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Posts posted by Ridisi

  1. Hey everyone I currently play a 49 sorcer and 40 powertech and a 40 operative and Iv got my marauder to 30 and need some help understanding his PVP output


    Could you please give me your opinions on a pvp scec as well as a rotation that works?


    Theres a reason why we have an in-depth marauder guide as our only sticky.

  2. I have seen threads where people are saying, "Oh, I don't have dual wield mastery" and pretty much all of the responses are essentially, "You're terribad, l2p." That being said, I am currently an avid supporter of always having 3/3 in DWM because there isn't really anything else that you could take that would be more beneficial (but 1.2 is coming with new talents so who knows?! :D).


    I know a dps increase is still a dps increase, but I haven't really seen anyone discussing how your accuracy influences this talent.


    I really think that until we get combat logs and can see what percentage of our DPS comes from offhand hits, we can't be sure how useful this talent really is in practice.


    Also, if we were to take the points out of this, where else would they be spent? There would have to be a damn good talent to take to replace this...


    I just wanted to post and get people thinking that yes, while it is raising your offhand damage, if you are at cap accuracy for pvp (110% with special attacks) you will have 77% accuracy with off hand strikes on your special attacks (I think, I'm not able to sign on right now to check)


    This means all of your special attacks that use both weapons have a 28% miss chance on enemy players (with 5% defenses) in pvp. Idk about you guys, but I miss my off hand swings all the time which is really annoying lol...




    I didn't really read much until you started questioning DWM. You understand it affects the tooltips on your abilities like Vicious Slash/Massacre/ETC... right?

  3. Hi,


    I just hit 50 on my marauder late yesterday - this will be my first 50.


    I pvp-ed quite a bit when leveling up, and am on the verge of Lvl 50 valor (capped at 49). I also had one champion bag in the bank and 1K of merc and WZ commendations, with which I purchased 5 more. So I have a total of 42 champ commendations, and 90 centurion commendations.


    What would be the recommendation for the first pieces that I should buy ? I have artifice as my main profession, and have the lvl 49 advanced hilt (543 force power ones) on my weapons. I also bought the +25 and +17 expertise weapons along the way, so I have atleast some nominal expertise on my weapons (42 total).


    Any inputs will be greatly appreciated.




    Your first 2 champ purchases should be MH and OH, everything after that is build to suit.

  4. Cleansing the heal debuff means Rupture or Deadly Saber was missed by the cleanse.



    What now.


    You do understand that the sorc purges TWO abilities right? And that Purge is on a FOUR second CD. That mean's your dots are going away REGARDLESS of what you do to cover them up. You're wasting valuable GCDs on something that does abo****ely nothing. Beyond that, every time they purge the target gets healed PER removed debuff. Congratulations, you just wasted your own GCDs and helped heal the target in the process.


    What now?

  5. Turned it on, listened to the awful choice in music, watched you repeatedly use your heal debuff as it repeatedly gets cleansed, closed the video and know you're an idiot fighting even worse idiots.


    People need to understand that when you make a video, you need to consider EVERYTHING when making it. You don't see film directors throwing in random music just because they like it, that's not how it works at all. When you're directing your next movie, think about that a bit.

  6. I'm not sure if it is the same or not. I think theirs is called "Force Kick" that has that same animation as well. Not 100% sure as I do not have a Sentinel character to look at. I am hoping to get confirmation that they do in fact have the ability to use the same skill in PvP, as we do not. Thanks for the idea though, I will look into that and hope for a Dev comment as well.


    They can't use Savage Kick in PVP either lol. Every class gets abilities like this.

  7. ITT: People who lack reading comprehension.


    I never said it was hard. I just said I could spec out of Annil and not notice any difference on the vast majority of the stuff I kill for missions because Deadly Saber, Rupture, Berserk etc are all a waste to use on anything below elite/champ.


    So what you're saying is that for small mobs spec doesn't matter, and that for anything decently strong you want to be Anni? Gee, I guess you didn't need to put this entire useless thread up as you know the answer already.

  8. Giving Carnage the important parts of Anni means Carnage is now going to be the #1 spec hands down for group play. They didn't spread out any of the goodness that was Carnage, but gave it everything that made the others strong/buffed its abilities in general.
  9. Carnage didnt receive enough to give it an edge over the other 2 specs(especially since Rage was decently buffed).


    Mara population in 1.2:

    Same great numbers of Annihilators, and a greater number of Ragers than now.


    You're VERY VERY confused on what made Carnage worse than the other 2 specs. The tools that made the other specs stronger were now GIVEN to Carnage. Carnage in an of itself IS a good spec, especially in group play.


    Roots are the most powerful CC in the game, and Carnage gets three of them.

  10. Hey guys, I was leveling a marauder up and while I'm playing I decided to mainly focus on PvP. I noticed one game we had like 4 snipers on the other team and I ended up being knocked back and immobilized a lot. You can't charge a sniper who is in cover and they still have a stun if I get close.



    So what's the best tactics to close the distance and stay on target? Also what breaks their cover ability?


    You won't be proficient in pvp until you have all of your abilities. It's sad but true.

  11. Dude, if you think you need a force push with all the *********** CC's and knockbacks in this game, then you really have to l2p your class. Seriously stop asking for something that almost every class has -.-


    If you fight against 2 people, you should be able to kill 1 guy, and even if you're not able to kill 1 of them, force camo out and use predation to run away.

    Also, you're not even suposed to fight 1v2 if you're in a premade.


    Force push a warrior, he will force charge to you.

    Force push a powertech, he will use his charge or he will pull you.

    Force push an assassin, he will use his force speed to get to you or force pull if he's a tankassin

    Force push ANY ranged class and they will be the happiest guy in the WZ because they're in range.


    Operatives are the only class that don't have a real gap closer when you use force push against them, so why would you want an ability for 1 class? -.-

    I rather have force pull for the annoying operatives so they can't kite me anymore.


    edit: When someone uses a knockback against me in Voidstar/Civil War, I'm really happy they used it. It just gives me extra resolve for free without getting stunned. (btw, USE PREDATION !!!! it's our 2nd GAP CLOSER when you're knockbacked)


    If you can burst down a Sorc/Sage or medium armored target while its guarded, and you're permanently dealing with Taunt/AoE Taunt then I would love to see the people that play on your server. I imagine I could only hit Assault and kill everyone.


    First of all, there will ALWAYS be situations in WZs where you will end up out numbered, especially as a Marauder. Second of all, you're forcing other characters to burn important CDs that they need, which means you just won that section of the encounter also. Thirdly, I would love to be able to shove a ranged class down into the pit when I'm fighting around mid, so that I no longer have to deal with them shooting me at all. Fourth, you have a permanent 100% up-time snare(unless it gets cleansed off, and if it does it means there's going to be dots still ticking on them), force charge, force camo speed buff, choke, and PLENTY of other tools to never get kited for long. If you can't handle an operative, then you aren't playing right.


    And lastly, if you think someone forcing you to burn 30 fury on predation makes them bad, you're an even bigger fool. You now have no fury for bloodthirst/berserk in order to burst someone down properly. Congratulations, you just got out played.

  12. Push will forver be 100% stronger than pull, and an asset in EVERY situation. When im fighting 1v2, and the Jugg/Sin/Powertech is guarding this squishy, I have ZERO ways to seperate them in order to actually burst down my target. There are a million other situations in which push would be a god send also.


    Anyone who thinks that they don't want it for this stupid reason. "Why would I want to push my enemy away from me" shouldn't be pvping to begin with.

  13. I don't really get the BM set for Marauders and Sentinels. The majority of our DPS comes from weaponbased attacks such as Annihilate, Massacre, Vicious Slash, etc, which all require Accuracy in order to hit/not be fully avoided. In PvP, if you want to be able to hit everything that isn't a tank, you need 10% additional accuracy due to Inquisitors and Consulars having 10% base defense unlike the other classes that only have 5% defense. However, using the full BM set without speccing for Accuracy in Carnage/Combat wont get you to 10% additional accuracy. Seeing as about 50% of the Pvp community (at least on my server) is Inquisitors and Consulars, you kinda have no choice but to get the additional 10% accuracy unless you want strong abilities like Annihilate and Vicious Throw to be fully avoided by a sorc with 10k HP.


    Is this just bad design by BioWare or do they want us to spec Carnage/Combat (which for the record has a lot of potential in PvP, but is just so squishy unlike Annihilation) in order to be fully effective in PvP? Personally I have no intention of using full BM for the simple reason that I have PvE gear such as Rakata Weapons which are modable so that I can get 10% aditional Accuracy that way.


    However, not everyone has the possibility to do Hard Mode Operations for Rakata Gear like I do. Now I do realize that in 1.2 the PvP gear will be fully remoddable, weapons included, however I do not think they will put more Accuracy into the BM set, meaning that you'd have to remodify the gear with other Enhancements to get 10% accuracy without speccing for it.


    If any Dev might read this, how do you plan to do with Accuracy for Marauders and Sentinels following 1.2? Will the War Hero set be similar to the BM set as in that it is lacking Accuracy?



  14. yeah same graphic to make sure others know the difference in heavy and medium armor. force marauders to use medium and make it look exactly like heavy..how does it not protect the same when its made of the same exact stuff?


    its like the excuse no wookies because kashyyyk hasnt been discovered yet theres wookies walking around on the republic fleet and kashyyyk gets mentioned in a bowdar cutscene.




    There is a wookie companion on light side... what the hell are you smoking.

  15. The biggest thing to not get owned is to know when to use your defensive abilities. Most people just use them all together, or randomly and that's not the right thing to do at all. You should also be making sure that Cloak is up every time you're in combat, as it's a flat 20% damage mitigation.
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