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Posts posted by drfirewater

  1. Will HK-51 be a Cash Shop companion, or will it be as originally said, some big Quest, needing chars on both sides?


    I think many of you have never been in a game with the hybrid Free To Play as coinned by Turbine. The difference between the old free to play mmo system (commonly known as the asian free to play system) and the new hybrid that was started with Turbines Dungeons and Dragons Online is that nothing on the store is a MUST buy to get situation with the exception of vanity (and after the first 6 months Turbine even did away with that making all items on store have a 2% drop rate as random drops)


    There is no reason for them to stop development that was already in progress for this HK-51 droid questing. Will HK-51 be a unlock sold in store for people who dont have enough character slots to waste on a pub character ? Damd i sure hope so i cant stand pub classes personally. BUT it will still be available in game without purchase in real funds via the quest cycle its designed to be made available through.


    Dont need to work for bioware to know that ....

  2. things i am excited about : New raid with interesting concepts from this end well done folks. you also managed to introduce inter galactic hyper travel which opens alot of doors to the future.


    things i am worried about: Campain level requirements for HM should mean the story mode drops campain level gear. After all that is what progression means .. that you progress from one tier to the next. My worry as a PVE player on a PVE server is that to be honest EC HM isnt exactly a walk in the park (i have gotten to all but kephess and more then half of the guildies i got that far with no longer play the game). So guilds who have lost a large population because people who felt the raiding was too easy for them have already left ... so i seriously hope that the content is not so hard its off putting at very least on SM.


    I know your all gonna QQ ... i don't care i don't plan to follow the comments of this thread.


    But the problem with this game is there isnt enough content and the content that comes out takes too freaking long to come out and you can only raid so many days a week. EV and KP are already worthless to most do them once maybe twice with OP team to get yourself geared enough for SM EC then fumble through HM EC unless your in a really good guild of super elitists.


    Hoping this new raid isnt gonna be nearly as silly. SM EC seems to be like you need some BH to beat enrage timers .... are we to expect the same level of stupidity on this raid? ... when you say balanced for full campain gear do you mean its doable in rakata with BH mods? .... what tier gear will the new raid drop on SM? campain / mk1-3?

    will SM be easier or harder then EC HM ?


    i guess all this doesnt really matter until the content is launched ... but keep in mind there are more people who are in hardcore guilds who arent beating HM EC then there are elite groups who are. They need content too, and with free to play the number of people who cant handle the content gets increased.


    (FYI its not me that sucks .... my sorc healer can hit over 1k on aoe and nearly 8k on single target crits 40% crit chance and 80% multiplier .... but you cant play ALL the characters in the raid at the same time)

  3. And imagine all those hours used on the rail shooter could have been used on something like free flight

    multiplayer space combat the players would actually enjoy 100 times more.....


    and imagine how few people would be rolling alts and playing FPs and doing ops and playing WZs if we had the same craptastical space combat as SWG .... Taking MORE people away from PVE content wont save this games subs sad to say ... the majority of the players are not hard core space or pvpers.


    full out space combat will kill this game .... like it did SWG. (as i have said before NGE was the final nail but subs started dropping when JTL came and no one was doing ground based stuff for months)


    I agree with lord karsk on one thing though .... a multiplayer space combat PVP where it was a large area ala Battlefront where you have a mix of space and ground pvp would take this game to the next level of awesome. But i dont expect it for a couple of years cause that is what it would take to develop it in the hero engine.

  4. Yes they do .. reason ... crafting boxes and artifcat boxes .... if you are crafting BH gear doing your space combat dailies (which takes a total of maybe 1.5 hours for 100 coms give or take) every three days you can get a grade 7 or 8 crafting box and that means every three days your making a BH enhancement or mod or if your that lucky armoring hilt or barrel.


    Currently to be honest its quite tedious and boring not because its the same thing over and over .. cause that can be said for raiding and regular dailies ... but because it requires so many coms for a box that you have to actually farm space combat ... i think they need to add coms for completing bonuses and twice as much for hidden objectives (like blowing up the hidden objectives with photon torpedos)


    space combat in this game is great ... only the people who dont realize that SWG's space combat was the beginning of hte end for that game (cause that not NGE was the start of the decline in subs in massive numbers NGE was just the nail in the coffin) and that SWTOR is a ground based story based game ... unlike EVE which is entirely space driven.

    This game really cant afford full space exploration there isnt enough ground based content to even consider that sort of stuff at this point of the game. The best you could hope for is that they eventually have a battlefront / rouge squadron style space pvp area. where when you hit the outer parts it forces you to recoil back into combat or some sort of swoop bike racing with combat bikes that can be upgraded using warzone coms.


    Space combat is actually very good in this game ... not nearly enough quests and you dont get nearly enough rewards especially when your at cap per quest ... but those are easy fixes ... they just have to realize they are in need of higher rewards.

  5. Its quite silly really when you think about it. I dont know about all servers but on Correllian Run the GTN seems to be filled with price listings that make no sense what so ever.


    The main example is BH modifications.


    the average price for BEST IN SLOT enhancements is between 400k-500k ... what i mean by this is these are the prices that SELL and dont just sit there on GTN for days on end. the ingredients however if you try to buy them are crazy.


    Corusca gems cheapest you will find them is 5k each majority of poeple are trying to sell them for 10k each


    Let me explain why ... Corusca gems only come from CRIT / Using Crafting mission where the average crit is 1 in 10 times at a cost of 1,000-just under 2,000 per attempt. which means it costs you roughly 20k to get 2-4 gems

    SO corusca gems at 5-10k each are being priced basically what they are worth ... so at 10k each they are actually a deal because it saves you A) the time B) the chance that even in 30 you wont get 1 and C) you can get multiples all at once.


    You need 2 for BH enhancements so that puts our start up cost at 10-20k.


    Molecular Stabalizers ... drop in each of the chests between bosses in EC SM and x2 in HM this means on average you can get 3-6 molecular stabalizers PER EC SM of course there are 8 people that are fighting for the same ingredients. Since these are usually done by guilds its not hard to get them if your can craft mods or enhancements for guild.


    BUT that isnt the only way to get them... you get 1 garunteed for reconstructing an 26 armoring mod or enhancement from bh gear .. which means assuming you have to move it a cost of 120k for 3 on the high end that you can get easy enough by doing the FPs and EC at a rate of 1 item at min per week per character.


    This means the cost of farming them is 2 hrs in EC SM for a 3x 1 in 8 (because its a 1in 8 for each if you roll for ingredients) easily pug able on SM usually lots of poeple who cant get all there alts through it every week. PLUS an additional 3 a week at the cost of 120k if you have to move the mods and enhancements to artificer and cybertech alts to get them. this means the average person who is not doing EC HM can get between 3 and 6 each week at a personal cost of 120k plus time.


    this means 3-6 probably have an expense cost of 200k .. that is 200k for 3 ... why are people trying to sell them 200k EACH .... is beyond me.


    if you had to buy the ingredients to make your enhancement at the cost that makes sense you would be paying 200k for 2 (leaving lots of room for profit from people who are grinding them and guilds who dont craft but have the ingredients) and 20k for corusca gems = 220k then crafting and selling at 400k is 180k profit if you dont do the grinding yourself.


    this is what they are worth ... BUT if the ingredients go for 200k EACH that is boosting the profit margins which has to increase the pricing of enhancements. 200k each means your paying 420k for harder to farm ingredients (dotn forget the upari and artifacts and even the base crafting matterials are 400 each) if your looking to make the same profit margin as you would if the ingredients are going for a FAIR price you would have to sell at 600k each.


    think about that .... when you post ingredients and wonder why no one is buying them dispite the fact that there is a high demand for the ingredients and you wonder why you are never selling anything. Think about the profit margin for people who are buying them and determin if it makes sense.


    At the cost of ingredients currently its cheaper to BUY the enhancements at 400-500k then it is to craft them.


    Please do not support the idiots who are over charging for stuff on GTN that is not worth its weight in credits (especially the people trying to sell you BH armorings for 1-2 million each that is highway robbery). Support the people who post prices that make sense vs there cost and time to get the ingredients with reasonable profit margins.


    another example to ponder is augmented orange gear ... it should ALWAYS be posted above 30k because that is what it costs to augment an item. if you sell it for minimum 30k then your practically giving it away with an augment .. sellign augmented gear at 10k is crazy .... its crazier then selling it for 90k because your ripping yourself off.


    there has to be a point where people actually SEE that value of an item and post it properly.

  6. Ever do dailies in the Black Hole area during prime time? It can take a bit to get let's say the four boxes in stage two of the area quest there, and one often has to wait a bit to get all 5 Drall rescued.


    I'm not saying it's fun to wait in line, but it's what can happen (or can in effect happen in the example I give above) with quests in open zones.


    and this is why we need more instanced content .. and the people who cry about wanting more Open world are nutz at the very core of there being. Instanced content removes all this nonsence. That being said its harder to develop events which are social by nature in instances .... but this event should have kept the rakgoul event structure ... individual quests progressive through the event that dont take a long time that way people dont have to stop raiding and FPs to do them ... and more importantly REPEATABLE.

  7. This kind of thing really makes me wonder about the future of this game. This is a very highly acclaimed development studio. These people design games for a living. How can they make such inexplicably stupid design choices as this single terminal?


    And I'm sorry if that's not constructive. But come on, BioWare... putting a SINGLE quest activator in a MIXED area for the entire server of thousands and thousands of people? Whoever made that decision should be fired, because you guys are taking what could have been a fun little quest and made it frustrating as hell.


    FYI ... the highly acclaimed development studio that fired all the best of there employee's ... we lost the best combat designer .. the best writters and some of the best developers and community support people all in the last 4 months.


    BW austin is no longer the company that made SWTOR its the company that maintains it.

  8. 1) you can get in groups of up to 24 people in an ops to click the box once

    2) it was the worst designed Event in the history of MMOs so meh ...

    3) i think they where rushed to put something in there because people where dropping there accounts now that there 6 month subs from launch are up and they wanted to keep people around long enough to get games com out and info about the next update up to encourage poeple to stay.


    this was the worst planned and developed event in the history of MMOs ... so SWTOR makes history again. Most bugged update in the history of MMOs so much so that it locks you out of the event by doing what you might do daily anyway (space combat bug). And on top of everything its not repeatable so you cant even farm tokens enough to enjoy the lack luster worthless items in the vendor anyway.


    here to hoping there is somethign we are all missing that is getting added next tuesday and that the event is gonna last a while to make up for hte horrible launch of it.

  9. I followed this game from October 2008. The first account I registered on these forums had a three-digit ID.


    The only people I ever saw asking for F2P were the kids who didn't think they could get their parents to pay a subscription. Coincidentally that's the same crowd I see asking for F2P on the TESO forums today... :rolleyes:


    Well then you didnt pay attention ... cause it was talked about at the two major investors meeting and there where huge sticky posts about them and even a live stream for the last one.


    no kids where talking about Free to play only adults and the biggest hate toward it was people crying about MTs. to which I PERSONALLY said ... this game would have MTs before the end of year one .... i was right :)

  10. Yet somehow WoW and Rift and others are still hanging in there, delivering content and collecting $15/month/(US) player...


    Notice that "delivering content" piece. Had this game done that, we wouldn't have heard word 1 about F2P... :(


    I dont think you ever followed this game before launch ... the investors wanted this game to be free to play in 2010 and it was all over the forums. EA buckled under the pressure of the forums community and stated that the game would not start off as free to play and is being designed for a subscription model with no lifetime offer.


    so we heard word 1 about free to play over 2 years before launch.


    Also WoW has been kept alive by asian farmers for the longest time ... the majority of there population comes from china and japan hence if you didnt notice the panda pandemic. Rift also is not doing well .. you might think they are but they are not ... the game has one of the lowest populations of any AAA subbed MMO .. they have less players then DDO and Lotro according to MMOrpg.com and Aeon which was the third highest MMO for numbers in the non free to play is barely alive today.


    The top games OUTSIDE of wow are all Freemium games now. Its the future and present of MMOs .. even wow has been considering a free to play model to win back some fans. This is why they decided not to make D3 a full out mmo dispite the fans asking for it.

  11. Unless, of course, the devs put desirable buffs in the coin shop and don't give subscribers quite enough to cover monthly usage, right?


    I guess you'll see how it plays out...


    sub coin allowance is never an issue ... its still a choice of where and what you spend your coin on.

    Subscribers get free coin free to players pay for all there coin .. so if you purchase 10$ worth of coin and use your free coins saved over a month or two and get 10 items where a free to player is paying 20$ worth of coin and getting 7 items ... your still ahead ...even though you had to purchase coin.


    that being said .. unless your vain and NEED to have something from store .. you dont have to pay a penny.


    In DDO i saved up almost a years worth of coin and purcahsed the entire game ... one year of sub and i got two years of free play out of it. That being said DDO also had ways to earn coin by playing which i am not sure EA will do.

  12. Mah money's on about as long as the "more content, more often" promise... often stated, always broken.


    I disagree completely .. if you know anything about the free to play model its exactly what happens.


    Let me explain it to those who dont know how this works.

    Subscribers stay subbed so they dont lose money there ... the reason they stay subbed is because of subscription perks which are always better then the free to play options. Then you have the addition of MTs so subscribers can purchase vanity items or things like fast exp stims which increase the amount of exp per minute over lets say an hour or a day pending on cost and what not. That is increases in funds 1 ... increase in funds 2 comes from free to players purchasing content passes ... this means for instance if free to players are not given access to raids they can purchase a pass which allows them to for one day enter a specific raid. So free to players especially casual players who are 50 and want to raid can do so at a price for some raiding once a week at 2$ a week is much cheaper then 15$ a month ... but they are people who would have never subbed so that is additional money.

    increase 3 comes on both sides ... free to players generally will not get the same amount of character slots and premium players are very likely to fill up character slots quickly ... so character slots becomes a way to increase funds for the game for people for instance like me who have 7 imperials and only 1 pub and want to play more pub side but dont want to do it at the loss of a lvl 50 character.


    now with all this extra money you would think that is going all to some rich persons pocket but your wrong ... it instead goes to content development. Examples of this are LOTRO and DDO .... Turbine was the ones who startedt he current Free to play hybrid system. Its not pay to win .. that is retarded as a concept even ... its simple convinence. Cut some of the grind out for instance paying for mirilukan in $$ instead of grinding up a pub you have no interest in playing. DDO and LOTRO both saw a major change but i will talk about DDO since that is what i played.


    DDO went from new content every 4 months (5 new quests as part of a chain .. which is still better then SWTOR today FYI) but as Atari lost money on other games and in production of LOTRO content started getting smaller and pushed to almost 5 months between updates. During the great black out caused by Atari during the Turbine vs Atari Lawsuit which lead to Warner brothers puchase of Turbine. we saw 11 months with no content. After going free to play they have had new content between 4-6 quests full new areas raids and full sets of gear and crafting and and and ... on a 3 month like clockwork update cycle. Since they also have added two new classes including the Druid which was promised at launch of the game they finally had the money to develop it.


    DDO went from one of the under achievers to one of hte highest populated MMOs on the market in the first 9 months after going free to play. They are still to this day one of the more successful MMOs out there.


    Now keep in mind DnD is a niche market .. if you have no interest in DnD DDO is likely not to matter much to you ... to try it or continue playing if you cannot get past the fact that its real time combat (which means you can always move and cast/attack with tons of instant attacks very little channeling) which makes it hard for people who come from more dumbed down mmos like WOW to get a handle on. SWTOR is also a niche game .. if your not interested in the star wars universe it really takes PLAYING this game to get how great it really is outside of the story base that some people dont care for.


    Being a niche universe ... free to play means people who dont care that this game is star wars will play it ... possibly subscribe and tell there friends how this game is so much better then WoW or War or DAOC or STO etc ....


    anyone who doesn't understand how free to play is the best thing for an MMO in this day and age after what i have stated is really bind to the progress made by companies who have take on this hybrid F2P model and the great successes that have been experienced and the vast incrase in content development due to incrased funds and being able to afford more programmers to develop that content faster and with less bugs.

    Does it mean f2Noobs flood the game .. sure ... no one is asking you to play with anyone you dont want too. and F2P get banned for stupid comments just as fast as Premium players. But it also means experienced players who end up being great raiders and stategy masters come out of that mix too. for every 5 noobs there is at least 1 great raider. Only time will tell .... but dont sell it short this game should have been F2P at launch then the box price wouldnt have to go down and the premium options would have been better recieved at this point.

  13. I dont want to join the debate but i wanted to chime in my disapproval of the event as well.


    Not upset about no choices and RPing ... but i am disappointed in everything else at this moment (day 2)

    I do my space missions when i can and low and behold they locked one of my characters out of the event entirely cause i started it on her then decided since she was the character i wanted stuff on the least i would switch and do another character ... later on doing space missions it finished all the quests (yeah!!) but i lost out on all the coms AND didnt get the three additional quests on her either so couldnt do lead today (boo!!). on top of that the quests are not repeatable so you cant farm tokens in the hopes that one day there will be a worth while item in that store (whcich they havent done before so why people think thre will magically be better loot in it tomorrow is beyond me). Cause even if there where you cant repeat the quests to get more coms anyway.


    Then to make it worse i go on today as some of the characters who had "Lead" today and the entire quest is click on this chest and get 1k credits nothing else? ....


    It makes me wonder if there is a Testing team at all ... if there is a Quality assurance team at all .... and if not maybe they should think of doing something to encourage some of the more hardcore gamers to test for them cause it seems as though people find these bugs seconds after event launch but some how the testing teams and the quality assurance teams dont seem to find these totally event destroying features. And really not one of them thought maybe this even should be repeatable?



    anyway ... i know QQ some more right ... who cares .... well with no content for quite a while and guildies dropping the game like flies I have little enthusiasim anymore. I have played MMOs that went free to play so i am excited about SWTOR doing it cept that i will have to wait for all the noobs to get the urge to sub and raid and get geared because alot of the Vets are leaving.

  14. So If i make a post saying this game is awesome, it will become awesome. the reason its true is because people speak the truth?


    This game is awesome ..... that doesnt mean the game doesnt suck.


    I know i know let me explain.


    This games Pros:

    • Great fast paced combat
    • Voiced story (even though i know it means nothing to the majority of players)
    • Great class structure with few exceptions (snipers and marauders need an off spec imho as do there pub equiv's)
    • Fun and interesting quest lines and raids
    • multiple difficulty raiding Sm Hm NigM 8 man 16 man and Nightmare pilgram is a blast when you can get a group
    • open world bosses at many level ranges to allow raid style grouping at lower levels
    • lots of FPs for people who prefer small group work to large group raiding
    • warzone pvp which is quite entertaining once you find the class you like to play it (not a big pvper myself)
    • open world pvp servers for those who like it as well as dedicated rp servers which alot of games dont have.
    • fairly fast progression to end game to give you the feeling of advancement even when you dont have alot of time




    • Lack of content at end game leading to dwindling subs
    • Tons of lag because of server mergers that where over stacked (should have been more destination servers at first)
    • the most challenging content is run by the lowest population of players and rest is too easy to be enjoyable
    • Updates are too little too late (largest update was 1 raid 1 fp ... total of 1 raid and 2 FPs and 1 event in 6 months)
    • tight enrage timers leading to even decently geared players being excluded from raiding
    • nerfing classes rather then buffing others leaving classes unbalanced in same roles
    • no incentives to run lower tier raids once geared ( EV NighM should drop bh coms at least)
    • EA consistantly losing there best and brightest developers and writters which is negitively effecting community
    • Bugs run rampant and they choose to nerf chests in normal mode FPs? bad development schedualing


    this game is totally worth the price of admission .... but if they dont pick things up no ammount of wishing and game hype can help them. There are alot of good MMOs ... this is a great one ... but if your not a sw fanboy .. if your not a old school BW fanboy ... there is only so much you will put up with.

  15. bioware have let their doom in by the front door. EA will ruin their reputation completely. screw them both and this game. gw2 and mop will empty the sw:tor servers, the star wars franchise can't carry this game any longer.


    funny all the people i have talked to say GW2 is horrible .... hmmm ... got four guildies in beta and they all say the same thing .. its would have been a great game if it had come out 5 years ago but its one of the worst compared to what is on the market now.

  16. Seriously, they have time to answer questions that no one could give a flying **** about, but when it comes to answering real questions, Bioware is nowhere to be found. The lack of 'news' in this game is appauling. The fact that Bioware's management team cant seem grasp that keeping secrets is detaching their community from the developers.


    People only really come to the forums to post negative feedback now, with one to two posts occasionally being a positive note - how about you LEARN from this bioware, people want more then an occasional response from a Moderator saying "this is an known issue, i'm going to close the thread you spent time out of your day making"


    The other reason is there is no news in this game cept that the only people the community knows and cares about are quiting or being fired. David bass, Drew karpashian, now greorg too.


    the content takes too long to come out and then its almost non existant when it does ... one flash point and one raid since launch? seriously? half a year and no serious content boom which is the exact opposite of what they stated would be the case pre launch. They stated that there would be alot to do at end game for those who dont like rolling alts. Well i do like rolling alts and there are only so many slots for 50s when you cant do anything at 50 other then the same 1 raid for gear or the 2 raids for something to do? .... the FP changes for bh coms was a great idea ... but they should have launched 5 more FPs at least 2 more tier 2 FPs and they should have made HM versions of the ones that dont have HM versions ... and maybe NiM versions of others to have something fun to do between all the grinding for credits.


    I love space combat ... but i totally agree with folks that there should have been some sort of plan to launch space combat pvp (i disagree completely with JTL style FYI ... i much prefer SW:Battlefront II style mixed ground and space combat for pvp personally) or swoop bike races / pvp ...


    QnA has been horrible since launch they answer questions that anyone could have answered if the people just asked in game in general chat or on forums. But the real questions people post get deleted or over looked all the time.


    Like the OP said .. only time i hear people in game talking about going to forums its to complain about something in game like the massive lag since the mergers .... spikes have cost us more then 1 HM EC run because what should take 2 hours ish to complete is taking almost an hour per boss becuase of lag deaths or healing lag and short enreage timers that mean even a 5 second lag spike or a single person dc means wipe. Or any of the hundred other problems this game has.


    This is by far the best MMO i have ever played ..great story (not that it matters) great combat, great gameplay and interesting class structure and progression. Fun raids at least once you learn strats. BUT content is lacking especially at end game, and no one at BW or who is left at BW has the ability or the balls to step up and tell the community the answers to the tough questions. When it comes time to resub .... i will .... but how many others are ??? only time will tell.

  17. Forbes thinks this games is a complete financial disaster. With loss in subs, the threat of Free-2-play on the horizon, are you sticking with game past the six month mark? what are your thoughts?

    With current layoffs can TOR developers now produce content at a pace to keep players happy?

    (I know they say they can, Because they will never say they can't)





    Note: how this game performs financially has a trickle down effect on EA's overall stock





    Why do people say threat of free to play? I think turbine has proven that free to play isnt a threat its a financial money shot.

    Turbine with DDO saw an increase of over 2 million players in first two years after going free to play. They didnt go overboard super greedy with the turbine store. No truely gamebreaking items, no pay to win option, really the only things that people complained about the store was experience potions (making it easier to cap ... and we already have more then that in swtor with legacy) and mana pots (which could be farmed in game easily but people will buy them to avoid farming).


    I think swtor (and have said so since 2 year prior to beta ) is designed perfectly for the turbine model. Subscribers get everything free ... plus a few EA points each month as a thank you for subbing. All races and planets and raids with the exception of starter and second planets (currently in there free trial lvl 15) EV as the only free raid to get them encouraged to raid. Paid for FPs cept for BT maybe the foundry BP mix too. Everything else is easy .. planets 5-8$ each, races 15$ each for unlocks, character slots 10$ each (should be an option now let alone at free to play) , Server Transfers 10$/character, vanity helmets and chests 2$ each, and a bunch of small boosts that are not game breaking like 2hr 10% exp pots 2$ each.


    This is the model they should have launched with but they where too cocky to realize that this is the market trend mmos are heading toward.


    This being said .... the way turbine made this successful was to double the amount of developed content from previous years. Content updates every 2 -3 months special events every 3-4 months, points sales every couple months and weekly item sales.


    Also Subscription perks are a big part of it ... turbine gave away 500 points per month (if you saved a years sub worth of points you would easily buy half the game and go free to play) special promoton 1000 points for people subbed. and store discounts for sub members. Also having new free to play players (as apposed to currently subbed players who might choose to purchase all the content and stay free to play) being given priority free to play servers where no server transfers are allowed TO that server but where current players may choose to roll alts on.


    as long as they are not greedy and realize that the game is not going free to play to SAVE THE GAME FROM DEATH but to encourage a larger player base increased revenue to better afford new content at a faster pace.

    before they can do any of this they need to learn how to treat employee's and how to keep a team together. They sold this game with lines like "Some of the biggest and best programers and writters from nearly every mmo ever made" then fired all the biggest names they had.

  18. The game is far from dead in what 4 months?


    That being said they have a big problem .. they swore there would be alot to do at end game and there is nothing to do at end game. When i said ... there are more peopel who dont want alts then do and everyone said your crazy .. well i was right .


    When i said voice acting would make developing quests cost more and take more time ... and then 1.2 proves me right (1 fp 1 raid and 1 voice acted daily with what 5 other mission box quests and both have very little conversations... seems they finally realized it)


    all they need to do is give us a reason to run HM FPs after we have our columi (1.3 already offering new ways to get BH coms through HMFPs and the new quest finder)


    and a TON more dailies and FPs and make all the old FPs with no HM have a HM that drop rakata and BH coms.

  19. welcome to the club .. i said that voice acting would be the bane of this game.


    How many people have actually listened to all the story of there class .. how many people listen to all the story in FPs or raids . I would wager the majority of players dont listen to the FPs or raid scenes the FIRST TIME let alone afterward.


    That being said .. to change it now would also be silly. Its a situation they are gonna have to live with now .... a needed cost to keep up appearances. That being said .. they kinda found a way to avoid alot of chatter.


    Look at 1.2 dailies ... 1 voice acting quest and the rest are just mission box and area quests.

  20. Almost everything from this point forward should be bound to legacy. I mean, that was kind of what the point was right, to have all your toons be part of some big family, group, network?


    /signed ... i agree completely there should not be bind on pickup anymore cept for maybe raid gear .. everything else especially crafted stuff should be bound to legacy or not bound at all .

  21. Sad thing about the items is they only range from Lv. 14 to 33, the gear itself would be much nicer if it scaled with your character.


    Or say if you bought a single 1H light saber, then if you have a another character republic or empire if that character could automatically use it regardless of class restrictions. Like I bought a 1H Lv. 14 saber in hope that my sith could use it, low and behold "Jedi Knight Only".


    I havent tested the lvl 33 ones .. but the lvl 14 weapon ... lasts you till your lvl 26 ... so i would assume the lvl 33 stuff lasts you easily till mid 40's when you start looking at augmented oranges anyway.


    at level its like wearing gear that is almost 10 levels above your current level .... trust me the gear is worth it .. the problem is it doesnt drop nearly frequently enough to matter and the cost for daily gear means grinding every single daily every single day for over a month to get a full set.


    also the construciton kits themselves are passable so why would you BUY the item on the side you dont want the item? send the kit to your sith and have him craft his own weapon .... that is the way it was intended to be done. to force you to grind more items

  22. I dunno, I was lead to believe these items would be useful for your 50's to mail stuff to alt to help them level faster. As it is I just don't see it that way. In the grand scheme of things gear pre end game doesn't really matter all content is easily done in quest greens. So imo these vendors are fail.


    spoken as truth .... i have leveled 3 50s (an have two more at 26+) and i can tell you i have never worn orange gear that wasnt provided to me by the game through natrual progression and only worn greens until about lvl 45 on all of them. you dont need gear to beat this game at all .... that being said .... this is why i think its crazy the cost and rarity of legacy gear.


    They need to increase the drop rate and lower the cost so that people with only 1 lvl 50 actually want to lvl alts. right now so many people leaving the game beause they dont want to roll alts cause its a grind to 50 they dont want to do. Give them a way to make it less a grind and they will do it .. but increasing the grind by making people do dailies to get low level gear for a character they dont want to play ... well .... check your server count ... has it been working?


    I know tarro blood is a wasteland most of the time.

  23. First - On Legacy item cost from daily vendor


    The cost of 200 daily tokens is rediculous it should have been closer to 50 each item. it takes 1 week of solid every day burning every single daily and heroic daily to get 200 (34 a day). if you spend that time you will get all 5 pieces in a month and a week on average of hardcore daily grinding. If i spend that same time hardcore leveling i get to about lvl 36-40 depending on if i skip FPs and Heroics and only solo content. Which takes me outside of the value of legacy gear. dropping the price to 50 coms would make more sense two weeks of grinding dailies then a month of grinding exp.


    Second - On Orange gear


    The cost of replacing Armoring/Mod/Enhancement with or without augment everytime you outlevel gear in this game... you might as well cap with starter gear and save yourself a couple million in credits. Orange gear is the biggest credit sink in the game.... orange gear is only good for end game users looking to max out there stats with augments and for classes where the set bonuses stink.


    Third - On where to find legacy items


    I have only found one from random drop on belsavis while doing dailies. I found it by killing a strong Rakata mob in the open area infront of the signal station (tag the rakata savants quest).


    Ultra rare have only seen one drop and have only heard of 2 other drops in my entire alliance (5 guilds over 30 players)


    Fourth - On where Legacy items could be improved


    Legacy items could be improved by changing there drop locations and rate. Drop the cost of daily to 50-80 range, and make them a 20% drop rate in HM FPs from bosses only. This would make it so more people ran HM FPs which currently is the bigger problem. make it just like the columi and tionesse gear. What ever piece drops columi has a 20% chance to drop from each boss in a HM FP.


    Legacy gear is in tiers as well ... lvl 14 starter gear (which at least weapon wise lasts till about lvl 26 fyi) lvl 30something and i dont know last tier. So the easy fix would be first boss in HM FP drops tier 1 legacy gear second boss drops tier 2 and 3rd or end boss (pending on flashpoints) drops end tier legacy gear.


    have it be completely random and have all bosses in HM FPs drop all tiers of legacy gear and have a chance to drop orange legacy gear.


    Lastly - the concolusion


    Legacy is still a new system so i am sure they will be adding more ways to grind legacy gear in the future. I am also sure that Legacy levels are also there way of increasing the cap without giving us more actual power. Some suggestions i would make would include


    a) legacy 30 ... no longer need to have a companion to activate heroic moment .... reason: the abilities that are given are weak sauce anyway at end game and anyone running mox parser knows that it lowers your dps not increases it to use them so why not let people "Unleash" if you will. I suggest lvl 30 because its a moderate level ... easy to get but not everyone has it even now (i know two people with two 50s that havent hit 30 yet .. i have 3 50s and I am at 44)


    b) legacy 35 ... cc locks removed .... now able to cc gold stars and champions.... reason: its silly that you cant do it already they are not purple bosses they are open world chumps and alot of the heavy hitting powers for classes like marauder but even sorcs and assasins and powertechs ... are only usable when a target is stunned. Since stuns currently dont work on many if not all gold stars and champions where you need your heavy hitters (dont get me started on the fact that my hardest hit as a marauder cannot be used against bosses in raids or the fact that no one wants melee in raids anymore unless they tank) a high legacy cost for something that should be able to be done without legacy.


    c) legacy 40 ... cost reduction for legacy purchaseables 50% ... i understand that for peopel with one character and who exploit and search for exploits in this game money comes easy .. but when you got 3 50's raiding daily repair costs and item costs (for get crafting mat costs and then peopel selling the gear for no profit on GTN makign crafting worthless) 1.5 million to get a race and almost 2million rocket boots is rediculous so a legacy earned reduction i dont think is OP or unwarrented.

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