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Posts posted by Eliezer

  1. If SWTOR allowed this, I would just freeze my account every time I log off. Then unfreeze it when i'm ready to play again. it would be stupid for them to allow this.


    Yeah, to work it would have to have minimums like you could only freeze it for no less than a week and no more than 4 weeks or something... But I would concur long time MMO Player, never heard of such an option. It is kind of counter-intuitive to the entire business model of a subscription.

  2. Hi all, I just received the Eviscerate ability and when I use it I appear to make a two handed stab, but I'm not holding any knife. Known bug or no? I did a forum search for it and one other person brought it up but there were no replies. It looks really lame. Thanks.


    Maybe you are sticking your fingers in the knife holes from debilitate and manually ripping their guys out?

  3. I tried playing a relatively hard nosed Agent that was willing to do what was necessary (short of murder) to get things done. But, I found I was going between light and dark choices.


    Now, I'm stuck with a very bad distribution of light/dark points that are preventing me from using some useful gear :mad:


    Really? You can't find some shoes? About the only things you lose out on as a neutral character is Relics while leveling.

  4. Assassin has an execute for below 30% health useable in pvp right? Might be wrong though.


    Executes are different abilities, not every class has them and they aren't designed like Eviscerate. I believe that Snipers have an execute ability no? Take Down or something? That isn't what Eviscerate/Headshot is.

  5. Am I missing something, but why isn't this usable in PvP?


    *Incapacitated target* works fine in PvE, but why not PvP?


    This has been gone over before, it is a PVE ability only, intended to make trash mobs faster. Every class has one. For Jedi Consular's it is a kick called Tumult. Even though it sounds like an Imperial Agent class feature, it is a generic PVE only thing that everyone gets in some form or another.

  6. As far as your spoiler goes, he didn't actually do that at all. In fact, in my story line, he did the exact OPPOSITE of that.


    Unless you mean at some future stage that I haven't seen yet but it appears to me from reading spoilers that

    A lot of Companions seem to have a betrayal arc. Kaliyo does it for IA, Malavai Quinn does it for Sith Warrior, etc.


  7. Drukoziz I added "Helpful feedback" for a reason -.- I know Main Stats, was just wondering if it would be at all Helpful as for Tenacity thanks for the helpful and not so dickish response. Appreciate it. Didnt know that Cunning and Aim offered the same damage. Thought that if i was aiming for a big Dps kinda Sniper that Aim might be more helpful. Thanks Tenacity. :D


    Basically your problem, so to speak, is trying to read common sense into the game stats :o


    Aim is for Bounty Hunters/Troopers and Cunning is for Agents/Smugglers. It is hard coded that Cunning provides far and away better effects for us, despite the common sense connection between firing a rifle and Aim.


    When it comes to the 4 Main Stats, you pretty much only ever want your class' stat on gear. If you want to collect the Aim Datacrons for a tiny amount of boost, go for it :cool:

  8. I can only speak for the Operative, which gets an AOE Mez (10m range) with Flashbang, and the standard Stun (Melee range with Knife) via Debilitate.


    It gets a one minute CC with Sleep Dart (10m range) but that requires you to be in Stealth and that the target is not in Combat so it is a lot more limited than say the Consular Force Lift. It can be talented to debuff the mob after they wake, but that has some negative consequences as well. Sleep dart doesn't work on droids.


    Agents also get Slice Droid, a 30m range 1 minute CC for Droids only that can be used in combat.


    It appears that Snipers get all the same minus the Sleep Dart, but they get a few Root effects that Operatives don't (Cover Pulse and Leg Shot).


    Assuming that is correct, the Operative can cc two mobs at once, assuming one is a Droid and one is alive, while the Sniper has more control effects, they can only cc Droids.

  9. thats a crock if ever heard it. games like EQ 1 that had zero community tools other then chat thrived with groups. it was directly related to the content being designed with grouping in mind. If swtor content required you group to lvl or accomplish quests people would be grouping with out a doubt. If wow required grouping like it did in vanilla people would be grouping , currently every MMO goes for ease of access to content , like we are stupid children. MMO'rs have evolved we play what content they create its not a player problem its adesign problem dont blame the players we did not make this game 90% solo.


    In EQ1 we were also content to sit at a zone entry and spam LFG until some group had an opening. WoW is indeed to blame in that it provided an environment that you could actually solo in for everyone not just a few classes.


    Early WoW had lots of group content as well, and during its lifecycle has removed more and more of that in favor of characters getting to max level solo in virtually no time with zero effort.


    I'd lie if I said I do not have a lot of nostalgia for how EQ1 did things, but at the same time, could I go back and do that again? I am doubtful.

  10. Biggest technical hurdle I see to server transfers is the unique Legacy name problem.


    If you already have a Legacy name on both servers, which sticks? What if that name is already taken on the server? How much Legacy XP do you keep? The amount on the server transferred from? to? higher? lower?

  11. I also had Ora live. It is a light side option in the dialog trees. Basically you convince her that Kaliyo's actions made her stronger, and to let it go.


    Also, I allowed the Gambler to live as well. A light-side choice convinced him to let her go. I killed the Wookiee, but I suspect that he too could have been convinced to drop it, but I was gunning for maximum Kaliyo affection.


    Unfortunately, since the storyline is pre-written and voiced, it would not be realistic for them to have duplicated everything up to that point, just because some people might have chosen to swap one for the other.


    I suspect, without any evidence, that in future expansions we might get some kind of Companion Exchange option, but can't guarantee it. The basis of my assumption is they will want to add some new companions (homosexual romances, etc.) but also not have us end up with like 12 people living on our ship :eek:

  12. One of the big issue of tactical advantage is casting kolto infusion, since we cant see the active time of TA in seconds we cant know for sure if we have time to cast the skill. Do we risk starting the cast and have it fail 3/4 of the cast because TA fell off? then start casting kolto injection ending up with something like 2.8 sec before landing a heal.

    So how about using your tactical advantages on start of cast, that way we would be sure to land kolto infusion.

    The only problem i see with this would be losing the TA if the cast is interrupted, but when do we have time to cast kolto infusion a second time before TA fells off. on the other hand if we have 2 stack of TA, it would give us the opportunity to gain a TA form medical engineering while casting Kolto infusion leaving us with 2 TA at the end of the cast.


    People actually cast Kolto Infusion? Not a troll, serious question :confused:


    Oh, I guess DPS spec might...

  13. This had to be one of the stupidest story decisions BioWare has made yet. They give you enough mission rewards and commendations to fully gear out yourself and one companion...but if you happen to pick Kaliyo, you're screwed when she gets yanked out from under you.


    Now I've got to go drop a bunch of credits to get SCORPIO's gear up to par for Corellia, all because BioWare thought it would be funny to take the one companion you've probably been using the whole time away from you for a while.


    Who thought this stuff up?


    It appears the first companion you get has more story action than the others.

  14. If you're going to play the "someone else did it first" game, then you need to go back further. You know, to Werewolf lore and myths.


    Also, Rakghouls strike me more as a runner zombies derivative...Doctor Lorkin notwithstanding.


    Fair enough... but still... So a "Wizard" (Because EU more or less paints Sith as wizards) made a magic amulet that changed people into Rakghouls... but not everyone, so he also made a Plague... and then his magic talisman, essentially a Lich's phylacetry, goes hither and yon, possess some Jedi or other blah blah blah....


    Your mileage may vary, but that is more like a bad D&D session to me than what I think of as Star Wars.

  15. I'm probably in the minority, but the ONLY planet that is the least bit interesting/convincing is Corellia. Not saying it's fun to be on for two levels, but it's about as close as this game comes to getting the ambiance right. All of the others are pretty bland and homogenous. Not to mention those...really bad looking play-dough-like rocks. Game should have been released on two or three planets in the middle of conflict, with each planet having many types of climates/environments.


    Yeah, except that it is kind of a Star Wars "thing" to have single environment plants. Virtually every planet in the original trilogy is like that and it stuck.


    Desert planet, Ice Planet, Cloud City, Swamp Planet, Forest Moon, etc.

  16. In the last BioWare game I played, Dragon Age Origins, the choices I made actually determined how events would unfold.


    I played the game at release so it's been a while, but I remember that you could actually choose not to recruit some companions. Choices to kill or spare certain characters changed how the game unfolded later. Toward the end you got to allocate defense forces to different areas which ultimately decided which cities and towns survived. You had the option to either kill or spare and recruit the main protagonist. You directly influenced who became the new king, if anyone, as it was possible for the intended heir to die along the way. I felt like I actually had a part in directing the story in DAO.


    I don't feel that at all in TOR. I can take a dark side option and murder someone, and once the quest chain is done it might as well never have happened for all the difference it makes. And with the rampant sharding and zoning in this game I cannot fathom why there is no phasing to at least give the appearance that your actions are actually changing the planet(s).


    In DAO I had meaningful choice. In TOR I have no choice, unless you count refusing quests as choice. In TOR I'm directed from area to area, NPC to NPC, and no matter what conversation option I choose it has absolutely no impact on how events play out.


    The way I see it TOR got clotheslined hard by the bar DAO set three years ago.


    Because it is an MMO. Any significant choice that people made (like to not recruit a companion) you would have raging tears and rants on the forums on how they were forever gimped because Bioware allowed them to make a choice that they weren't aware of the consequences of.


    If you had a choice of A or B, and picked A because everyone said A was better, then in six months Bioware puts in a patch that makes B "better" by the estimation of the masses, everyone who picked A will be gnashing their teeth and wailing.


    MMOs have to cater to the least common denominator.

  17. Actually going back to the original poster's point, I do think that some of the stuff in the game is gratuitous. Like, say Hoth. I know, it is an iconic planet from Empire Strikes Back, but the way it is used kind of surprises me.


    I figured the Rebels used it in Empire because well, no one goes there. But now we find that it was a highly trafficked world seeing a lot of action! :-p


    Same for Tatooine. In the original Star Wars it was a complete backwater. Now we found out that Darth Vader was actually born there... Which of course makes it the perfect spot for Obi-Want to hide Luke Skywalker? Without even changing his name? Thank God, Vader or the Emperor never checked the phone book :-p

  18. I do not believe that familiarity with the Star Wars IP is an issue. However, I am a fan of the movies. I was completely unaware until this game just how god-awful and horrendous the "expanded universe" material is!


    Now I actually understand why Lucas thought the prequels would be well received... Because the crap in the EU is of sub-Twilight quality.


    I actually wonder if Bioware was aware of how bad it was before they bought it and got stuck with stuff like Taris and the Space-Worgen, I mean Rakghouls.


    And don't even get me started on Revan :-p Sorry Revan fans, but characters like that are very unappealing to me.

  19. Tbh i want them to scrap knives in general and give us a sidearm like we do in all the cutscenes.


    Also i want them to make operatives effective range 20m, give us a pull ability and more snares/roots.. maybe some survivability or instant healing stuff to help with survivability...


    theres alot of stuff i want done to this class tbh...


    But since that is like a complete re-design of the class, I don't see it happening, barring some new split class tree option in an ex-pac.

  20. I'm a very very new Imperial Agent, but just a thought... it seems a little 'odd' that, whilst undercover as the Red Blade, you earn the title "Agent <name>". Surely you should get that title when you successfully *complete* the assignment and come back *out* of cover- and "<name, The Red Blade>" would be the appropriate 'first title' to earn?


    I mean, I know your title's obviously not in any way 'magically visible' to NPCs in game, but still, walking round with 'Agent' above your head when you're in deep cover *does* kind of seem like walking up to a guard in an enemy installation and saying "Excuse me, can you help me find X; I'm a spy" :)


    Two things.


    First, everyone gets a "job" title in the beginning, be it Padawan, Apprentice, Agent, etc.


    Second, while I suppose they could give you Red Blade or some other old "cover" as a title, I never liked the idea. When everyone has a unique title it isn't unique :-p The fact that every Jedi Consular is the ONE AND ONLY LIVING BAR'SENTHOR is kind of well... stupid :confused:

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