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Everything posted by Arkengelus

  1. Haha. Amazing stuff. Some of these are definitely needed in game. I'm almost certainly I'd come back and play again with breezey new outfits like these ;D
  2. Dark Ward makes a rather unique sound when it loses a charge. Once you learn to listen out for it, it makes predicting when to next reactivate it a lot easier. But at the same time, fine tuning your ears while so much else is going on is a bit of a nightmare. Something more visual definitely wouldn't go amiss. But combined with HD's new visual we could turn way too "glowy" and spoil the immersion factor even more.
  3. ^ Lmao. He certainly does get bored and lonely being on that big ship all by himself, all day every day. I can just imagine him now, rocking slightly with a sinister robo-grin, as he decides what to do with his day. It's a viscous cycle. Being isolated drives him a bit loopy. Then we finally bring him out, and he's SO excited and nuts we're like, "Auw hell. *** is up with ma droid?" *dismiss* And it continues.
  4. You can get the Dark Acolyte gear, which is just black. The hood is down though. If you want the hood up, use the Saber Marshall's chest piece. Both sets come with an orange/moddable version. You can find them on the Galactic Market for pretty cheap. Just search armour > light > then sort the results by rarity. All the orange ones appear on the first few pages. Learning this, my cargo hold thing has literally become an insane giant wardrobe. Only, it costs THOUSANDS to swap my mods around between the pieces >_<
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