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Posts posted by llesna

  1. Please, - make possible to get HK-55 bonus chapter

    (buy? count of month been as subscriber?)

    I want to play it and I want HK-55 back. I miss him much.

    I'm one of the Founders and I've been with the game since the beginning. (And I missed just one month of the period to earn the bonus chapter)


    Regards, Nicholas


    I agree and am in a similar situation myself.


    I started playing SWTOR in the pre-release stages, got 8x characters to level 50 (before the levelling boosts) then quick the game for several years for many reasons.


    I recently returned after learning of the improvements made and the server merges. I was not following the game at the time, so I was completely unaware that I might return to the game or that there would be time-limited rewards.


    It makes sense that items should be free to people who were subscribing at the time. However, there is no reason to keep the rewards limited to those people, when people are actively willing to spend Cartel coins or take longer in-game actions to reach the same outcome.


    Having exclusive items was never a draw to me to this game and it wouldn't bother me in the slightest if other players could earn or buy some of the items I already have. There's simply no defensible and truly logical reason to keep HK-55 unavailable to most players apart from a select few, many of whom may not even be playing any more.

  2. Wow. There are so many rude, obnoxious or arrogant posts in this thread that it makes my head spin.


    Let me be clear about something here:


    Just because YOU are not interested in same-gender relationships DOES NOT MEAN that this isn't important to a lot of other players who wanted this in at launch.


    Such options were there at launch for other games from Bioware (notably Mass Effect 3 and Dragon Age), so were sorely lacking here.


    If you're not interested in it, that DOES NOT make it a waste of time. By that logic, I could claim that all PvP improvements are a waste of time. I could also claim that many of the flashpoint improvements are a waste of time. Do I claim this? NO. Why? Because I realise that other gamers have different priorities to myself.


    Please have a bit of empathy for this and realise that a heck of a lot of players find this an important part of character design and story. Furthermore, please refrain from making snap value judgements about those for whom this is important, lest you be judged as such yourselves in a similar nasty manner.


    Kind thoughts


  3. Okay. If you're really listening devs, please "listen" to the following (in no particular order of preference):


    1. Same gender relationship arcs, including expanded normal relationship options (i.e., such as a knight being able to romance Lord Scourge etc.).

    2. Purchaseable character slots (beyond 12 slots). (Not sure if your 50 global characters covers this.)

    3. Purchaseable character name changes.

    4. Purchaseable legacy name change.

    5. Purchaseable server transfers.

    6. Purchaseable faction change.

    7. Purchaseable character design change (aka, the "barber shop").

    8. Purchaseable character gender change (possibly linked to the above).

    9. Specific controls for space flight battles (so I don't have to reconfigure my controls every single time I want to do a space battle!!!)

    10. Faster ways to get end-game gear for casual players.

    11. Separated colour crystals from stats crystals.

    12. Skimpy adaptive gear for male users (i.e., a male equivalent of the slave girl outfit to put on male characters).

    13. Cross faction talk.

    14. Ability to add friends or ignore users at an account level rather than just character name, plus have this apply to all characters.

    15. SAVE MY CONTROLS/KEYBINDS AND APPLY THEM TO ALL CHARACTERS!!! (Just like with UI configuration.)

    16. Mini-games (i.e., Pazaak, Swoop Racing etc.).

    17. Remove the cost to remove modifications from armour entirely for subscribers. It's an unnecessary credit sink.

    18. Massively reduced cost for subscribers to add augment slots to armour! At the current cost, most players will only add augment slots on their end-game armour, as otherwise the investment is too steep.

    19. PvP Space Combat and free range space battles.

    20. Hood on/off toggle like we've been asking for forever.

  4. 1. Same gender relationship arcs, including expanded normal relationship options (i.e., such as a knight being able to romance Lord Scourge etc.).

    2. Purchaseable character slots (beyond 12 slots).

    3. Purchaseable character name changes.

    4. Purchaseable legacy name change.

    5. Purchaseable server transfers.

    6. Specific controls for space flight battles (so I don't have to reconfigure my controls every single time I want to do a space battle!!!)

    7. Faster ways to get end-game gear for casual players.

    8. Separated colour crystals from stats crystals.

  5. Dear devs,


    Whilst I am appreciate of the credit cost reductions you have already put in place for subscribers, I would like to suggest the following:


    • Completely removing the cost for removing modifications from items for subscribers (or else reducing the cost down to the tiniest fraction you will allow).

    • Reducing the cost for adding augment slots to gear to encourage the use of augments during levelling and before players have acquired their end-game gear.


    This game has enough credit sinks in it at present, so please reduce these where you can to increase player enjoyment and decrease player frustration.


    Kind regards


  6. Dear devs,


    At present, many companions have powerful moves that are also area of effect (AOE) attacks. Consequently, companions will use these moves (unless they're disabled) around enemies that have been stunned or held by crowd control moves.


    Please consider enacting one of the following options:


    • Companion AOEs will not effect or damage enemies held by crowd control or stun moves.


    • Companions will make smart use of their AOEs, not using them when they are within the move's distance of a held or stunned enemy.


    At present, players must selectively enable or disable these moves to prevent companions from acting like overzealous newbies in many situations. Disabling these moves makes the companions considerably less effective as well unfortunately, since they tend to be quite powerful.


    Kind regards


  7. Dear devs,


    I humbly submit some service ideas (many, or possibly all, of which have been expressed already by others) for the Cartel Market, in no particular order of preference or importance:


    1. Character name change tokens.

    2. Legacy name change tokens.

    3. Change server tokens (allowing you even to move to a different type of server if you wish).

    4. Modify character appearance token.

    5. Modify character gender and appearance token.

    6. More character slots (beyond the 12 currently available per server).


    On a more controversial note perhaps, I would also like to suggest you consider a way to allow players to acquire end-game gear faster, especially for casual players who do not wish to spend weeks or months on a single character just to be able to get the gear they wish, often for the aesthetics.


    You might wish to consider, for example, selling the end-game item shells (without the high-end components inside) as armour packs. Alternatively a faster way to acquire the commendations at a cartel coin cost would be greatly appreciated by those players who enjoy the game but are lacking in time.


    Please do think about this properly but also swiftly, as many players have been waiting on such things since pre-launch.


    Kind regards


  8. I see 95% of these people are Overpowered DPS spec Sentinels or Overpowered DPS spec Guardians.


    I do not see one Tank say they can complete the fight as our DPS is so freaking awesome we die before done.


    Step 1 fire the moron that created this fight for all Jedi Knights as he has no clue as to differences in spec.

    Step 2 let us get a freaking healer as tanks need one to do any DPS at all.


    I am not going to go RESPEC to DPS just to do this fight and if expected to is clearly unfair to tanks.


    I did the fight perfectly just a few minutes ago as a tank guardian.


    All I had to do was set T7 to DPS and interrupt the force blast move. I finished on more than half health and T7 had about two thirds. The fight was easy once I started interrupting force blast. Seriously.


    For the record, I have level 49/50 gear and am not a particularly good player. In fact, I play more like a casual player. I did it on the third attempt. If in doubt, get some medpacks and stims.


    P.S. Ignore the clones. Go straight for the Emperor.

  9. Hey there.


    After a 4 month hiatus, I've resubbed and although my server is dead, I'm having a lot of fun continueing the class storylines. I'm sensitive to that sort of stuff: details, astmosphere, stories. This also means that I won't continue my subscription after they cancel my server and force me to give up the detail of my chosen names (There's always youtube and I'm a discerning customer with his own wishlist who realizes it's just a game. ), but it's still fun enough for me to maximize my enjoyment for as long as it will last.


    Which Storyline should I finish? I'm currently doing bounty hunter. I love the independance and the ability to say no to Sith lords barking orders and demand credits instead.

    I've heard good thing about the Imperial agent too and making headway with my lvl 32 sniper, but I'm also looking for a good Republic storyline. Smuggler has been boring me to tears though.



    Can anyone tell me which class storylines are the better ones and why, so I can tell if they'd match my tastes?


    Looking forward to finishing all that I still can!


    Transfer to a new server. Remake your names with accented characters.


    For example: a name like Destructor could firstly benefit from ð or Ð, followed by éèë or even ê. You could do the same for the u (úùüû) or the o (óòöô) and the c can happily become ç. Heck, you can even turn the o into ø or Ø if you wanted. Those are just the accents off the top of my head too.


    In short, if you're that inflexible, you must not be enjoying yourself that much.

  10. ~ Drum Roll ~

    Enter the SWTOR cashshop... brought to you by EA ORIGIN....


    On the menu today is :-

    Server transfers

    Name changing

    Legacy renaming

    Extra cargo hold slots

    Additional carrying bags

    Spaceship Ammenities

    Speciality facial hair styling

    Attire makeover to suit all flavours


    .... .... .... AND JUST IN - Today's Manager's Special .... .... ....

    Extra Character Slots for our more avid gamers / Altholics


    Now slap that credit card on the desk and give us ya cash! :rolleyes:


    I completely agree with everything you wrote there ^_^

  11. How is work progressing on QOL issues?


    E.g.: more character slots (at least sixteen per server), hide companion head slot, hood toggle, companion colour unification, lower legacy costs, massively reduced costs of credit sinks (especially removing the mod costs or at least reducing them to a small fraction of what they are now), fixing the "big rear end" issue on most jedi robes with body type 2 characters, optimising the game engine, legacy/account-wide friends/ignore lists, cross-faction guilds etc. etc. etc.

  12. I am really sick of your new feature involving PrtScn. Normally when I press PrtScn it copies my screen and when I paste it into Paint it shows up. Well recently a new feature was implemented where if PrtScn is used it only copies my in game screen and puts the file on my hard drive.. Now as useful as this is I have dual monitors so while I am in game I am working on my other screen, and I can no longer copy my screen outside the game for whatever I am doing. A month ago I could PrtScn, while in game, and it would copy my whole screen. Really was hoping I wouldn't have to close game just to do a PrtScn.


    I've had exactly the same issue since they updated it and reported it as a bug several times.


    I used to use alt+printscreen to capture just the window and paste it into Photoshop myself, as I dislike saving things as JPGs. As it stands, the game stops any program running from using the key combination whilst it's open.



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