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Everything posted by Traiel

  1. See this on the other hand, is a total counter argument in full to my statements!
  2. What is there to disprove? You have not actually dealt with the argument, that they are limiting numbers based on not having enough resources. If everyone had have preordered earlier, then you would still have limited amount of people playing.
  3. Saying pre order earlier is ridiculous.. that makes this launch more palpable, but doesnt solve the problem that they have not put in enough server resources. Deal with the argument instead of throw away troll lines. And of course it was smooth - they are letting limited amount of people in. It is smooth for those who are in, and VERY rocky for those that are not. There is a problem, or else we could all be playing.
  4. This.. so simple.. unfortunately from Stephen Reids comments, it is clear that they have wanted to make cost cutting the most important aspect.. from creation of Red Zone, to having the bare amount of servers available. But as you said, its not even the amount of servers available, its about having enough server resources to open new instances on an existing server to service the amount of people required. They have failed in this regard. Queue times would not be a problem if they had enough instances for everyone to join in freely. For example.. server holds 100 people, and good area population is 10 people On release day, everyone is condensed to 1 area, so dynamically assign your server farm to have 10 instances of the populated areas, and 1 instance in every other area. Day 2, you have 50 people still in starter areas, so you have 5-6 instances for starting area, and say, 3 in the next, 2 in the other populated area etc etc. The only limitation is on your server resources, and every launch problem in MMOs with queue times/staggered/area population overload is due to this. Have confidence in your product you are launching, hire extra servers to increase the farm resources, and everyone is in, little queue time and enough instances for all. The launch of an MMO should be seen as an investment into the future of the MMO, not a mere cost burden.
  5. The equality comes because we have all paid the same amount for a different quality of service... i.e great service (if a little empty) vs no service, and little customer service in support of that.
  6. Errrr.. Stephen Reid himself would beg to differ... and besides, the 'launch' your referring to is better referred to as 'retail launch' . This is the early access 'launch' if you want to be pedantic with your terms.
  7. Shame though, coz that female troll post actually took my mind off the dumbest launch i have seen in 13 years of MMO'ng and gave me a damn good laugh at the same time
  8. To those who got hung up on the 'you should have preordered earlier': He is referring to the idiotic failure of the system with the use of exageration, not the fact it came as a surprise. To those who say it is not a launch: Read the stickies, and think about it logically instead of getting hung up in a new term. To those who are saying stop QQ'ng: Stop trolling and QQ'ng about QQ.
  9. Now if we could also have a woman gamer who wasnt attention seeking and could actually play the game well.
  10. Nothing more idiotic than someone complaining about complainers... except for maybe those who complain about those complaining about complainers.
  11. Stephen Reid used Launching in the same post as he also used the words 'Star Wars is launched'
  12. errrr.. how is early access (even if they hadnt explicitely stated) not a launch again? Definition of launch is 'release product to the public' <-- this includes a smaller specific market (i.e preorders) ... and even if that is not good enough for you.. Toons created in a live environment that will not be wiped is MOST definitely a 'launch'.... You are merely trying to derail an argument based on the derailing of a single word.. Call it EGA, call it Final Beta, call it Launch, we are still in a state where the game has begun!
  13. I had been waiting for this game for a long time, even had a guild lined up etc, ready to go.. and then found out.. No Oceanic people allowed! That was it for me.. But then some friends convinced me that this was going to be a great game in November, so i jumped back in.. and with everything that has happened since, i'm almost regretting not sticking with my original decision.
  14. Hmm.. someone QQ'ng about other people QQ'ng makes me QQ about someone QQ'ng about other ppl QQ'ng.. ahhhh when will it end.. Get over it mate.. These people are not happy with the state of things.. what exactly is the reason for your post?
  15. Yeah its great that they can hide behind a great game by stuffing us around knowing there is no consequences....
  16. Toons being played in a live environment that will not be deleted = launched.
  17. Yes, I am amazed that the sending out of emails was not automatic... It makes me think that they really didn't think this through completely. An automatic system could have also provided certainty to everyone waiting with no idea when they should actually be checking, because the order would have been set and every body numbered.
  18. Err... you do realise the beauty of computers means you can have automated scripts that could send out waves.. i.e .. automatically.. as in, no human personnell required!! Gollly!
  19. So instead of being pissed off by BW, and coming to the forums to state areas for improvement, you instead come on and whine at the whiners? Great story, and shows your motivations
  20. And getting the right amount of servers to handle enough instances to handle the KNOWN amount of preorders is even superior logistics. The only unknown is how many people will purchases launch / after... and i'm pretty sure the marketing department would have a reasonable expectation on that as well. The biggest issue has to be the uncertainty as has been said before... i'd be happier if i KNEW i was going to get into wave 20 @7.00pm on the 17th for example. As someone else said.. we are currently xxx position in a queue that will take xxx time. Additionaly, you say they are doing it so that they know when they need to add more servers.. I'm sure they can make a reasonable estimate based on the above, and rent those servers NOW to increase the amount of instances on the server to prevent area population overloading. Worst is the pattern that has been presented.. as a red zoner, to suddenly find out that we couldnt even get the game, the everchanging grace period->no grace period -> we'll get back to you, and the staggered launch really makes me think that they have overall implemented this game in a disgraceful way.
  21. Well said. The uncertainty is certainly one of the worst aspects of this launch.
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