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Posts posted by Red_Cruiser

  1. No class loses so much from being targeted by the enemy as the sorcerer, and compare them more to shadowpriests or warlocks or mages is kind of irrelevent, because the class lacks the depth of talents and abilities that make any of those classes work.


    Really, I think sorcerers are like playing a fire mage in PvP, but without the fun abilities and mechanics that made getting run over constantly worth it.

  2. If you're expecting this to lead to balance updates you're going to be disappointed.


    This is true. About the only balance change BioWare is likely to do is to add another defensive cooldown for Marauders and allow Operatives to wear heavy armor.

  3. I like how all of his suggestions on how to improve PvP are to make ranked arenas more exclusive and then increase the recognition and rewards that go with it. I'm surprised he didn't suggest removing the ability to purchase ranked commendations with the regular commendations; or adding minimum gear score/valor level requirements to ranked ques.
  4. Sorcs have 10 sec GODMODE force barrier with h2f during it.

    Operatives have vanish with h2f.

    Mercs healers dont have any kind of escape, so they must be downed first :o


    I'd take any kind of % based damage reduction over 10 seconds of standing around and doing nothing. You are still turning the warzone into a 3v4 and chances are unless someone is there to wipe your *** for you, you are just delaying the inevitable.

  5. They give players four little boxes to run around in and it's the "OMG! PvP Patch!" of the decade? Arenas are just big value for relatively little investment in terms of design and assets. If they were serious about PvP arenas, they would have rolled out some major balance changes to go along with it.
  6. I play a sorcerer, so no, I don't like arenas.

    My experience has been really easy to sum up, too.

    I have an operative healer/Enemy does not have an operative healer = %100 games won

    No operative healers present at all = N/A: Sample Size Zero

    I do not have an operative healer/Enemy does have an operative healer = %0 games won

    When both teams have an operative healer, I am pretty sure I won most of the games I had played, but not really sure. These matches seemed to last for a good long time, though.

  7. Changing interrupts isn't going to do a thing for my sorcerer. I stand still for 1.5 seconds and hit for 4k on a critical only 30% to 40% of the time. The other guy hits a button with no cast time and hits for 9k on a critical 100% of the time. And my DoTs? One GCD from his scoundrel/operative healer just wiped out what it took me at least 2 GCD to put on... two GCD's that his buddy spent leaping at me, rooting me, interrupting me, knocking me back and stunning me. No, but it's cool. If I can just get my casts off a little bit faster, I can face tank that sh*t no problem.
  8. It receives hate because despite all the money and the hype and the so-called talent the game is simply unexceptional. It's not bad and it's not good. It's an uninspired and mediocre game with piecemeal classes and an obtusely traditional end game. They literally thought WoW + Star Wars + Story was such an unbeatable team up that they literally had to put 0% additional innovation in to it.
  9. I've been keeping up with this thread for some time now. Never posting just lurking in the shadows, admittedly laughing at some of the squabbles you've all gotten in to :p


    But I figured I would finally offer my two cents. When I first started to play this game, I knew I wanted to play a stealth class. And ever since phantom menace I have been in love with the saber-staff (I was 11-12 when it came out). So Jedi Shadow seemed like a no-brainer.


    And I enjoyed playing it all the way to 55. Sneaking up on mobs or other players, some cool moves; everything was cool. But then I got to end-game...and my God was I disappointed.


    Now before you hit reply so you can type "L2P" /5char (lol) please know this; I am a competent player. I will never claim to be the best because I simply do not put THAT much time into the game. However, I have several 55s including a Gunslinger that is rocking all 72s with full augmentation. My Shadow possesses the same quality gear and yet he just CAN NOT touch the DPS my Gunslinger can put up.


    The creator of this thread did post some parser data IIRC, but I wouldn't expect everyone to take that as undeniable proof. Instead, what I would look at is the countless testimonies from actual players who swear on their lightsabers/blasters that Shadow/Assassin needs some help.


    I have actually been turned away by Operations Groups a few times solely because of the fact that I was a Shadow. This just doesn't seem right to me...


    Anyway, TL;DR: Shadows/Assassins need a bit of help as far as I'm concerned.


    All the classes need buffs if you are simply going to compare them to gunslingers. If this game was smart and had an auto attack they could find ways to adjust white damage over an extended encounter for PvE; but there is no way they can simply up Assassin/Shadow damage and not break them completely in PvP.

  10. OP isn't wrong, but there is a lot more wrong with the game above and beyond his short list of four points. It's not balanced well, and the PvP team isn't going to take the drastic steps necessary to rebalance the game for PvP arenas.
  11. You could also say : the thing is, that 90% out of the random warzones, the team with the less muppets wins.


    This would also be true. But would that mean that good players need to be nerfed?


    You know - healing alone won't win any match, period. You can be a pro healer in AHG and be team up with muppets and you will lose even if the opposing team won't have a one healing class.


    So no, no nerfing any healing class just because it is so hard to mark the healer and focus fire on him /her first.


    If you are electing to use a strawman argument, at least make the strawman SEEM like he isn't just pulled out randomly from your hindquarters.

  12. Well, one the one hand, smasher AOE is quite useful.


    And by the way, 8k with a full T5 equiped Guardian is normal standard against ppl with full expertise.

    Best hits are like 10,5k, depending on your opponent.


    If there is now some ppl complaining, what do you say about the Sith Sorcerers, who's Dots tick with 1,5-2k ?

    Thermal Granates of the Scoundrel : like 7-8k.


    I think there is enough other examples to show, that Smasher Damage is not THAT overpowered, compared

    to other classes abilites.


    Its just , for example the great survivability of the Jedi sentinel, with its shields, possibility of getting out of the

    fight, if needed.


    I think if we talk about such a topic, there should be not seen only what the smasher can do, but also, what other

    classes do compared to them, and what the great disadvantages of an Melee Fighter are.


    Has anyone yet been constantly killed by 2-3 Range DD'S, when coming from respawn, trying to get in range ?:D


    Complaining about Sage DoT ticks? Seriously? Not only are they easy to just plain heal through, there is no dispel resistance in this game so you can just have your healer just flat out remove them. Even 1v1, the sage is going to have to LoS alot to stay alive for those DoTs to tick through all the HP and all the various defensive cooldowns.

  13. You realize that needing all those things all at once is pretty rare, right? It's not that often we need to build rage, close the gap, interrupt, and root all at once. In fact, I can't come up with a single instance where you want to interrupt and root the same target at the same time...


    Stacking all those on one ability isn't an advantage, it's a liability. It means that if you use leap as an interrupt, then get knocked back, you don't have a gap closer available. If you use it as a rage builder or gap closer, same issue: you don't have it as an interrupt or root.


    You are daft. You want to know why? Because the class has other interrupts, stuns, rage builders and knockbacks at its disposal, as well..

  14. It's annoying seeing the same sequence of moves being executed to such devastating effect knowing that that best you can do is just delay the damage. There's no point where counterplay or skill comes into question.
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