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Everything posted by Zarkresh

  1. I´d trust the novel-guys as the novels doesn´t tell you ********. I presonally take the count of midi-chlorians into acount while talking "strongest Force user ever", but many smart notes tells us Vader´s abilities are cut down at Mustafar. My view of Star Wars tell me he isn´t, but that is another debate. However, Bioware blew Revan up to some sort of God in order to sell more copies of KOTOR. So don´t admire him more than a "plus-thirty-thousand-midi-chlorian-imbzor-slaughter". And as someone said, the movies doesn´t do Vader favor. If we get a remake in about five years, then nobody would talk about this topic, they would know Vader is one of the greatest Sith/Jedi ever lived. And where Revan has more knowledge, it doesn´t give him duelist advantages. Lucas of course has to agree with and accept everything official that is released that has anything to do with Star Wars. But if you ask him, I´m sure he wouldn´t take the pride away from Luke, Vader and Palpatine, as they were his first successful creations (talking of Force users and not taking Kenobi into account). I´d say the clip showing Vader, Kenobi and Yoda as Force ghosts at the end of VI says a lot, even though other users has become one with the Force too. But I´ve never heard about Revan becoming it. So either agree with me, saying Vader would strike Revan down, or fill me up with the Revan-content I , in your opinion, lack.
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