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Posts posted by drfirewater

  1. Bioware , we beg you give us cross server qeue.

    It would be a huge boost to pvp and to Galactic Starfighter. Even pve would benefit from it!



    As a PVEer I agree ... cross server queues would be a huge boost to player enjoyment for OPS and FPs. The odd time I do PvP at times I wait forever for queue just to play for 6-15 mins then get stuck in queue again if I don't queue fast enough.


    From both PVE and PVP a cross server queue would be awesome .. the question is : Is that even possible.


    I assume the reason it wasn't done during the move to free to play was because they don't run raids and FPs on separate servers from the player servers. Which means they would have to set up full time servers to deal with FPs OPS and PVP instances before they could cross merge for GF/PvPQ. But that might just be a good move. maybe it might require another Server merge so they can take the space or server and transfer it into the cross server queue server.


    If that happened they could solve all the issues that could happen with players being upset over another server merge with free character transfers during a specific week leading up to that change and all absent or unmoved players will be moved to a random server after time elapses.


    The few people that it would peeve off would be minimal compared to how happy people would be to be able to queue in less then an hour for most things PVE related (other then tacticals) and pvp queues (especially the long waits for ranked)

  2. I know not everyone loves events .. it takes peoples focus off of GF FPs and guild ops and what not. But It occurs to me that we haven't see the rakgoul event resurface and unlike gree its not available to buy stuff from vendor while event isn't active.


    I have a few suggestions and hope that they make it to the right ears and some of them get used.


    A) Have a time frame people can expect and work off of ... for instance if there is an event or exp weekend every two weekends lets say. So this weekend Bounty hunters ... next weekend nothing ... weekend after Gree .... then nothing ... then Rakgoul ... then nothing .. then snowball event .. then nothing ... then exp or double raid loot or new event etc...

    This means people can expect and be prepared and plan to spend time in game doing stuff when they might not log on at all outside of raids (which is very common lately)


    B) Have an All Events Vendor in the Cartel Bazzar area in fleet. This would mean that people don't have to go all the way to alderaan to find out that the event vendor is not there anymore. And It keeps things centralized around the one area that is suppost to be the hub of player interactions.


    C) Add an event section to the GF. Event ops like in rakgoul event would have made it super easy to form a pug .. but instead it was painstaking at times and often lead to short manning just cause we where sick of waiting for someone to notice a General tab shout out. If there was a section in the GF that rotated with the active event like the 2.8 changes to raid GF that would allow more people to have access to the ops bosses and open world bosses attached to events. This is also not a bad idea for other world bosses as individual queues and possibly a travel now to the location of the boss like in FPs. This would allow people doing dailies while waiting for a group to actually have fun playing rather then waiting around for hours with 10 people needing 6 more to start.


    Hopefully people agree and devs can add these small functionality and/or forum updates page (why isn't there an events forum?) Please add your own comments and changes and what not to this.

  3. The other 95% doesnt even play the game anymore..


    Also, the current rank 1 team just unsubbed from the game, have fun getting that spot guys.. or you know, just stop at 1500 rating.


    Wrong the other 95% prefer PVE and only play PVP when they feel there is nothing left to do cause they are sick of dailies.

  4. Oh boo hoo, you don't have the patience or skill to complete the hardest content in the game so you're going to call it eliticism because for some strange reason you find it unfair even though you can obtain it yourself if you bothered to put some effort it.


    There is nothing wrong with having unique content that has to be EARNED through participation and completing difficult content. The point of doing the harder content is to be REWARDED. I mean, would you compete in the olympics if everyone who was competing got a gold medal? "Congrats all, you're all amazing, heres a gold for EVERYONE!!! WOOOO!!!"


    PVP is the hardest content in the game? Since when? I am confused ... I raid HM and NIM ... but no rancor mount there ... PVP you just stand in the corner get killed a bunch and collect ranked coms ... how is that challenging .. or even fun.

  5. FUMING MAD .... what the hell ... why should there be a special mount just for pvp'ers ... and why is it a rancor.


    Last thing I want to do is grind pvp that much so I can have the rancor mount I have been wanting since launch. Please tell me there will be a rancor mount for PVEers too. So sick of this game giving hand outs to PVPers and wondering why its PVE players are dropping like flies.


    PVP doesn't keep MMOs alive PVE does ... time Bioware starts realizing this before this games PVEers start looking to other games ... see how long this game lasts without its Raiders and PVEers.

  6. TY for the link ...


    It just makes no sense to me the healing end .... we have good enough healers to get us through the content .. so it makes no sense that they cant heal through assassin but can through jug and some how the spike damage assassins take isn't as bad as the permanent damage reduction jugs and PTS get?


    i hate playing a PT just cause i don't like the play style (have one and have gear for both dps and tanking so stick with dps cause its more fun rotation) ... used to love my assassin but gave up on gearing him after our guilds main tank (who was an assassin) got forced to play his jug because the healers couldn't keep up with the damage he was taking during spikes. (sorc op combo healers .... its possible it would be easier with two op healers to keep assassin tank up ... but sorc heals circle is still kinda needed for us as group damage still happens from time to time in the new raids especially)

  7. What I don't understand is I was under the impression that the self healing was to balance out the fact that they have naturally less damage reduction then other classes .. Assassins focus on high shield and absorb with the idea that a majority of the time they will take less damage but truth be told they end up on the wrong end of the stick more often then the % lead you to believe. This is the nature of Random ... sometimes its in your favor but like all gambling you always lose in the end.


    So you take away the healing .. that is fine .. but where is the increase to damage reduction that balances it out with the fact that other classes have heavy armor PERMANTLY? so rather then increase healing done by the combo you increase defensive stats by small percentage?


    I guess I really have to see it in play ... I hate playing my PT tank just cause I don't like it ... loved my assassin tank but stopped tanking because our guilds top assassin tank had to switch to playing his less geared Jug because less spikes in damage which lead to easier to heal over all. I don't know how Assassins now not having any healing benefit and slightly less damage in spikes is gonna HELP ... hope it all becomes obvious in 2.5

  8. And the reason I cant figure out anything from anything said on this site is because the numbers are jus numbers and not direct comparisons ... so I see tons of numbers and no explaining of what they mean and how they balance out all I know is .... our healers cant keep our well geared Assassin alive but have no problem keeping his less geared Jug alive in NiM TFB and HM snv/DF/DP.


    if someone could explain that ... in a way that makes sense ... it might give me reason to gear my assassin again ... cause as it stands now .. don't see the point of playing an assassin tank in this game anymore.

  9. I am an assassin tank, clearing all nim and hm content. In our raid group it's the Juggernauts which have way more problems with the content.

    Assassin tank take the lowest damage on average (about ~8% less damage then juggs), but have the highest variance in damage.


    There are already multiple threads about this topic, including a response from BW with changes for 2.5. Your proposed changes will simply make sin tanks very very Op!


    Here are references for current migation, spikiness and gearing for all tank classes:




    went through it briefly and didn't see anything about changes in 2.5 and the numbers are so blanketed that its hard to tell what they say .. but i know from experience that our healers cannot keep the assassin tanks up but they have no problem with jug and PT .... wish i understood that

  10. Same problem. I reduced dailies to weeklies, but last week couldn't even force myself to those 3 weekly series (Makeb, X, BH) on any of my characters, exploration is bit meh, as planets are very small, and while I level

    Ed my characters to learn their story,mits already done. 4 endgame FPs don't help either, for you already out gear them and can do them blindfolded, ops are mostly same. .


    Man i never do the old dailies ... they are so boring ... every now and again BH or Illum just for fast cash ...


    But the problem with the end game FPs isn't that there are 4 of them (cause you should count again there are more then 4 there are 6) but that no one uses GF .... never enough tanks or healers ...


    They did a good job on balancing the SM so that you only need 4 people but the problem becomes the hard modes .. the benefits do not balance out with the long wait times. Since they removed the ability to get set bonuses from HM FPs no one has bothered to do them.


    If one piece of set bonus arkanian dropped from each of the HM FPs more people would do them ... shoot if 1 piece of arkanian dropped form each end boss ... implants ... relics and earpieces alone would increase the number of people doing them. The problem is if a tank and healer are geared what advantage do they have to do FPs? shoot haven't seen the raid GF pop in months.


    People need better rewards and useful rewards ... to make it worth doing. I tell you this if lvl 55 HM FPs dropped 1 ultimate com per boss and a chance at either a set bonus piece of arkanian gear or a relic/implant/earpiece arkanian ... i bet you no one would ever have a problem getting into HM FPs ... because between those crafters who want to learn the recipies and people farming for Ultimate coms so they can improve there gear scores .... and non raiders who want to have better gear including free to players (who should have GF restrictions removed including sm raids cause what is the point of having more people if they cant do the content people need them for)


    increase the value and the people will come flooding in.

  11. In my opinion, the reason this game struggles to retain subscribers is because the developers haven't realized that in theme park MMOs, the "ride" ends at max level. There are simply not enough "interesting" things to do at 55. The Class story ends, the companion's story ends, and all that you are left with are daily quests. I can't think of one person that thinks dailies are fun and/or interesting and immersive. There's near 0 "replayability" because the class and planet stories are on rails as well. If the devs want this game to succeed and not just dance on the border of profitability, they need to come up with something next gen in the MMO world. If I knew what that was, I'd be rich.


    So I'm curious, what do others do at 55 to keep interested in the game. You log on, you're in the fleet, what do you do next - assuming you have about 2 hours to play.


    1) Dailies and complete weeklies for 6 different 55s but only czerka and new ones ...

    2) FPs now that elite coms get you 72 gear my non raiding toons need upgrades so they can be raid toons

    3) Space missions for quick coms but only do that once a week and only the quests assossiated with Foe Smasher weekly.

    4) Toroboros Courtyard .... if i can get a group (wish this was on group finder with teleport into quest)

    5) Pug SM raids ... good for both experience with mechanics and coms ... while a lot of them seem like a waste of time ... a good one will pound out the raid in average of 1.5 hours easily sometimes less then an hour if the group is willing to zerg a bit.


    the biggest problem is old content isn't in GF for raiding just for the fun of it or for looks gear and special mounts and what not. EV KP and EC have weeklies that no LVL 55 get because they are not in the GF and most people don't want to waste time trying to form a group for them when they could be earning funds by doing dailies or FPs.


    The solution ... create a classic sm raids GF .... put EV and KP and EC in one and TFB and SnV and eventually DF and DP in the other .. when more raids come out make more tiers or move TFB and SNV down in to classics.


    These should be completed in a little under 2 hours if your geared in full coms (no set bonuses) and would get more people playing together ... more raiding for people who don't generally raid ... and more coms out for starter gear for new raids which increases the amount of people able to do end game raiding on HM and NiM.

  12. I don't know how many of you have been attempting NiM raids or new raids on HM using your assassin tanks but for a long time they where the best tank and now they are not even viable for a large population of well geared players.


    Our raid group has been doing NiM TFB and new content on HM and have basically stopped using assassin tanks in guild runs quite some time ago because they take too much damage in comparison to other tank types. This is what puts Jugs and Powertechs above them (currently use one of each dispite the fact that our jug is more experienced as a tank on his assassin).


    The question is HOW do we improve upon the Assassin tank without OVERPOWERING it making it by far the best again but still making a tank a tank so it can do its job in an equal standing to its competitors. Right now the biggest difference is damage reduction.


    Assassin tanks buffs are focused entirely on Absorb which would give you the impression that they should be able to take a hit .. but truth be told they can't. Because there damage reduction is so much lower due to light armor vs heavy armor when they DO take a hit its twice as hard as any other tank making it twice as hard to heal them as any other tank which in raids developed to have high damage output like HM and NiM raids is a death sentence for the entire party. So the question is how do you battle this?


    If you change there armor type to heavy and give them same damage reduction will that do it? prolly not enough but it would be a step in the right direction. The rotation for an assassin tank used to be its saving grace ... self heals that acted like a buffer to the fact that they take more damage but that was nerfed so now it no longer is an effective tool for balancing the way it is.


    I propose this ....


    1) Change harnessed darkness into a 4 part tree enhancement .... granting (2% 3% 4% 5%) of health back per tick of force lighting WHEN used during third stack.


    2) Increase Dark Wards effects to 35% and to balance change its CD to 25 seconds


    What these will do is allow assassins to play to there strengths ... light self healing which in conjunction with healer will balance out the difference in Damage reduction and with the increase from 15% to 35% with a 5 second interval between dark ward activations will allow assassin tanks to do what they are designed to do and don't ... which is absorb damage more frequently.


    So for 5 seconds between dark ward activations (plus time for tank to click which in poor tanks will be longer then in good ones) they will be taking more damage then any other tank .. but will make up for it with a small amount of self healing and when dark ward is active they will be absorbing large amounts of the damage inbound at a round 75% shield chance (which is still a 25% chance to take more damage then any other tank for those who think my plan is OP) to use absorb.


    I believe these changes will balance out with Jugs ability to reflect damage and the better CDs on both jugs and PTs as well as there drastically better Damage reduction. But I would say that if the math works out too much in favor of assassins i would simply then say lower the CDs on Jug and PT defensive buffs by a few seconds to balance it out. In the long run that will make for better balancing then nerfing Jugs and PTs to balance out assassins.





    Please i look forward to long discussions and friendly debate on this topic ... but before you start jumping to saying something is OP .... rather think of how you would balance against it.

    You think the healing i suggest is too high ... well what would the Jugs or PTs need to balance that out ... show some math or explain how it balances out like i have above.


    Keep in mind the entire reason assassin tanks are not used these days is because of the high amounts of damage they take which is the opposite of what a tank is suppost to do.

  13. I don't know how many of you have been attempting NiM raids or new raids on HM using your assassin tanks but for a long time they where the best tank and now they are not even viable for a large population of well geared players.


    Our raid group has been doing NiM TFB and new content on HM and have basically stopped using assassin tanks in guild runs quite some time ago because they take too much damage in comparison to other tank types. This is what puts Jugs and Powertechs above them (currently use one of each dispite the fact that our jug is more experienced as a tank on his assassin).


    The question is HOW do we improve upon the Assassin tank without OVERPOWERING it making it by far the best again but still making a tank a tank so it can do its job in an equal standing to its competitors. Right now the biggest difference is damage reduction.


    Assassin tanks buffs are focused entirely on Absorb which would give you the impression that they should be able to take a hit .. but truth be told they can't. Because there damage reduction is so much lower due to light armor vs heavy armor when they DO take a hit its twice as hard as any other tank making it twice as hard to heal them as any other tank which in raids developed to have high damage output like HM and NiM raids is a death sentence for the entire party. So the question is how do you battle this?


    If you change there armor type to heavy and give them same damage reduction will that do it? prolly not enough but it would be a step in the right direction. The rotation for an assassin tank used to be its saving grace ... self heals that acted like a buffer to the fact that they take more damage but that was nerfed so now it no longer is an effective tool for balancing the way it is.


    I propose this ....


    1) Change harnessed darkness into a 4 part tree enhancement .... granting (2% 3% 4% 5%) of health back per tick of force lighting WHEN used during third stack.


    2) Increase Dark Wards effects to 35% and to balance change its CD to 25 seconds


    What these will do is allow assassins to play to there strengths ... light self healing which in conjunction with healer will balance out the difference in Damage reduction and with the increase from 15% to 35% with a 5 second interval between dark ward activations will allow assassin tanks to do what they are designed to do and don't ... which is absorb damage more frequently.


    So for 5 seconds between dark ward activations (plus time for tank to click which in poor tanks will be longer then in good ones) they will be taking more damage then any other tank .. but will make up for it with a small amount of self healing and when dark ward is active they will be absorbing large amounts of the damage inbound at a round 75% shield chance (which is still a 25% chance to take more damage then any other tank for those who think my plan is OP) to use absorb.


    I believe these changes will balance out with Jugs ability to reflect damage and the better CDs on both jugs and PTs as well as there drastically better Damage reduction. But I would say that if the math works out too much in favor of assassins i would simply then say lower the CDs on Jug and PT defensive buffs by a few seconds to balance it out. In the long run that will make for better balancing then nerfing Jugs and PTs to balance out assassins.





    Please i look forward to long discussions and friendly debate on this topic ... but before you start jumping to saying something is OP .... rather think of how you would balance against it.

    You think the healing i suggest is too high ... well what would the Jugs or PTs need to balance that out ... show some math or explain how it balances out like i have above.


    Keep in mind the entire reason assassin tanks are not used these days is because of the high amounts of damage they take which is the opposite of what a tank is suppost to do.

  14. But back on topic. While having off the rails space PVP is nice, I do hope we'll at least get some co-operative multiplayer off-rails PVE down the line and possibly even some free exploration of space sectors.


    I have this in my prayers every night that it will NEVER HAPPEN. Space exploration does nothing but take players out of the Queues for PVP and PVE FPs and ops. The biggest problem this game has right now is not enough people wanting to PVE together in pugs. with the removal of classic ops from GF you cant even EV or KP or EC for the fun of it in groups unless your under level 55. which lasts about a week.


    the biggest problem this game has is giving people something to do TOGETHER when they are not progression raiding with guild. Space exploration would be a little WORSE then datacron farming. Please never put it in this game and rather put old raids into GF under classic raids and let lvl 50s and 55s party together. The gear in those raids is pointless anyway .. let people play for fun cause that is what MMOs are suppost to be.

  15. Just one question (and apologies if there is an answer in the 30 pages):


    will the space movement be modern or realistic?


    by "modern" i mean the ship always moves forward, sort of like an airplane

    by "realistic" i mean the ship has its own momentum, and the engines modify the momentum


    the difference is that the "realistic" approach allows you to strafe in space (or go backwards, or have ship oriented independently on current movement), which would make space combat really fun and challenging, while the "modern" is well suited for brain-dead children, who don't understand the physics behind it


    I don't really understand what you mean by realistic and then saying flying backwards. I don't know if you understand the physics behind flight but I cant think of any time in all my years that I have seen a F-16 fly backwards ... and even if it could it wouldn't be able to do that in space. Air breaks yes ... classic dog fight tactic straight out of top gear ... but flying backwards is not realistic especially not in space.


    In space you have no gravity to defy so backwards movement is impossible without front mounted thrusters and on top of that it would be more like reverse parking because you couldn't have thrusters as powerful on the front as you would the back or it would heavily limit your ability to control and the speed of your craft.


    So realisticly there should be no way to move Backwards at all .. simply air breaks for someone directly on your tail and rolls and backflips to change direction quickly to end up behind or simply out of sight or better yet guiding them into the fire of an ally. That is what dog fights are all about.

  16. The preview page says collect rewards for ground game ... I am praying you mean for ground game P VP not PVE. Its bad enough that a lot of the better looking armors come from P VP and that often players are forced in to PVP in daily areas because of unflagged PVEers dropping aoes on groups of mobs when a PVP player or group of players intentionally getting people flagged on a PVE server who have no intention of playing PVP.


    I am glad people got the space combat they wanted ... but when are the space combat that the rest of us liked getting the rewards bumped up. I love the current space used to grind them as much as dailies but now sitting on over 500 coms on each of my space ready toons waiting for new crafting boxes to come out but they never do.


    Will this expansion include an upgraded fleet coms vendor? and can you as a PVE player earn these coms with regular space combat or are there going to be different coms for this and thus meaning you have given up on space combat the way some of us like it?

  17. Make it a choice. Let us skip to lvl 10 if we want.


    I understand why... because as someone with 6 capped characters and no real interest in rolling pub toons I would like to see how one AC feels different from another before wasting 6 hours trying it .


    That being said ... this game has STORY (the biggest downside in all honesty) so skipping 10 levels or story starting on fleet and avoiding starter area while it would make life faster and more enjoyable it doesn't make sense with story content.

  18. /signed .... Datacron hunts are annoying but would actually spend the time to do them If they where legacy wide.


    I think an option where it was placed within the legacy system at later legacy levels with option to purchase from STORE to UNLOCK it would be fbest way. Legacy 40ish to unlock with in game credits.

  19. I guess it goes without saying trade up for classic coms wouldn't hurt either .... also was thinking with the high cost of using the appearance changer maybe you could work out some system of trade for CC. like 3-1 classic basic and elite coms for CC .. it would take a long time to get enough CC to make it worth farming but those of us with excess could do something with the coms and have a little pay back for the dedication.
  20. I don't play much ... I raid in a hardcore progression group 16 man 3 days a week and get on for the occasional 5-10 HM FP runs on other days maybe a HM TFB or Sms for weeklies if I have time.


    But I find that elite coms are completely worthless in most cases. The Enhancements are horrible and since there is no coms purchasable set bonuses available AND no relics available with elite coms they seem to be wasting away in my inventory.


    I really think there should be a trade down from elite coms to basic coms so people in the situation like me can get gear they can actually use. I don't have nearly enough basic coms even just to get the recipies for crafting on my 6 different crafters.


    I think that a 3-1 trade down from elite to basic or 3-1 trade up to ultimates ... should be considered .... its unlikely you guys will be adding gear to the tiers so might as well make use of the coms you have in a better way.


    It works well for PVP coms why not give it a go with PVE coms.

  21. Dont get me wrong the gree event is fun ... most of it solo-able a little PVP which is possibly the only aspect I don't like but I am fine with it because others like it.


    But I want to know is what happened to our other events?


    I have been waiting for the return of the rackgouls since the last run .... and while the narshadaa event was brutal in so many ways adding a daily repeat to the event would make it much better and make it worth running.


    I know you guys pride yourselves on this so called repeating gree event. But please bring back the old events at least annually. Gree event is getting boring to be honest and while there are items I need still from the event I wouldn't mind a break for something a little more fresh.

  22. I just want to know if LEGACY is now just a thing they added and have no interest on improving anymore.

    One of the early arguments about legacy was that a lot of people were already at 50 and the unlocks stop at what 15 or 20 or something like that.


    I for one was hoping that Cathar would have been one of those free unlocks to legacy 50 as a thank you for no new species or classes and the dev response (I will edit and link if I can find it again) where they said they have no production plans for a new class which means we will not see a new class for at least 2 years more. Which I am hoping does not mean we wont see new ACs added to existing classes personally.


    But what I want to know is where is the loyalist love? I have been legacy 50 since I don't know how long ... love this game and haven't stopped playing for more then two days straight since pre order early access. I have been through mergers and guild deaths over and over and over and love this game still. But still no love comes back for the legacy system.


    5 level cap increase really was almost a waste of time I really hope there is a team working for a 15 level increase for next expansion. But also would love to see some nice legacy rewards for higher legacies. and maybe a legacy level increase to 60 or 70 with rewards that actually increase in value and make people want to grind the legacy levels.


    Maybe even add Legacy gear to the Legacy Gear Vendors that is adaptive stat gear ... so the stats improve to the value of the lowest tier FP gear or previous levels raid gear (black hole). Maybe make Legacy gear that contains the set bonuses and requires lvl 50 legacy and large sums of money like 200-500k each piece.

    Something should be done with legacy system and don't just let it die out because we have new players who are only legacy 20ish... they will hit 50 one day and having good reason for them to want to hit legacy 50 will only encourage them to roll alts and get involved in social aspects (FPs and Ops) for higher legacy exp and faster advancement.

  23. Forgive me for feeling entitled to promised content update features which were meant to be accessed by subscribers at no additional costs. I'd be fine if it was an independent cartel market update but it is taking "space" of something more appropriate and something we got used to at this stage.


    Having HK-51 is optional, just like daily quests @ the section x or the new end-game operations. I don't remember having to pay extra for access to those.


    cartel market shouldn't merge with content updates.


    I agree.... I was kinda hoping for either new space combat or maybe a few new HM FPs kinda like the Kaon update ... some game system stuff and one FP that was not available before.


    I don't feel entitled to content ... I understand as a programmer that sometimes stuff just cant happen fast enough for customer satisfaction. BUT I do agree that ASSUMING that none of these features can be purchased with in game money and they all require use of cartel coins. That it should not be considered a game update.

    HOWEVER if all these things ARE entirely purchasable by any means and any cost through in game currency then it is a game update just not a content update.


    That being said ..... I would then hope that 2.2 is not far away because they did kinda say that with free to play there goal was to produce new gameplay CONTENT on a 4-8 week cycle to wit I believe the next thing in the cycle is a new warzone ... then FPs .. then event ... then new op. But that was a long time ago now ... maybe they just forgot that content gets old fast ... or assumed that 5 more levels (rather then 10-20) would hold us off for a couple months rather then a couple days.

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