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Everything posted by Khendo

  1. just a solid LFG tool for both flashpoints and operations.
  2. I strongly hope for an instance group finder tool, I really miss it. I'm playing the game really few due to this feature missing.
  3. Please never, ever!! F2P is just an illusion, a soap bubble, smoke in the eyes... for us players, and for game companies as well. It ends with servers full of always fresh new few-hits-players, this gives game companies the illusion they have more players playing the game... but the truth is that very few stick to the game after f2p conversion. MMORPGs players just need continous content delivering to satisfy their (ours ) addiction and keep on subs, just that!
  4. There are many usefull guides and nice tips here that we, newbies, can find through these forums. But there were some things to avoid that I didn't realize when I started my 1st character. Please name main errors you did while leveling your 1st toon, to allow newcomers avoid them. My BIG mistake while leveling my 1st and main character was: - send companion on loads of crew missions, this led my toon to a financial disaster at about lev 20
  5. I cannot wonder anything else to be addeded to the game which currenntly I feel is missing. Pls devs, do it. This game deserves it! Many Thanks in advance! I'll keep hoping for this as I strongly believe that this is the last thing left to make this game the shining diamond that all of us were waiting for!
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