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Everything posted by jdi_knght

  1. Objective score currently has virtually nothing to do with the actual objectives, unfortunately. It's a very misleading title.
  2. The issue got worse when the scoreboard timer was reduced. Even when people are playing with friends, I haven't seen a +3 MVP on *anybody* since, and I've done a few dozen warzones since that was patched. They may as well remove the MVP system at this point. It looked like something that had a lot of potential. Now it looks like something they're in the process of abandoning. A shame.
  3. Yeah, you've got to be using the right mouse button to turn/rotate. If it's not working.... not sure what the issue might be, but you'll want to look into getting it resolved. If you're using the keyboard to turn, every time somebody runs through you, you'll be spending a couple seconds to rotate. If you use the mouse to turn, you can easily do a 180 and be back on them in a fraction of a second. The low fps may be contributing to your overall issues too. If it's too low, people tend to experience problems, particularly after they force-leap - by the time the screen updates, your opponent has moved.
  4. Targetting: -The tab key has a long range (and doesn't feel intuitive for some reason) which can make it a pain. Easier to click to select most of the time. Keeping up with the target: -Use "leg slash" on your target asap. It should be the first focus-spender you cast most of the time. You have to keep them slowed, or you'll spend all your time chasing them while others wittle you down. -Sometimes, you'll want to run up to your target rather than using force leap. That way when they use a knock-back/etc, you'll be able to force-leap back on to them. When to open with a leap, and when you should just run up is situational and something you'll just have to learn over time. -Look for healers, and pick them as targets. Sentinels are the best class for shutting them down. Either they'll stand still & you can wail on them, or they'll try to run and you'll be limiting them to instant-casts. That's all off the top of my head. Really though, melee classes just take a little getting used to when you haven't played them before. They're also not for everyone, so if you find you just never end up enjoying it, there's no shame in trying out another class. Edit: should also mention that if you're keyboard turning or don't have the vast majority of your abilities keybound, those are extremely critical for melee classes. Ranged classes can usually do alright despite keyboard turning and clicking abilties. Melee classes on the other hand suffer heavily with the same habits.
  5. Not sure if it needed yet another thread, but that's generally the consensus (I don't think you'll see many disagreeing with you, except for perhaps a few with concerns that 50's don't yet have the population to support continuous games on their own).
  6. At this point, I'd like to see: 1) Put 50's in their own bracket. 2) Buff bolster slightly in the 10-49 range (bolster's needed a buff since beta). I'd love to see a solution that allows 50's to be with everyone else (because it's great for queue times), but realistically, level 50 gear progression keeps that from being a viable option. As far as 10-49 goes, a very small buff to bolster would go a long way. Bolster already works quite well all things considered - it just needs tiny bits of tuning.
  7. Now that we can't mass-sell boxes anymore.... ...is there any reason they're still unique? Only being able to buy one at a time is very annoying. I'm referring BTW to the boxes that have a random item (the ones available inside the warzones as well). The process is currently as follows: -right-click vendor -scroll down (varies) -buy -close vendor window (auto-closes inventory) -open inventory -right click box -hit accept -repeat (33 times if you've capped your commendations) The only rationale I can think of is that a level 10 might start buying a bunch of high level boxes in advance, but: 1) That shouldn't be a problem - you'd have to fill your entire inventory and entire bank with boxes to ensure that you have enough boxes to fill out your gear set (since it's random and may not be your stats). 2) It would make *much* more sense to prohibit people from buying boxes out of their level range. In fact, since you can't actually *use* them until that level anyway, I'm not sure why we can buy higher-level ones to begin with. Really, I'd like to see it reverted to the way it was in the beta. Save up some commendations, buy a few boxes at a time, open them all at once. It's convenient. /endrant
  8. We have no way to know for sure. BioWare probably isn't going to come out and give us the specific security measures they take because it carries the potential to help hackers. That said, Security is an ever-growing concern and I'm sure BW/EA, like other companies, have seen Sony's dismal mess, the Valve intrusion, this Trion intrusion, etc and are putting a lot more emphasis into making sure things are as secure as they can make them. At least on the user-end, they seem to be doing what they can. We're forced to make the secret questions/answers, forced to use the whole Aa1 password system, authenticators are available at launch, etc. I'm sure that some will argue that there are better password systems, and that authenticators should have come with every box copy (instead of just CE), but something is better than nothing. At the very least, it shows they're putting thought/effort into security. The game cost a fortune to make. So far, it looks like it's going to be a cash-cow. A serious security breach has the potential to hurt EA/BW an awful lot, and I'm sure they know that. Really, I'd be mindful of it, but I wouldn't necessarily worry. Do the common-sense stuff like using a unique password, and you should be watching your CC statements anyway.
  9. Operative/Smugger healers probably still need buffs (they certainly needed them in beta, but haven't played one since launch so don't know 1st-hand if much has changed, though it's rare I see one perform as well as the other healers). They're easily the weakest of the 3 healing classes. It's not a PvP healing issue as your thread title implies though (PvP healing on the whole is fine more-or-less), it's a class issue. And you'd be right to bring it up.
  10. Contribute as a Guardian? In Huttball, you have fantastic mobility - as a Guardian you've got not only the Charge, but an Intervene (don't remember the name). If you specced into the Defense tree, you become bloody hard to kill as a ball carrier. You've gotta key-bind these things to be successful though and make sure you always watch for a body to jump to (and be quick about it). Keep an eye on any healers that are keeping you up and be sure that if you have to LoS or leave them that you'll make it without them. In the others, throw "Guard" on a nearby healer and protect them. If you don't have a healer, you're significantly less useful (you stand to lose the most staying power), though if you can be the first to jump into combat and be focused, you'll keep the squishier DPS on your team from being trounced and hopefully they blow up 2 people before you get killed (and a 2-for-1 trade isn't usually a bad thing). You're also a good protector at doors/turrets - assuming your team is quick enough to come when you /raid help left, you can usually last long enough for reinforcements to arrive. You can usually venture away from nodes to chase a bit as long as you keep charge off cool down and pan the camera every couple seconds to watch for stealth-ninjas. That said, if you're matched with pugs who just run around killing instead of focusing on objectives, you're one of the worst classes for trying to carry a team on your own.
  11. Not leaving. Things need to be tweaked and balanced, but in the meantime, it's still fun and I've been spending most of my time there (between 3 chars, different classes).
  12. To be fair, many people are new to the game. During beta (the regular testing phases, not the open beta), most people knew how to pass, but they'd been playing for months. It takes time. First few games many don't realize the bar isn't on their action bar. The in-game trigger that places it on the action bar doesn't happen until they've moved from the vendor into the main waiting area, and at that point they're looking at the obstacles/etc. By the time a new player realizes they have the ability and can throw it, they usually end up with unsuccessful attempts. They'll try targeting the player and then simply clicking the "throw ball" ability, or will figure out that they have to target the ground, but get chain-cc'ed. To sum it up, it simply takes time. Oh, and ragging on these players while they're trying to figure it out usually doesn't help matters. They just end up hating the game, and inevitably decide to farm kills instead of trying. Turns out, if they get the ball and screw up they get yelled at. If they just kill people they see and avoid the ball, people leave them alone. Not implying that you're one of the individuals who are hard on your team-mates, but in any case, I've seen first-hand that promoting a positive team atmosphere encourages people to try until they figure it out, and often results in wins. I think you'll find many (myself included) disagree with you here. Huttball is amazing. Plenty of situational strategy, and when you learn who you can (and can't) count on, you can pull off some pretty amazing plays. I'd rather see them buff the bolster system (slight, gradual buffs though as going too far is just as bad). With brackets, in a couple of months you'll end up with a situation where max-level is the only place you'll find constant games. Low-level games will be virtually non-existant except at prime-time. The only solution at that point is cross-server queueing which kinda destroys the same-server comradery/rivaly. That said, I might be receptive to a separate bracket for 50's, and throwing 10-49 in the other bracket. It would depend on how player distribution looks over time though (don't want a situation where people can't find games in the lower bracket - queues are worse than an underleveled team by far). As much as I like arenas, it tends to cause balance issues. Fixing arena balance usually ends up breaking PvE, and comp/class imbalances tend to result in "everybody getting everything" to keep it far. If BW wants to delve into arenas, then fine. It's not something I'd be asking for though personally.
  13. Big thanks! Have a feeling that Best Buy Canada + Canada Post might not get the copies I ordered to us in time (rural Canada), but the grace period should help alleviate some of the pain for myself and the others who will be waiting! Much appreciated.
  14. I agree (was like this in beta as well). Objective points on the scoreboard are currently useless as an indicator. I don't think anyone really knows what they represent, and they certainly don't seem to relate to the objectives themselves. I'd really like to see the points relate to the objectives, perhaps with a mouse-over breakdown showing: assaults defends scores assists etc There's potential to expand an enormous amount - start with the person who assaulted/scored and feel free to expand this to stuff like: points for ball-carrier healed (and/or "guarded" with tank abilities etc) points for ball-carrier damaged points for using CC's during a successful door/cannon/bridge assault within a certain range points for being within range of a successful objective attempt points for defending an objective (alderaan) even when nobody showed up points for killing/healing within objective area etc (I'm sure many people could think of more) ...and show some of the key things during the mouse-over breakdown. It will never be a perfect system and there will always be off-cases where somebody went on to pull something off that won the game that wasn't accounted for. That said, since we have the objective system, let's at least make it remotely about the objectives.
  15. 1) It's been ongoing since beta (as was mentioned above). 2) I'm not running a healer currently, but I feel your pain. It sucks, but try to manage despite it, and make sure to keep these threads going until it's fixed. 3) If you want to look at it from a glass-half-full perspective, it forces you to watch the battlefield a little more to see who's taking damage. It reduced my tendency to tunnel-vision on the bars during beta anyway.
  16. The servers haven't been up all that long - there are a lot of players below level 10, and for many of the others, there's a large focus on levelling. During the betas, within a couple weeks there were constant healthy games except at the very-off-peak times (wee hours of the morning). As long as they keep with the bolster system (don't make the mistake of moving to the bracket system), things will work themselves out within a couple weeks. If they do move to the bracket system at some point, what you're experiencing right now will become the norm for all brackets below 50 unless they add x-realm.
  17. Similar to the beta - ~110fps with an i5 and Radeon 6950. A few more bugs must have been worked out - haven't had the game hiccup, or dump to desktop (whereas during the last beta it'd eventually happen after enough hours of straight play). 15 minutes or so after the game was available for preorder. Was one of the individuals spamming refresh when the rumor came about. Sensing that you might do this, I rolled on a PvE server. When it comes to instanced PvP though.... let's just say the population needs to grow a bit - queues are a bit painful atm. If instanced PvP is what you're craving, you're not missing much. By the time you get in, hopefully they'll be a good bit better. If it makes you feel any better, I'm sure you'll beat me to 50. And if somebody else beats you to 50, you can take solice in the fact that nobody will care/remember who they are/were a month from now.
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