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10 Good

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  • Interests
    Gaming, Music, Movies, Sport.
  • Occupation
    Network Engineer
  1. Whole new game playing with a 40 ping. Love it. I never realised the extra delay and skips etc that occur with my old 250 ping to now. The game is so much smoother and more enjoyable. Has boosted my PVP stats also. Good times.
  2. Hi guys, Since the search feature is missing, I need to know a couple of simple things: How many characters can I have on each server? Can I play both Sith and Jedi on the one server? Thanks in advance.
  3. I haven't even seen the store. :/
  4. So Aussies didn't get their own servers - cool, we didn't even get a official Aussie server based in the US. hmm. Now we have unofficially taken over 2 servers out of the pile that exists. Look at all the wait times and each time we want to play its over an hour - really? REALLY? REALLLLY? So my question you my fellow Aussies, if Swiftsure and Harbinger are our unofficial servers, should we consider more? Please discuss, as this is only getting worse as more early access players are jumping on. Can you imagine the pain on the 20th? The point of early access is to get that little head start. Maybe we should consider other servers before the 20th.
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