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Everything posted by gameshack

  1. "Smart players" knew that Biochem was fotm and was going to get nerfed. It was TOO good. "Smart players" know that, following the upcoming changes, they no longer have to have Biochem on their main AND all their alts. The real disgrace with Biochem is that BW even allowed the craft to go live if their design brief was better quality of life rather than significantly better performance. eg not consumed versus bigger effects. It was clear to anyone looking at the skill just how good it was. How on earth BW didn't realise that beforehand (or worse, they did know but went ahead anyway)...well, I'm sure they certainly realised the scale of the problem when they saw the number of people taking it. The other craft skills need a serious look to make them more attractive. Picking a replacement for Biochem on my alts right now is not clear cut, if only because everything else is still so lacklustre. And given the upcoming nerfs, that is certainly saying something.
  2. Seems to be a common bug then, as I have exactly the same problem. I thought the BH story was actually quite fun but the bugs I found at the end (this wasn't the only one) completely took the shine off. QA generally seems to be quite poor overall, as there are lots of little (or not so little, depending on your viewpoint) bugs in places you would not expect them. i.e. in key class quests. If you are going to test anything as a priority, it would be all the class quests before the generic go-kill-x-bears quests. Since the game is being sold on the story experience as a USP, in their shoes you'd be testing all of this till it hurts, right? BW either has inadequate test teams and methods, or someone is making some seriously bad decisions when migrating code to live.
  3. ^^ This. It might be class dependent but it is now a complete pita trying to judge exactly when something is off the cool down. Rocket Punch is the worst for me since the cooldown can end on a 50/50 chance from shield. The old system was better in that at least your peripheral vision could easily see if something was ready or not. Put it back the way it was please devs, or at the very minimum give us an option to set it the way that works best for us.
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