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Posts posted by Ridisi

  1. http://www.torhead.com/skill-calc#100RZGGMRRr0dGzZGM.1


    He's almost ten. I like knowing what I am going to do before I get to that point and I have heard that carnage is great (and it honestly looks great talent wise). I wasn't sure what to pick though, especially after the main tree was filled. I will probably do a mix of pvp while lvling but I tend to mostly just PVE.


    Also, primary stat is str. I am getting a lot of orange armor for him for lvling, what else should i focus on?


    No, it's definitely not any where near good. I always love to hear people explain these builds.

  2. can't really be offhand - not enough misses for 50 or 60% hit chance that it has. Parry shouldn't be a factor for Marauder anyway if bosses can't parry attacks from behind, same with dodge actually, but Idk what the programmers did, never paid attention, never seen a dodge or parry pop up though.


    Bosses can block/parry/dodge whatever from any direction. The only reason you should be behind a boss is to avoid cone/cleave damage.

  3. How dare you come to forums about Marauders and ask other Marauders questions pertaining to the class! Didn't you know these forums are only for posting links to YouTube videos of Annihilation PVP (with terrible dubstep music)?!!@#?


    You forgot to add in Drowning Pool - "Bodies."

  4. To you, but not to me. I love trying to get my overall DPS/DMG higher and higher as I develop my skills and come up with different strats.


    Damage done is only indicative of Healing done. Congratulations on realising that Healing got nerfed this patch, and thus your over all total damage on warzone score boards went down accordingly.

  5. I am annihilation spec’d. Have like 680 expertise (almost full BM gear). Against comparably gear healers, I have a hard time killing them solo. I do the healing debuff, interrupt every time it’s up, use force choke & aoe fear (if on cooldown) to interrupt further. I’ll also pop relics/adrenal for a DPS boost to turn up the pressure. What am I missing? Good healers can plant their feel and heal through most of this.


    Stop using your healing debuff unless you really want to cover a dot. Stop using your interupt every time its on CD and instead interupt key abilities. Make sure you're using your relics at a point of which they can't recover what you do. And if a healer doesn't need to kite you, you need to rethink your career choice.

  6. I have a Guardian (rerolled from sent) who is higher level now but I clearly remember struggling up until 35 or 40 solo wise. I have been wanting to play through the warrior story line but honestly wasn't looking forward to the same issues soloing. So my question is this... will the fixes to warriors coming with 1.2 help with these rough periods of leveling or should I just push forward and deal with things as is?




    Iron out your spec, ability usage, and companion usage, and you won't have problems leveling. It's not as faceroll as Inquis/BH, but it should not be difficult at all.

  7. Do not trade BM for Rakata armor slots at 550 exp or below.


    There is no "10%" magic number. There is no "fill out with PvE" slots. Good PvP -> PvE trades are crit Columi implants, orange bracers, orange belt, matrix cube, crit Rakata synthweave / relic.


    If you're whoring an obscene amount of BIS and actually have all those, stop here. You don't want to lose more expertise.



    "Meh" PvP -> PvE trades are basically the sabers -- sabers are what you want to trade if you have none of the other crit or orange PvE trade options mentioned above.


    Poor PvP -> PvE trades are the primary armor slots. You generally want to avoid this and go get sabers and your Matrix Cube instead, and use BM gear.


    If you're juggling Champ/Columi, no one cares: get better gear.


    You must not understand how the soft caps in this game work. Stuff starts scaling as soon as you get a point into the stat. That means that after a certain point, the gain is ridiculous compared to the effective HP and offensive gains of raw stats from the PVE gear.

  8. I use the Heart of Ragnos and the Oath of Ragnos with the +41 expertise crystals. That is good until you can get the BM sabers. In the end, you will want the Battlemaster Sabers because they are tailored toward pvp, and the expertise boost is very valuable.


    Wrong. Wrong. Wrong. Wrong.


    In this current patch, the PVE sabers with proper +41 power crystals in them WILL be better.


    Patch 1.2 will have to see just how much the expertise cap changes.

  9. How much is too much expertise?

    i currently have 9.9 %


    i could have if i change out some stuff at 11.8%


    im trying to maximize my power stat.


    what do you guys suggest?


    waiting until 1.2 when your soft caps change.

  10. I just hit 50 this week on my Marauder. I am a hardcore PvP'er and have a War Hero dps sorc (goodbye in 1.2!) and a War Hero healing operative.


    My question is this: should I go with the tank-intended saber or the marauder one? Obviously it's a trade-off between damage and survivability, but I've found so far that survivability is more important in PvP.


    Both MH sabers are Jugg intended sadly. If you wait until 1.2, you can get a Weaponmaster MH.

  11. Less fury generation per rage. 4:1 vs 4:3


    Marauders loose the -100% damage bubble (Force Camo).


    Annihilation Tree - Lost +80% run speed.


    Carnage - Has been buffed *Equalized*... Unfortunately still not worth using.


    Rage is still a gimmick spec.



    1. Marauder LOSE the 100% damage reduction at a 2 point cost for an ACROSS the board damage reduction of 50%, effectively GAINING more out of the tree.


    2. 30% run speed was a waste of talents, in Anni. There are vastly superior places to put 2 talent points over this. This talent was a noob trap for Anni, and is the reason it was moved.


    3. Carnage has and always will be the strongest group based spec. Root's are the single strongest form of CC in this game hands down, and the spec comes with 3 of them. The burst damage it brings trumps everything but Rage now as well, but it has better returns and is less CD reliant.


    4. Do I even need to point out the fallacy in this? Biased trash coming from someone who has zero idea what makes a class/spec strong or weak.


    you sir must only play anni, never tried the other specs


    carnage snares are amazing and rage damage is up in healers faces, anni bleeds take forever and can be cleansed


    you cant cleanse a 4k+ crit from smash


    Do people seriously still think that bleeds are what make annihilation strong? That's like saying the damage from Force Choke/Force Crush is what makes Rage a strong tree. If your Annihilate isn't hitting for 4k+, you're doing something seriously wrong or aren't wearing any gear.


    If you think your predictable smash combo is pressuring a healer, you play against terribles. Annihilation is a stronger spec against healers because it ISN'T predictable. They can't stop your burst combo because it doesn't rely on a 1-2-3 combo. Pressure from Anni/Carnage marauders = Instant, regardless of what morons think.


    And Ridisi, the defender medals in huttball are awarded for killing the enemy ball carrier. You get more defender points when you kill them when they are close to your goal.


    Ill have to see what my objective score is the next time i get the warden medal.


    Horse ****, afk a WZ standing on the goal line and see what happens, screen shot it, and come back and talk to me.

  13. I call bull. 9 times out of 10, the ones trying to win the hardest are getting the highest scores.


    Of course MVP usually goes to healers but news flash. I play plenty of games that have no healers of note.


    Holding the ball, or even being near the ball on defence does you absolutely nothing point wise. The ONLY way to get defensive points in Huttball is to be on your goal line. I used to be incredibly confused as to why they did it, but then it clicked. You aren't defending the ball when its in the enemies hands moving around, so why would you get defensive points?

  14. All I see or have drop are for agents, are there ones for us Marauders? And if so do you know where they drop, what level they are? I haven't seen a single one on the GTN that were medium that a Marauder could use. Thanks.


    There are none, and it wont matter once 1.2 hits. The only available one is from the space mission vendor.

  15. ... 20%.




    And for the last *********** time for the audience that seriously needs to L2R: Rage is taking as many nerfs as it is getting buffs.




    - Predation is no longer "perma"

    - 3s higher cooldown on Force Scream

    - 3s higher cooldown on Smash

    - Slower upfront Smash cycles (pre: 3 omega Smashes over 18 seconds; post: 3 omega Smashes over 24 seconds)

    - 2 higher rage cost on Smash


    The nerfs are pretty significant, but the buffs aren't bad as well. It's a net neutral, not this random "IT COULD BE AWESOME GUYZ" ********.


    The fact that you're completely ignoring the Berserk change to Rage is laughable.

  16. The actual question is : Is dmg the wright incentive-goal?

    :sy_darkside:Like many many others i ve used to pay really high attention on how much dmg i was doing and most of the time i am the top meelee dmg dealer(there are a few eminent players on the server who outshine me) and in the top4 dmg dealers on a wz.


    :sy_darkside:A couple of weeks ago i realized that stressing out (only)about how much dmg i do is pointless(up to a point).

    Everyday i have heated arguements with a guildmate(he plays an op operative) about who is a better dmg dealer and i used to get really pissed when this little troll was doing more doing than me, until i realized that waht matters the most is , who is the most efficient dmg dealer

    :sy_darkside: by efficiency i mean dmg per kill

    for a couple of weeks i ve been keeping track on this "variable" and what i realized is that marauder is BY FAR the most efficient killer while other dps specs farm dmg while you are destroying people(along with sin and jugg but they are still below as)


    :sy_darkside: I.E. in a hutball match(ended quickly 6-1) our numbers aproximately were

    ME: 160K dmg and 39 kills

    HIM: 200kdmg and 10 kills

    and that was pretty much the pattern on every wz and not just by compairing me and him but marauders(decent or above) in generall with other ranged dps classes my efficiency variable is always in favor of our class.


    my point is not that sometimes dmg is unimportant, but i want to point out that the dominance of our class cannot be portraited properly on the wz boards so dont get frustrated :cool: (at least for the most of us. There are eminent marauders that dominate a wz in every possible way and i am really looking up to them ) the more you l2p the more clear your dominance will be, thats whats happens to me i am still learning but i am to the point that after 3 months in the server there many who dont wanna mess with me and others who try a lot to do so and fail ;)


    I couldn't read hardly any of your post because of it's awful AWFUL formatting, but I can tell you this. What you're trying to talk about is effective damage verse fluff damage. Now, there are MANY MANY variables that go into all of that. First and foremost is the fact that a high damage almost always equates to a high healing factor on the enemy team.


    That can cause quite a few things, especially in relation to your post. Because your friend was throwing out so much damage so fast, it could have been pressuring the enemy healers enough to allow YOU to do what you're supposed to and burst down some kills. Obviously just one scenario, and most probably the obvious one, but it proves a lot of points.


    The point is though, is that yes there IS a point where fluff damage is useless, but that point isn't defined by kills or killing blows even.

  17. Yes, movment speed-buffs do stack; it is less apparent, however, while sprint is active and can be confirmed by asking someone without a 15% movement speed buff to "race you". I've confirmed this by having an assassin (not stealthed, with +15% movment speed from deception) race my sorcerer and they win.


    Now, whether or not they removed this same effect being applied to carnage marauders in ataru form from having its speed bonus with sprint applying, I'm not certain, but my carnage marauder in ataru form's speed bonus doesn't even apply while in combat when I notice the bug issue.


    Other classes with the movement speed bonus would be operatives and they clearly gain the speed boost when not stealthed, as well.


    Speed buffs in this game do not stack, at all. Try again.

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