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Everything posted by Killiandros

  1. This is what you want: http://www.mmorpg.com/discussion2.cfm/post/4718278#4718278 This is a variation of the above bound to Mouse Button 4: Note that it occasionally gets 'stuck' and requires an additional press to get it 'unstuck.' Disclaimer: Be aware that using scripting tools (even for plugging functionality that should be in the game by default) is generally frowned upon by others in the community because tools like this can also used to enable automation of gameplay and is against the EULA which can result in infractions / bans. Basically, if you're going to use it - it's at your own risk, don't abuse it with automation and don't broadcast it - just in case. Thread, interrupt, 0 ; Xbutton1:: Toggle := !Toggle If Toggle{ Thread, Priority, 2147483647 Click Down Right } Else{ Thread, Priority, 2147483647 Click Down Right Click Up Right } Return
  2. Yes and no. Yes, more mystery - put some of your holocrons / perm. stat bonuses / relics etc. into this category - stuff that goes above and beyond to reward players. Not for limiting one of the most immediately visible appearance customisations - i.e. lightsaber colour. Colour crystals with no stats are something that I feel there should be a quest to complete or commendations / tokens of some sort granted to work towards. I think PvP, world boss raiding etc. should definitely get you to the end result much faster and even offer (better) stat bonuses but an arbitrary restriction to artificially create scarcity of lightsaber colours and only offer one avenue to get there at max level shouldn't be the way to go in my opinion.
  3. I never intended to take slicing for my characters. I picked up treasure hunting, artifice and archaeology on my main and ran missions in addition to gathering in the open worlds. At about 20 or so (whenever you get the message to tell you to start saving for a speeder license) I looked at the credits I had and made the decision to untrain treasure hunting and pick up slicing instead. Fast forward to level 25 on my main, speeder training barely dented the bank balance, I was running archaeology missions as well, I had cash to splash around on whatever I felt like buying and I had well over 100K credits sitting there spare with slicing levelled to ~250. This was in a relatively short amount of time and required very little effort. I think it should be entirely re-purposed to make it viable - clicking a button and just getting money delivered to me automatically shouldn't be the end result. I could have remained with treasure hunting initially, but why bother working so much harder with crafting/GTN etc. to turn a profit when the guy next to me just queues up his companions on slicing missions and reaps potentially staggering benefits with little effort? So did slicing need a nerf? In my opinion, yes - and this is supported by the fact there are so many people complaining over not getting free credits anymore. (I'd still be using slicing if it weren't for the nerf but I'm not crushed about it.) Let's see what Bioware do with it next.
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