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Everything posted by scury

  1. Then pull the app from the relevant app stores if it is not ready as this will cause more problems for you, and don't reference it from the website to downloaded it and update the FAQ.
  2. I believe you can only have one authenticator e.g. Physical or mobile not both.
  3. Has there been any European early access invites yet or are they all US, from the server tab there are no EU servers active. http://www.swtor.com/server-status So looks like no EU players have ben invited?
  4. Yes your subscription will become active on the preorder when you get an invite. although you will have to enter a SE/CE key code before 20th otherwise your account will be disabled until a code is entered. so if you have preordered and it says no subscription active, just means that your invite has not been sent yet, and your early access is not active.
  5. no its not a malicious DDoS attack what is happening is that so many people are connecting that the firewall state tables are filling up and the server can only handle so many connections under load balancing and farms. Always tends to happen on launch day etc:D
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