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Posts posted by MXFive

  1. I wish to craft some items that require Desh, so I purchased some Desh from the Galactic Trade Market. The credits were subtracted from my account, but the Desh does not appear in my Inventory, and it does not appear in Kaliyo's Crew Skills menu. Where can I find my Desh?


    Thank you for your help!

  2. In "Doom and the Dark Temple" (Imperial Agent quest), instead of immediately killing the Wounded Terrorist, I conversed with him through all of the dialogue-choices, and then I was required to defeat him in battle. Unfortunately, the Wounded Terrorist became the super-strong Possessed Terrorist, and he defeated Kaliyo and me twice.


    I was forced to visit a Medical Droid in order to repair our armor and to purchase MedPacs. However, I can no longer access this part of the quest. When I return to this quest's section of the temple, a red force-field is in place, and an "Imperial Agents Only" warning prevents me from entering the quest-area. I am an Imperial Agent, and the not-completed "Defeat the Possessed Terrorist" quest continues to appear in my journal.


    How can I complete this quest?


    Thank you for your insight!

  3. From what I understand the reason for this is camera collision. If the ceilings were not that high you would spend alot of time looking at the top/back of your character's head. :cool: There was a thread on this on the STO forums a couple years ago and I believe that was their reasoning for them. Same thing happens in WoW and most other 3rd person MMO's. Your camera sits above your character and the higher ceiling allows for more depth of field when exploring indoor areas.


    Thank you for your answer, Crowcaine.


    STO's reason is confusing, however, if it is also BioWare's reason. For example, in the Mass Effect console-games, which also are of the 3rd-person perspective, the environments have the correct scale.

  4. I noticed that in Star Wars: The Old Republic, Star Trek: Online, and Champions Online: Free For All, all of the environments are vastly over-scaled. The buildings have extremely-high ceilings, and the spaces that the buildings enclose are gargantuan.


    Especially in the case of STO, the bridge of the 1960s USS Enterprise is much too big, and the ceiling is much too high, compared to the sizes of the people who inhabit it; it does not, at all, match the scale of the bridge that is shown on the television-show.


    In SWTOR, I understand that Coruscant and other planets have ultra-tall skyscrapers, but even these edifices are out-of-proportion in-relation to the characters. These environments also do not match the scale that is shown in the Star Wars films.


    Is this MMORPG-design-protocol? Is there a technical-reason that the environments in SWTOR and other MMORPGs are tremendously over-scaled?


    I thank you, in-advance, for your insight.

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