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Posts posted by jdi_knght

  1. I don't mind it.


    I primarily warzoned my way to 50, valor capped many times along the way, and spent days in warzones getting to around 58-59 before the Ilum change (and kill-trading) showed up.


    Most do it for their dailies/weeklies on our server (Grand Master Zym). There are a few that do it to skip the valor grind (just about every alt does now), but to be honest, they keep the groups consistent in numbers, exist on both sides, and they make the dailies go a little bit quicker the few times I decide to do them.




    TBH I'm sure Ilum's change to kills/armaments was well intentioned, but they probably should have left Ilum as it was before. Node-swapping had little to do with PvP, but it didn't cause the numerous outrages we received with the change.


    Then again, hindsight and all that....

  2. One option would be to revamp one trees from each pure DPS AC to give it significant utility, but this would be a lot of time and work.

    That's an option, and one that's been suggested in the past (though not for dual-spec reasons).


    However, in the case of the Watchman Sentinel (and equivalent Mara), there's already some utility provided via group healing from burns/bleeds. It's already very competitive in terms of dps too.


    GS/Snipers are the only ones that really don't have a tree that have obvious additional raid utility (as far as I know anyway).



    Another option would be to disallow changing specializations mid instance. In other words, if someone leaves the instance to change specialization they can't get back in. The instance would have to be reset and the group would have to start over from the beginning.


    I don't think this would go over well - it essentially turns dual-spec into a PvP-oriented feature.






    All that said, as a Sentinel (my primary char), I don't mind dual-spec - in that I mean don't think it treats me unfairly. Both my specs would be nearly identical with only minor talent changes mind you.

  3. Sounds a valid tactic to me.


    Unlike a game i played a few days ago where on defence a bomb was planted on a door in the second room with no bridges extended.


    You do realize that this was due to "jumping the gap", right?


    As an attacker, you jump the gap, run to the door, and assault it. If timing was in your favour, all the defenders are either stuck behind the forcefield, or still on the starting side of the bridges fighting your team.


    Once the door blows, the bridges open.




    If you as the gap-jumping attacker co-ordinate with your team (basically they don't kill anybody once door #1 is down - just stall them), once past door #1 you can all but guarantee the other 5 points doing this.

  4. Ok 1 hour is a little harsh....

    It is. Every so often I get a crash or a disconnect. I'm booted from the warzone (that I'm usually winning) even though I'm logged back in within 30 seconds. Fine.


    Banning me for an hour. Not so fine.



    Also standing behind a shield in a Warzone for like 30 seconds isn't fun, find a fun way to rez and stop copying every other MMO out there!


    I agree, except that there were no forcefields in Huttball/Voidstar at one point during beta, and....

    • /stuck was abused in Huttball to get back on defense (became too risky once forcefields were added)
    • dying in the fire was another great method to get back on instant-defense
    • Voidstar I thought was actually fine (bomb plant timers were very low at the time), but presumably it wasn't working the way they felt it should.


    I'm all for finding a way to remove those forcefields though. The games always felt more fast-paced when we didn't have them, though to be fair, I'm pretty used to them at this point, have found ways to use them to my advantage (as the opposing team) and don't mind them as much as I used to.

  5. It's not an exploit. It's a strat.


    If you want to make the case that they can usually hold a node solo for quite a long time by doing this ("a long time" meaning plenty of time for reinforcements to arrive) and that it shouldn't be this way for <such-and-such-a-reason>, then fine.


    But don't go calling it an exploit.

  6. If the healer (or sniper/gs) was the only available pass target, then they probably shouldn't be complaining (as you mentioned, they can just throw it to somebody else - if the healer's a sorc/sage they can run it a bit first).


    If you had 5 available targets and weren't in the process of being burned down, I can see why they're annoyed to an extent that you didn't simply choose somebody else. Then again, with the number of people that don't seem to know how to pass at all, personally I'd be happy that somebody on our team actually tried throwing.



    But I don't know, I wasn't there.

  7. NO! one of the reason i like gunslinger is that i can NEVER be asked to do any thing BUT dps!


    I don't believe the OP is suggesting that all gunslingers be forced into a support role by any means. Just that 1 talent tree be changed to be support-oriented.


    Presumably, 2 of the 3 trees (the 'strongest' ones, whatever they happen to be for gunslingers) would remain pure dps, and you'd have to intentionally spec into the 3rd tree to get the support abilities.


    In addition, people have different ideas as to what 'support' would actually entail. Sure, it could mean extra things you have to actively do do, though it could also simply mean that just by DPSing you buff the group via procs/triggers/etc on your damaging abilities.

  8. Willpower is fine.


    You're going to be squishy if focused at your level. Don't run into the fray - make use of the range you have - stand back and dps. Keep a shield up on yourself. Stay near a pillar/object when possible so you can line-of-sight when necessary. Be smart about when to use your knockback & your CC's. Play as though you're a glass cannon, because before 50, you are.



    At 50, once you have a little gear, things get much better for you.

  9. Racials cause balance issues in addition to making people feel compelled to play a certain race (even one they're not fond of) specifically for the bonus it offers.


    I'd be fine with 1000 different cosmetic things if people wanted them - from emotes to pets to mounts, but as soon as something provides a tangible benefit, things get messy.

  10. Ignoring the Disassemble option.



    • The item is an upgrade for me.
    • The item is not an upgrade for me and I want to be kicked from the group.
    • The item is not an upgrade for me, and I enjoy being called out as a ninja in General anytime I LFG on the fleet station.
    • I am new to the game and nobody explained the role system to me and it seems I clicked the one that got me into trouble with the group. Hopefully they're understanding.
    • I asked before rolling if anyone minds "if I need for companion" and surprisingly instead of saying "ummm....." this time around, they said yes.



    • We all have companions that can probably use gear. Mine's one of them.
    • While this is an upgrade for me, the other guy in the group could use this item more than me and I'm a nice guy.
    • Vendor candy.
    • My alt would suck less if he/she had this.
    • I'm not even paying attention to loot. I don't need anything from this place and can't be bothered to look and see what this item even is.



    • My inventory is full.
    • Don't need the money. You guys probably do.
    • I'm sick of visiting the vendor. Especially that "Security Key" vendor that won't interact with me because I don't have an authenticator, yet he shows up on my map as a vendor anyway. Why can't a different vendor be located so close to both the mailbox & bank I always visit?
    • Somebody else is rolling need and the X was closer to my mouse than the greed button.
    • Nobody was ever kicked from a group for clicking pass on an item they can't use.




    Really, the only time the group *should* feel obligated to give you the item for a companion is if nobody needs it AND your companion was actually IN the flashpoint (particularly the hard modes which usually require the companion to be decently geared). Even then, you still generally ask to be sure.

  11. Yeah, I'd like to see it increased. I'm not anywhere near the cap yet mind you, but I see it as an eventuality and I don't want to get to the point where I have to delete a char to make another one I want to play.


    If they don't want people creating 16 level-1's for some reason, they could always unlock additional slots as you hit 50 on each char. Or they could unlock slots once you reach a certain legacy level.

  12. I like it.



    Though the next question is, if you put a BoP item in there that you used on your main, are you (should you) now able to use it on your alt? And if so, are there any restrictions on stuff like Rakata/BM/etc gear...? And if there aren't restrictions, would we be seeing people ninja gear for their alts...? Meditate on this, we must.

  13. Sure.



    Although keep in mind that the Watchman/Annihilation tree for Sents&Maras already does buff the group to an extent through the group healing (and we don't even give up any dps for it - such a strong tree! :p ).


    Actually I'd be fine with ditching the Focus/Rage tree altogether (merge any of the decent stuff with Combat/Carnage imo) and replacing it with something a little more support-oriented (though I'd try to keep the new 3rd tree as simple-to-play).





    Oh and while I'm at it, I'd like to see a 4th tree for healing AC's (another healing tree, and sure, you could make it more support-oriented). Healers get about 0 diversity when it comes to choosing talents (with the slight exception of Sorc/Sage hybrid). On my healer it seems my choices and playstyle have already been determined for me - I'm yearning for another tree that plays a little differently.

  14. TBH I don't even go any more, but usually we have groups kill-trading a few times a day at Southern Assault on Grand Master Zym. Rep & Imps are on pretty good terms on our server so it's fairly easy to get going.


    It's also reduced the total # of people trying to get their dailies done in central, and thus the few times there aren't groups going, fighting & gathering at central tends to work out for both sides (more or less).

  15. Task Manager is showing my cpu usage spiking to 100 every now and then as well

    That actually shouldn't be happening under normal usage. You'd have to peg all 6 cores simultaneously which is pretty hard to do unless you're running heavily threaded CPU-intensive stuff (encoding, rendering, etc).


    Assuming your machine isn't a zombie, you might simply be slightly overheating - just enough that the machine's throttling for a second here and there (which would make it quite easy to hit 100% utilization). Try yanking off the side panel of the case while you're using the machine to give it better airflow and see if the utilization stabilizes.


    Odd thing is, Sw:tor only uses 5 of my cores according to Task Manager, the 6th doesn't show up, (this actually applies to all my processes and applications as it seems..)

    Keep in mind that instead of being numbered 1-6, they're numbered from 0-5.


    Would it run better if I only activated 4 of my 6 cores, instead of having 6 on and SW:Tor only using 5, since Sw:tor only uses 4 cores? (At least from what I heard) Maybe if my pc is only using 4 I'll get better performance results since it's syncing up?

    It's unlikely to have a positive effect, but you could try it anyway. It could make the machine a little more likely to turbo up the cores, though Windows is supposed to manage the threads/cores well enough to take advantage of turbo when possible anyway.





    50 views and no replies? Why are people avoiding this like the plague? Could really use some input from a techie!!

    You're probably better off posting in CS next time instead of GD. You may want to report your thread and ask a mod to move it for you.

  16. 1) Toss early. Don't wait for the stun-train to hit you. Remember, if you had a good opportunity to pass and didn't, your team-mates are probably going to assume you're one of the people who don't know how to pass and they might not bother getting in position for a pass next time.


    2) Have your camera zoomed out as far as possible. Not only does it make it easier to see people who are getting in position for a pass, but being zoomed out also helps when you need to pan the camera for a throw at a bad angle.


    3) Keybind the throw ability, and if you're choosing (or forced) to eat the stun-train till near-death, spam it while spam-clicking the area you want to throw to. Keybinding is the most important part, and it's the only way you're going to get a pass off in under 0.2 seconds.

  17. Only if they got their own scoreboard category would I support them (one where they don't give tangible rewards and are truly there just for fun).



    Alternately, I seem to recall either 007 (Goldeneye) or Perfect Dark assigning each person some sort of title at the end of the match. I could see some of the silly things being implemented in that way but again, on the scoreboard (where virtually everyone would be rated as something), and again, without tangible rewards.

  18. Warzone Objectives - Currently it can be difficult to determine who scored or who pulled off an assault if you weren't in the area at the time.


    Are there any plans to add goals, door/turret assaults, and perhaps other objective-based items to the scoreboard in the future? Or perhaps to show player-names in the chat box ("StephenReid passed the Huttball to DanielErickson!" or "DanielErickson scores!" for example)?

  19. I'm not sure I understand the resistance to allowing companions in ops.



    From what I gather:


    -they're weaker than a regular player

    -they have to be micromanaged

    -ops will take longer to complete with them due to the lower dps/hps/etc



    It seems to me that the only people who would be taking them are people who either:


    -have no choice (insufficient players, can't fill a spot, etc)

    -love companions and the companion system



    ...so why not let them? Really, companions aren't used for much of anything at end game - at least this would give them an extra degree of usefulness (for some individuals anyway).

  20. 3. Is it that this game in all it's awesomeness brought a lot of Star Wars fans who are not necessarily mmo fans who have no concept of what their classes role is?




    You're level 17, so you're going to run into the really-fresh people. People who picked up a copy because it was SW or a BW game, have never played an MMO, and even in *this* MMO have only run BT/Essels which was very forgiving.


    By the time you get to 50 hard-modes, most of the players will have figured out their role.

  21. IMO if they wanted mac's to be more "accessible" they should have just sold OSX like Windows. Then people could build their own awesome custom Mac's. But, they won't. The markup on Macbooks/Imac's vs what's in them is a great moneymaker. At least that's my theory anyways.

    Pretty much. Apple uses their software to sell the hardware.


    There was a time when they allowed it to be sold on other hardware (back in the days of the "clones"), and it almost bankrupt them.

  22. Every time I've seen it, it was simply due to a bug. Usually a ball carrier who managed to get stuck in there (likely a combination of the air lift, a CC-train, and latency causing it).


    When it happens, just have your players AoE the area, and the person inside will generally die.



    If an individual is *consistently* getting in there, then I'd be inclined to think they may be exploiting their way in. I've yet to see it happen on anything nearing a regular basis though.

  23. Actually, I kinda wish they'd implement a modified version their group convo "roll" system (which used to have some awesome crits when it was bugged for those who remember it :p ) to slightly boost your chance upon every failure.



    That way, you might have a:

    • 1.0% chance on your 1st RE of an item.
    • 1.05% on the 2nd attempt.
    • 1.1% on the 3rd attempt.
    • etc

    That way, even if you're super unlucky, by the 1980th item, you're at a 100% chance (though really you had a 50/50 chance by item #980, and probably either got it or stopped trying well before then). Obviously my example scales linearly, and they could (and probably would) use something completely different.


    The big problems mind you are that it's not only a new game system they may not have the framework for, but a pile of extra data the server has to keep track of (since it now has to keep track of how many times you RE'ed every single craftable item). Whether it would even be feasible or not to pull off, only BW knows...

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