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    Game Tech Support
  1. We are a gaming community looking for more players to join us! We already have a few SWTOR players. This is a great place to play more games then just SWTOR! You might make some really good friends too. We generally play together and have a really good time! We do have our own teamspeak 3 server, website, that everyone is welcome to use. Check us out! http://www.pandorumgaming.net, we also do Steam gift card give aways for our members. We are on the Harbinger.
  2. You said this is a game before. Your claiming that PVE should have a balance in groups but that PVP shouldn't? I feel you are very wrong. I see tons of people cry every day about balance issues, and this is one that needs to be addressed.
  3. Another problem I have, is i dont even have a chance to unlock gunships because i was not subscribed before a certain date. Feels like people who were subscribing before me have an advantage of me, which is not fair. This ship needs to be available to be EARNED though play. Kinda ****** to tell your existing subscribers that they dont even have a chance to unlock the gunship at all. Considering the advantages and pros of being able to have this ship.
  4. Well I am forced to pick a role for PVE dungeons. So why not institute the same thing. You could even put it in the queue system, so this way you dont get a butt load of people wanting to play the exact same class.
  5. One of the major things I would like to see changed, is number of ALLOWED ships. For example, I dont want to go into a match with 8 interceptors, or 8 gunships or 8 strike fighters. I think setting a limit on 3 max gunships or 4 max what ever would be nice. I also feel it would teach people how to play other types of ships.
  6. I have not once won a single match of hutt ball in the 6 months ive been playing SWTOR.
  7. That really does suck. It would be really cool if they could add a way to queue for the ones you like.
  8. I really do enjoy PVP in this game. However, I have a great dislike for Hutt ball. Is there anyway to queue for everything EXCEPT Hutt Ball?
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