coordination, and team play write your story for you.


    This also solves the issue with time to die and class balance. Load the gear with so much health, everyone's running around with over 30k. If a class is overperforming, don't nerf them, remove stats from their gear. Couldn't be easier. There's global parity, everything should remain functional from an actual gameplay perspective.


    If you PVP for the gear, you're not a PVPer.


    What do you get for PVP rewards in a scenario where everything's more or less normalized according to internal metrics? Togglable appearances for your PVP set. Mounts, Pets, customizations for your companions, titles, custom lightsaber colors only useable in your PVP-only set, Legacy unlocks.


    Think big. You don't need PVP to be another gear grind, and the developers are harming their own game's PVP gameplay by making it one.

  9. Incorrect. If they were 10m, Blade Storm would be able to be used. When a target is between 10-15m, there is NO attack or move we can use to get at them.


    As a note, you CAN reduce the minimum range on Saber Throw by 10m (to 5m) with a 4x set bonus on one of the pve sets... but the pve set isn't meant for pvp, which is really what we're talking about with the anti-kiting stuff... Now that set bonuses can be moved around, we'll see if this helps or not...


    Force Leap is never below 15m.

    Onus is on you, bud. Prove it. Let's see those screen caps of the tooltips. You're the one saying stuff that doesn't reflect reality.



    I have it, it doesn't work. I can hit force leap, and then get hit by a knockback and end up farther away from my target or get stunned and stay in the place. Either way, I'm not on my target, and Force Leap is now on cooldown.

    I don't believe you.

  10. Having larger spike damage is actually an advantage for Shadows over Assassins. However, that being said I can understand why Sages want it changed.


    An imbalance either way is still an imbalance. If it's not gimping sages it's (potentially) giving shadows a similar edge in the other direction. It's still a faction-based imbalance that needs changed for parity.

  11. not only project guys,


    there is another thing that's bothering me, force quake


    it knocks targets out of the ability range. i know, in end game PvE or PvP it may not be such a big deal (either because it's rarely used or because there are only unstunnable targets, like end game PvE) but it still is a mess.


    force storm stuns the targets in their tracks while force quake more often than not knocks the target out of range.\


    so i'd add force quake to the non-mirrored abilities too.


    Force Quake is actually stronger than Force Storm, because the mobs are CCed for longer. The stun/knockdown last the same amount of time, but when the stun ends, they're already on their feet, whereas after the knockdown, there's several frames of 'getting up' animation during which they still can't do damage.


    Plus you eventually learn to place Force Quake so that the mobs are in the trailing edge of its area of effect.


    This isn't the same problem as project vs shock at all. AT ALL. There's at least parity here. Force Quake is harder to use but with a slightly bigger payoff when used properly. There's really no such payoff with Project except the illusion of burst that doesn't actually matter because you can follow a cast time ability with shock and achieve the same burst as you do with project followed by a true instant.

  12. I think they could've gone all Frank Herbert with Luke's story and it would've worked out a lot better than it did. Plus the framework is there in the force itself to allow for reincarnation. The galaxy really needed Anakin, especially after he became the balance that he was born (created) to become.
  13. I dropped a lot of Alacrity off of my gear in favor of crit/surge and power/surge (Columni Smuggler Gloves) enhancements. Doing this slows you down, you burn less force over time as your heals are beefier, and therefore need to NS less. Kept the level 58 alacrity enhancements on my rakata gloves and weapon (Jolee Bindo's Light Saber's guts swapped into an augmented custom lightsaber) and ended up with around 5% alacrity but with just under 40% crit with Lucky Shots and 77% multiplier, while staying over 500 bonus healing.


    As for the rotation, I just watch my bars. If my health gets too high (Close to full, 95% or more) I'll NS. If my force dips below 75%, I'll stay at 1 stack of NS outside of Resplendence, letting it fall off each time before refreshing (if necessary). At 50% force I bump that up to 2 stacks of NS. I always partake in my own Salvations, and if the tank already has Shelter I'll toss myself a Rejuvenate as well. You really don't burn as much force keeping yourself up as people seem to think, especially if you go for the massive slow heals rather than just taking all the alacrity they give you.


    There are no lockouts on HMs now, go to town. Configure your gear away from alacrity.


    RE: Disturbance/Concentration: Please don't. You waste more time and force using this than you would just controlling your force. Watch your bars. :3

  14. Been playing for a while now. (Level 46) And i still do not have any relics.


    I can't wear those light/dark side alignment ones so i feel kinda held back without it.


    Are there neutral or no requirements relics in the game? If so..where do i get them?


    I wasn't purely neutral upon hitting 50, but I was bad enough that I couldn't use level 50 relics. You're pretty much limited to building a Matrix Cube and killing the second boss in Taral V until you get a workable relic from him, then you'll be fine.


    Neutral relics/skills/gear won't be in the game until 1.3 at the very earliest, however. I ended up actually dropping Archaeology for a day to get Diplomacy and get my alignment to -10000 before taking Archaeology again and taking it back to 400 in like 4 hours worth of /played.

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