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Everything posted by Weltall

  1. I'm gonna start by telling you that I preordered in November. Because of that I expect to be among the last of the waves to gain access. I'm ok with this because WE WERE TOLD THIS FROM THE START. As soon as the early game access was announced they told us it would be based on the order you entered your preorder code. I could have preordered in July, but i chose to wait because I didnt know what I would be doing when the game was released. So in making this choice I knew I would be getting into the game later. So just because you didnt get in today, is no reason to be pissed at Bioware. You can also look at it this way, if everyone was allowed in today, there would be ques to get onto servers and massive lag in starting zones. Then you would be complaining about that. So please stop complaining about something that you should have already known. Thank you.
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