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Everything posted by kaouthakis

  1. After seeing all of this yesterday, I got pretty interested. Been seeing some great performance increases, particularly since I have 16GB of RAM and can put essentially everything that's been mentioned so far onto a ramdisk(I'm using 6GB, but 5GB would probably work - I just wanted the extra gig just in case). To that end, I went ahead and modified Ocmer_'s all-in-one batch file so that it has an option to include the dynamic character asset files, as well. Ocmer_, I stuck to your general style, and didn't change anything other than what I added. Here's the new code: @echo off :: ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------- :: USER SETTINGS [ set <name>=<variable> ; Do not add spaces!! ] :: ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------- :: Give the diskletter you want to use as ramdsik :: Give a letter followed by a colon (T: by default) set RamDrive=T: :: Give the ramdisk size, [interger+suffix] M for MegaByte or G for GigaByte :: Increase size of the ramdisk if you want to add more asset files. :: If AddDynamicAssetFiles and AddFxFile are set to yes, 6G is recommended. :: Default is 1500M (1.5GB) this can hold the cache and fx asset file. set RamSize=6G :: Declare if you want to include any asset files onto the ramdisk :: This has to be reflected in the mountscript aswell. Use yes or no (no by default) :: WARNING: if set to yes, you might get an error while patching SWTOR if so :: to continue the patch remove the ramdisk setup, patch the game, reapply ramdisk set AddFxFile=yes :: Declare if you want to include the dynamic character asset files. :: It works similarly to AddFxFile. set AddDynamicAssetFiles=yes :: ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------- :: GET INSTALLPATH AND LOCALPATH :: ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------- for /F "skip=2 tokens=3,*" %%i in ('reg query "HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\software\wow6432node\bioware\star wars-the old republic" /v "Install Dir" 2^>nul') do set InstallPath=%%j for /F "skip=2 tokens=3,*" %%i in ('reg query "HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Explorer\Shell Folders" /v "Local AppData" 2^>nul') do set AppLocal=%%j if not defined InstallPath goto ErrorPathFinding if not defined AppLocal goto ErrorPathFinding :: ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------- :: MENU :: ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------- cls echo ÉÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍ» echo º º echo º RAMDISK SETUP OR REMOVAL FOR STAR WARS THE OLD REPUBLIC º echo º º echo º Created by: Ocmer_ Forumthread: Lemon_King º echo º Updated by: Kaouthakis º echo º º echo ÈÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍͼ echo. echo Script Settings: echo - Ramdisk driveletter: %RamDrive% echo - Ramdisk size: %RamSize% echo - Include Fx asset: %AddFxFile% (if yes, warning with patching applies) echo - Include Character: %AddDynamicAssetFiles% (warning: needs 6GB ramdisk) echo. echo Menu: echo [s] Setup and prepare SWTOR for a ramdisk. echo [R] Remove the ramdisk setup for SWTOR. echo [M] Mount a ramdrive for SWTOR (separate smaller script available!) echo [D] Dismount the ramdrive to free memory (Mount again if you want to play) echo [Q] Quit this script. echo. choice /c:srmdq /n /m "Press one of the menu items:" if errorlevel 5 goto EOF if errorlevel 4 goto DISMOUNT if errorlevel 3 goto MOUNT if errorlevel 2 goto REMOVE if errorlevel 1 goto SETUP :: ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------- :: SETUP RAMDISK :: ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------- :SETUP cls :: Start off with dismounting the ramdrive if it exist, and remount it :: This is also needed if people decide to change the size and add asset files if exist %RamDrive% imdisk -D -m %RamDrive% imdisk -a -s %RamSize% -m %RamDrive% -p "/v:SWTOR_RAM /fs:ntfs /q /y" mkdir "%RamDrive%\SWTOR\swtor" :: Check if local SWTOR is a junction already for %%F in ("%applocal%\SWTOR") do set ATTRIBS=%%~aF if %ATTRIBS:~8,1% == l goto SkipBackup :: Remove old backup and rename original current SWTOR folder if exist "%AppLocal%\SWTOR_Original" rmdir "%AppLocal%\SWTOR_Original" /S /Q ren "%applocal%\SWTOR" SWTOR_Original :SkipBackup :: If for some reason SWTOR_Original does not exist on this point, recreate it :: Tho settings will be lost now if this line has to be executed! if not exist "%AppLocal%\SWTOR_Original" mkdir "%AppLocal%\SWTOR_Original\swtor\settings" :: Create local SWTOR junction to the SWTOR folder on the ramdisk if exist "%AppLocal%\SWTOR" rmdir "%AppLocal%\SWTOR" /S /Q mklink /J "%AppLocal%\SWTOR" "%RamDrive%\SWTOR" :: Create settings junction to SWTOR_Original in local mklink /J "%RamDrive%\SWTOR\swtor\settings" "%AppLocal%\SWTOR_Original\swtor\settings" :: Create DiskCacheArena junction to the ramdrive if exist "%InstallPath%\swtor\DiskCacheArena" del "%InstallPath%\swtor\DiskCacheArena" mklink "%InstallPath%\swtor\DiskCacheArena" "%ramdrive%\DiskCacheArena" :: Check if user wants to have the fx asset file to be included if %AddFxFile% == yes goto AddAssetFiles :: Check if the fx asset file is a link or not (if so repair is needed) for %%F in ("%InstallPath%\Assets\swtor_main_art_fx_1.tor") do set ATTRIBS=%%~aF if %ATTRIBS:~8,1% == l ( if not exist "%InstallPath%\Assets\swtor_main_art_fx_1_ORIG.tor" goto ErrorAssetFx del "%InstallPath%\Assets\swtor_main_art_fx_1.tor" ren "%InstallPath%\Assets\swtor_main_art_fx_1_ORIG.tor" swtor_main_art_fx_1.tor ) else ( if exist "%InstallPath%\Assets\swtor_main_art_fx_1_ORIG.tor" del "%InstallPath%\Assets\swtor_main_art_fx_1_ORIG.tor" ) :: Check if other asset files are linked for %%F in ("%InstallPath%\Assets\swtor_main_art_dynamic_cape_1.tor") do set ATTRIBS=%%~aF if %ATTRIBS:~8,1% == l ( if not exist "%InstallPath%\Assets\swtor_main_art_dynamic_cape_1_ORIG.tor" goto ErrorAssetCape del "%InstallPath%\Assets\swtor_main_art_dynamic_cape_1.tor" ren "%InstallPath%\Assets\swtor_main_art_dynamic_cape_1_ORIG.tor" swtor_main_art_dynamic_cape_1.tor ) else ( if exist "%InstallPath%\Assets\swtor_main_art_dynamic_cape_1_ORIG.tor" del "%InstallPath%\Assets\swtor_main_art_dynamic_cape_1_ORIG.tor" ) for %%F in ("%InstallPath%\Assets\swtor_main_art_dynamic_chest_1.tor") do set ATTRIBS=%%~aF if %ATTRIBS:~8,1% == l ( if not exist "%InstallPath%\Assets\swtor_main_art_dynamic_chest_1_ORIG.tor" goto ErrorAssetChest del "%InstallPath%\Assets\swtor_main_art_dynamic_chest_1.tor" ren "%InstallPath%\Assets\swtor_main_art_dynamic_chest_1_ORIG.tor" swtor_main_art_dynamic_chest_1.tor ) else ( if exist "%InstallPath%\Assets\swtor_main_art_dynamic_chest_1_ORIG.tor" del "%InstallPath%\Assets\swtor_main_art_dynamic_chest_1_ORIG.tor" ) for %%F in ("%InstallPath%\Assets\swtor_main_art_dynamic_chest_tight_1.tor") do set ATTRIBS=%%~aF if %ATTRIBS:~8,1% == l ( if not exist "%InstallPath%\Assets\swtor_main_art_dynamic_chest_tight_1_ORIG.tor" goto ErrorAssetChestTight del "%InstallPath%\Assets\swtor_main_art_dynamic_chest_tight_1.tor" ren "%InstallPath%\Assets\swtor_main_art_dynamic_chest_tight_1_ORIG.tor" swtor_main_art_dynamic_chest_tight_1.tor ) else ( if exist "%InstallPath%\Assets\swtor_main_art_dynamic_chest_tight_1_ORIG.tor" del "%InstallPath%\Assets\swtor_main_art_dynamic_chest_tight_1_ORIG.tor" ) for %%F in ("%InstallPath%\Assets\swtor_main_art_dynamic_hand_1.tor") do set ATTRIBS=%%~aF if %ATTRIBS:~8,1% == l ( if not exist "%InstallPath%\Assets\swtor_main_art_dynamic_hand_1_ORIG.tor" goto ErrorAssetHand del "%InstallPath%\Assets\swtor_main_art_dynamic_hand_1.tor" ren "%InstallPath%\Assets\swtor_main_art_dynamic_hand_1_ORIG.tor" swtor_main_art_dynamic_hand_1.tor ) else ( if exist "%InstallPath%\Assets\swtor_main_art_dynamic_hand_1_ORIG.tor" del "%InstallPath%\Assets\swtor_main_art_dynamic_hand_1_ORIG.tor" ) for %%F in ("%InstallPath%\Assets\swtor_main_art_dynamic_head_1.tor") do set ATTRIBS=%%~aF if %ATTRIBS:~8,1% == l ( if not exist "%InstallPath%\Assets\swtor_main_art_dynamic_head_1_ORIG.tor" goto ErrorAssetHead del "%InstallPath%\Assets\swtor_main_art_dynamic_head_1.tor" ren "%InstallPath%\Assets\swtor_main_art_dynamic_head_1_ORIG.tor" swtor_main_art_dynamic_head_1.tor ) else ( if exist "%InstallPath%\Assets\swtor_main_art_dynamic_head_1_ORIG.tor" del "%InstallPath%\Assets\swtor_main_art_dynamic_head_1_ORIG.tor" ) for %%F in ("%InstallPath%\Assets\swtor_main_art_dynamic_lower_1.tor") do set ATTRIBS=%%~aF if %ATTRIBS:~8,1% == l ( if not exist "%InstallPath%\Assets\swtor_main_art_dynamic_lower_1_ORIG.tor" goto ErrorAssetLower del "%InstallPath%\Assets\swtor_main_art_dynamic_lower_1.tor" ren "%InstallPath%\Assets\swtor_main_art_dynamic_lower_1_ORIG.tor" swtor_main_art_dynamic_lower_1.tor ) else ( if exist "%InstallPath%\Assets\swtor_main_art_dynamic_lower_1_ORIG.tor" del "%InstallPath%\Assets\swtor_main_art_dynamic_lower_1_ORIG.tor" ) for %%F in ("%InstallPath%\Assets\swtor_main_art_dynamic_mags_1.tor") do set ATTRIBS=%%~aF if %ATTRIBS:~8,1% == l ( if not exist "%InstallPath%\Assets\swtor_main_art_dynamic_mags_1_ORIG.tor" goto ErrorAssetMags del "%InstallPath%\Assets\swtor_main_art_dynamic_mags_1.tor" ren "%InstallPath%\Assets\swtor_main_art_dynamic_mags_1_ORIG.tor" swtor_main_art_dynamic_mags_1.tor ) else ( if exist "%InstallPath%\Assets\swtor_main_art_dynamic_mags_1_ORIG.tor" del "%InstallPath%\Assets\swtor_main_art_dynamic_mags_1_ORIG.tor" ) goto Success :AddAssetFiles for %%F in ("%InstallPath%\Assets\swtor_main_art_fx_1.tor") do set ATTRIBS=%%~aF if %ATTRIBS:~8,1% == l ( if not exist "%InstallPath%\Assets\swtor_main_art_fx_1_ORIG.tor" goto ErrorAssetFx del "%InstallPath%\Assets\swtor_main_art_fx_1.tor" mklink "%InstallPath%\Assets\swtor_main_art_fx_1.tor" "%RamDrive%\swtor_main_art_fx_1.tor" ) else ( if exist "%InstallPath%\Assets\swtor_main_art_fx_1_ORIG.tor" del "%InstallPath%\Assets\swtor_main_art_fx_1_ORIG.tor" ren "%InstallPath%\Assets\swtor_main_art_fx_1.tor" swtor_main_art_fx_1_ORIG.tor mklink "%InstallPath%\Assets\swtor_main_art_fx_1.tor" "%RamDrive%\swtor_main_art_fx_1.tor" ) :CopyFxAsset :: Check if the fx asset file is already on the ramdrive, else copy it if exist "%RamDrive%\swtor_main_art_fx_1.tor" goto Success copy "%InstallPath%\Assets\swtor_main_art_fx_1_ORIG.tor" %RamDrive% ren "%RamDrive%\swtor_main_art_fx_1_ORIG.tor" swtor_main_art_fx_1.tor :: Check if the user wants to add dynamic character asset files if %AddDynamicAssetFiles% == yes goto AddDynamicAssetFiles goto Success :AddDynamicAssetFiles :AddDynamicCapeFile for %%F in ("%InstallPath%\Assets\swtor_main_art_dynamic_cape_1.tor") do set ATTRIBS=%%~aF if %ATTRIBS:~8,1% == l ( if not exist "%InstallPath%\Assets\swtor_main_art_dynamic_cape_1_ORIG.tor" goto ErrorAssetCape del "%InstallPath%\Assets\swtor_main_art_dynamic_cape_1.tor" mklink "%InstallPath%\Assets\swtor_main_art_dynamic_cape_1.tor" "%RamDrive%\swtor_main_art_dynamic_cape_1.tor" ) else ( if exist "%InstallPath%\Assets\swtor_main_art_dynamic_cape_1_ORIG.tor" del "%InstallPath%\Assets\swtor_main_art_dynamic_cape_1_ORIG.tor" ren "%InstallPath%\Assets\swtor_main_art_dynamic_cape_1.tor" swtor_main_art_dynamic_cape_1_ORIG.tor mklink "%InstallPath%\Assets\swtor_main_art_dynamic_cape_1.tor" "%RamDrive%\swtor_main_art_dynamic_cape_1.tor" ) :: Check if the cape asset file is already on the ramdrive, else copy it if exist "%RamDrive%\swtor_main_art_dynamic_cape_1.tor" goto AddDynamicChestFile copy "%InstallPath%\Assets\swtor_main_art_dynamic_cape_1_ORIG.tor" %RamDrive% ren "%RamDrive%\swtor_main_art_dynamic_cape_1_ORIG.tor" swtor_main_art_dynamic_cape_1.tor :AddDynamicChestFile for %%F in ("%InstallPath%\Assets\swtor_main_art_dynamic_chest_1.tor") do set ATTRIBS=%%~aF if %ATTRIBS:~8,1% == l ( if not exist "%InstallPath%\Assets\swtor_main_art_dynamic_chest_1_ORIG.tor" goto ErrorAssetChest del "%InstallPath%\Assets\swtor_main_art_dynamic_chest_1.tor" mklink "%InstallPath%\Assets\swtor_main_art_dynamic_chest_1.tor" "%RamDrive%\swtor_main_art_dynamic_chest_1.tor" ) else ( if exist "%InstallPath%\Assets\swtor_main_art_dynamic_chest_1_ORIG.tor" del "%InstallPath%\Assets\swtor_main_art_dynamic_chest_1_ORIG.tor" ren "%InstallPath%\Assets\swtor_main_art_dynamic_chest_1.tor" swtor_main_art_dynamic_chest_1_ORIG.tor mklink "%InstallPath%\Assets\swtor_main_art_dynamic_chest_1.tor" "%RamDrive%\swtor_main_art_dynamic_chest_1.tor" ) :: Check if the chest asset file is already on the ramdrive, else copy it if exist "%RamDrive%\swtor_main_art_dynamic_chest_1.tor" goto AddDynamicChestTightFile copy "%InstallPath%\Assets\swtor_main_art_dynamic_chest_1_ORIG.tor" %RamDrive% ren "%RamDrive%\swtor_main_art_dynamic_chest_1_ORIG.tor" swtor_main_art_dynamic_chest_1.tor :AddDynamicChestTightFile for %%F in ("%InstallPath%\Assets\swtor_main_art_dynamic_chest_tight_1.tor") do set ATTRIBS=%%~aF if %ATTRIBS:~8,1% == l ( if not exist "%InstallPath%\Assets\swtor_main_art_dynamic_chest_tight_1_ORIG.tor" goto ErrorAssetChestTight del "%InstallPath%\Assets\swtor_main_art_dynamic_chest_tight_1.tor" mklink "%InstallPath%\Assets\swtor_main_art_dynamic_chest_tight_1.tor" "%RamDrive%\swtor_main_art_dynamic_chest_tight_1.tor" ) else ( if exist "%InstallPath%\Assets\swtor_main_art_dynamic_chest_tight_1_ORIG.tor" del "%InstallPath%\Assets\swtor_main_art_dynamic_chest_tight_1_ORIG.tor" ren "%InstallPath%\Assets\swtor_main_art_dynamic_chest_tight_1.tor" swtor_main_art_dynamic_chest_tight_1_ORIG.tor mklink "%InstallPath%\Assets\swtor_main_art_dynamic_chest_tight_1.tor" "%RamDrive%\swtor_main_art_dynamic_chest_tight_1.tor" ) :: Check if the chest tight asset file is already on the ramdrive, else copy it if exist "%RamDrive%\swtor_main_art_dynamic_chest_tight_1.tor" goto AddDynamicHandFile copy "%InstallPath%\Assets\swtor_main_art_dynamic_chest_tight_1_ORIG.tor" %RamDrive% ren "%RamDrive%\swtor_main_art_dynamic_chest_tight_1_ORIG.tor" swtor_main_art_dynamic_chest_tight_1.tor :AddDynamicHandFile for %%F in ("%InstallPath%\Assets\swtor_main_art_dynamic_hand_1.tor") do set ATTRIBS=%%~aF if %ATTRIBS:~8,1% == l ( if not exist "%InstallPath%\Assets\swtor_main_art_dynamic_hand_1_ORIG.tor" goto ErrorAssetHand del "%InstallPath%\Assets\swtor_main_art_dynamic_hand_1.tor" mklink "%InstallPath%\Assets\swtor_main_art_dynamic_hand_1.tor" "%RamDrive%\swtor_main_art_dynamic_hand_1.tor" ) else ( if exist "%InstallPath%\Assets\swtor_main_art_dynamic_hand_1_ORIG.tor" del "%InstallPath%\Assets\swtor_main_art_dynamic_hand_1_ORIG.tor" ren "%InstallPath%\Assets\swtor_main_art_dynamic_hand_1.tor" swtor_main_art_dynamic_hand_1_ORIG.tor mklink "%InstallPath%\Assets\swtor_main_art_dynamic_hand_1.tor" "%RamDrive%\swtor_main_art_dynamic_hand_1.tor" ) :: Check if the hand asset file is already on the ramdrive, else copy it if exist "%RamDrive%\swtor_main_art_dynamic_hand_1.tor" goto AddDynamicHeadFile copy "%InstallPath%\Assets\swtor_main_art_dynamic_hand_1_ORIG.tor" %RamDrive% ren "%RamDrive%\swtor_main_art_dynamic_hand_1_ORIG.tor" swtor_main_art_dynamic_hand_1.tor :AddDynamicHeadFile for %%F in ("%InstallPath%\Assets\swtor_main_art_dynamic_head_1.tor") do set ATTRIBS=%%~aF if %ATTRIBS:~8,1% == l ( if not exist "%InstallPath%\Assets\swtor_main_art_dynamic_head_1_ORIG.tor" goto ErrorAssetHead del "%InstallPath%\Assets\swtor_main_art_dynamic_head_1.tor" mklink "%InstallPath%\Assets\swtor_main_art_dynamic_head_1.tor" "%RamDrive%\swtor_main_art_dynamic_head_1.tor" ) else ( if exist "%InstallPath%\Assets\swtor_main_art_dynamic_head_1_ORIG.tor" del "%InstallPath%\Assets\swtor_main_art_dynamic_head_1_ORIG.tor" ren "%InstallPath%\Assets\swtor_main_art_dynamic_head_1.tor" swtor_main_art_dynamic_head_1_ORIG.tor mklink "%InstallPath%\Assets\swtor_main_art_dynamic_head_1.tor" "%RamDrive%\swtor_main_art_dynamic_head_1.tor" ) :: Check if the head asset file is already on the ramdrive, else copy it if exist "%RamDrive%\swtor_main_art_dynamic_head_1.tor" goto AddDynamicLowerFile copy "%InstallPath%\Assets\swtor_main_art_dynamic_head_1_ORIG.tor" %RamDrive% ren "%RamDrive%\swtor_main_art_dynamic_head_1_ORIG.tor" swtor_main_art_dynamic_head_1.tor :AddDynamicLowerFile for %%F in ("%InstallPath%\Assets\swtor_main_art_dynamic_lower_1.tor") do set ATTRIBS=%%~aF if %ATTRIBS:~8,1% == l ( if not exist "%InstallPath%\Assets\swtor_main_art_dynamic_lower_1_ORIG.tor" goto ErrorAssetLower del "%InstallPath%\Assets\swtor_main_art_dynamic_lower_1.tor" mklink "%InstallPath%\Assets\swtor_main_art_dynamic_lower_1.tor" "%RamDrive%\swtor_main_art_dynamic_lower_1.tor" ) else ( if exist "%InstallPath%\Assets\swtor_main_art_dynamic_lower_1_ORIG.tor" del "%InstallPath%\Assets\swtor_main_art_dynamic_lower_1_ORIG.tor" ren "%InstallPath%\Assets\swtor_main_art_dynamic_lower_1.tor" swtor_main_art_dynamic_lower_1_ORIG.tor mklink "%InstallPath%\Assets\swtor_main_art_dynamic_lower_1.tor" "%RamDrive%\swtor_main_art_dynamic_lower_1.tor" ) :: Check if the lower asset file is already on the ramdrive, else copy it if exist "%RamDrive%\swtor_main_art_dynamic_lower_1.tor" goto AddDynamicMagsFile copy "%InstallPath%\Assets\swtor_main_art_dynamic_lower_1_ORIG.tor" %RamDrive% ren "%RamDrive%\swtor_main_art_dynamic_lower_1_ORIG.tor" swtor_main_art_dynamic_lower_1.tor :AddDynamicMagsFile for %%F in ("%InstallPath%\Assets\swtor_main_art_dynamic_mags_1.tor") do set ATTRIBS=%%~aF if %ATTRIBS:~8,1% == l ( if not exist "%InstallPath%\Assets\swtor_main_art_dynamic_mags_1_ORIG.tor" goto ErrorAssetMags del "%InstallPath%\Assets\swtor_main_art_dynamic_mags_1.tor" mklink "%InstallPath%\Assets\swtor_main_art_dynamic_mags_1.tor" "%RamDrive%\swtor_main_art_dynamic_mags_1.tor" ) else ( if exist "%InstallPath%\Assets\swtor_main_art_dynamic_mags_1_ORIG.tor" del "%InstallPath%\Assets\swtor_main_art_dynamic_mags_1_ORIG.tor" ren "%InstallPath%\Assets\swtor_main_art_dynamic_mags_1.tor" swtor_main_art_dynamic_mags_1_ORIG.tor mklink "%InstallPath%\Assets\swtor_main_art_dynamic_mags_1.tor" "%RamDrive%\swtor_main_art_dynamic_mags_1.tor" ) :: Check if the cape asset file is already on the ramdrive, else copy it if exist "%RamDrive%\swtor_main_art_dynamic_mags_1.tor" goto Success copy "%InstallPath%\Assets\swtor_main_art_dynamic_mags_1_ORIG.tor" %RamDrive% ren "%RamDrive%\swtor_main_art_dynamic_mags_1_ORIG.tor" swtor_main_art_dynamic_mags_1.tor goto Success :: ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------- :: REMOVE RAMDISK :: ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------- :REMOVE cls :: If ramdisk exist dismount it if exist %RamDrive% imdisk -D -m %RamDrive% :: Delete DiskArenaCache if exist "%InstallPath%\swtor\DiskCacheArena" del "%InstallPath%\swtor\DiskCacheArena" :: Delete local SWTOR link for %%F in ("%AppLocal%\SWTOR") do set ATTRIBS=%%~aF if %ATTRIBS:~8,1% == l ( rmdir "%AppLocal%\SWTOR" /S /Q if not exist "%AppLocal%\SWTOR_Original" mkdir "%AppLocal%\SWTOR\swtor\settings" if exist "%AppLocal%\SWTOR_Original" ren "%AppLocal%\SWTOR_Original" SWTOR ) else ( if exist "%AppLocal%\SWTOR_Original" rmdir "%AppLocal%\SWTOR_Original" /S /Q ) :: Check if fx needs a repair for %%F in ("%InstallPath%\Assets\swtor_main_art_fx_1.tor") do set ATTRIBS=%%~aF if %ATTRIBS:~8,1% == l ( if not exist "%InstallPath%\Assets\swtor_main_art_fx_1_ORIG.tor" goto ErrorAssetFx del "%InstallPath%\Assets\swtor_main_art_fx_1.tor" ren "%InstallPath%\Assets\swtor_main_art_fx_1_ORIG.tor" swtor_main_art_fx_1.tor ) else ( if exist "%InstallPath%\Assets\swtor_main_art_fx_1_ORIG.tor" del "%InstallPath%\Assets\swtor_main_art_fx_1_ORIG.tor" ) :: Check if other asset files need repairing for %%F in ("%InstallPath%\Assets\swtor_main_art_dynamic_cape_1.tor") do set ATTRIBS=%%~aF if %ATTRIBS:~8,1% == l ( if not exist "%InstallPath%\Assets\swtor_main_art_dynamic_cape_1_ORIG.tor" goto ErrorAssetCape del "%InstallPath%\Assets\swtor_main_art_dynamic_cape_1.tor" ren "%InstallPath%\Assets\swtor_main_art_dynamic_cape_1_ORIG.tor" swtor_main_art_dynamic_cape_1.tor ) else ( if exist "%InstallPath%\Assets\swtor_main_art_dynamic_cape_1_ORIG.tor" del "%InstallPath%\Assets\swtor_main_art_dynamic_cape_1_ORIG.tor" ) for %%F in ("%InstallPath%\Assets\swtor_main_art_dynamic_chest_1.tor") do set ATTRIBS=%%~aF if %ATTRIBS:~8,1% == l ( if not exist "%InstallPath%\Assets\swtor_main_art_dynamic_chest_1_ORIG.tor" goto ErrorAssetChest del "%InstallPath%\Assets\swtor_main_art_dynamic_chest_1.tor" ren "%InstallPath%\Assets\swtor_main_art_dynamic_chest_1_ORIG.tor" swtor_main_art_dynamic_chest_1.tor ) else ( if exist "%InstallPath%\Assets\swtor_main_art_dynamic_chest_1_ORIG.tor" del "%InstallPath%\Assets\swtor_main_art_dynamic_chest_1_ORIG.tor" ) for %%F in ("%InstallPath%\Assets\swtor_main_art_dynamic_chest_tight_1.tor") do set ATTRIBS=%%~aF if %ATTRIBS:~8,1% == l ( if not exist "%InstallPath%\Assets\swtor_main_art_dynamic_chest_tight_1_ORIG.tor" goto ErrorAssetChestTight del "%InstallPath%\Assets\swtor_main_art_dynamic_chest_tight_1.tor" ren "%InstallPath%\Assets\swtor_main_art_dynamic_chest_tight_1_ORIG.tor" swtor_main_art_dynamic_chest_tight_1.tor ) else ( if exist "%InstallPath%\Assets\swtor_main_art_dynamic_chest_tight_1_ORIG.tor" del "%InstallPath%\Assets\swtor_main_art_dynamic_chest_tight_1_ORIG.tor" ) for %%F in ("%InstallPath%\Assets\swtor_main_art_dynamic_hand_1.tor") do set ATTRIBS=%%~aF if %ATTRIBS:~8,1% == l ( if not exist "%InstallPath%\Assets\swtor_main_art_dynamic_hand_1_ORIG.tor" goto ErrorAssetHand del "%InstallPath%\Assets\swtor_main_art_dynamic_hand_1.tor" ren "%InstallPath%\Assets\swtor_main_art_dynamic_hand_1_ORIG.tor" swtor_main_art_dynamic_hand_1.tor ) else ( if exist "%InstallPath%\Assets\swtor_main_art_dynamic_hand_1_ORIG.tor" del "%InstallPath%\Assets\swtor_main_art_dynamic_hand_1_ORIG.tor" ) for %%F in ("%InstallPath%\Assets\swtor_main_art_dynamic_head_1.tor") do set ATTRIBS=%%~aF if %ATTRIBS:~8,1% == l ( if not exist "%InstallPath%\Assets\swtor_main_art_dynamic_head_1_ORIG.tor" goto ErrorAssetHead del "%InstallPath%\Assets\swtor_main_art_dynamic_head_1.tor" ren "%InstallPath%\Assets\swtor_main_art_dynamic_head_1_ORIG.tor" swtor_main_art_dynamic_head_1.tor ) else ( if exist "%InstallPath%\Assets\swtor_main_art_dynamic_head_1_ORIG.tor" del "%InstallPath%\Assets\swtor_main_art_dynamic_head_1_ORIG.tor" ) for %%F in ("%InstallPath%\Assets\swtor_main_art_dynamic_lower_1.tor") do set ATTRIBS=%%~aF if %ATTRIBS:~8,1% == l ( if not exist "%InstallPath%\Assets\swtor_main_art_dynamic_lower_1_ORIG.tor" goto ErrorAssetLower del "%InstallPath%\Assets\swtor_main_art_dynamic_lower_1.tor" ren "%InstallPath%\Assets\swtor_main_art_dynamic_lower_1_ORIG.tor" swtor_main_art_dynamic_lower_1.tor ) else ( if exist "%InstallPath%\Assets\swtor_main_art_dynamic_lower_1_ORIG.tor" del "%InstallPath%\Assets\swtor_main_art_dynamic_lower_1_ORIG.tor" ) for %%F in ("%InstallPath%\Assets\swtor_main_art_dynamic_mags_1.tor") do set ATTRIBS=%%~aF if %ATTRIBS:~8,1% == l ( if not exist "%InstallPath%\Assets\swtor_main_art_dynamic_mags_1_ORIG.tor" goto ErrorAssetMags del "%InstallPath%\Assets\swtor_main_art_dynamic_mags_1.tor" ren "%InstallPath%\Assets\swtor_main_art_dynamic_mags_1_ORIG.tor" swtor_main_art_dynamic_mags_1.tor ) else ( if exist "%InstallPath%\Assets\swtor_main_art_dynamic_mags_1_ORIG.tor" del "%InstallPath%\Assets\swtor_main_art_dynamic_mags_1_ORIG.tor" ) goto Success :: ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------- :: MOUNT RAMDISK FOR SWTOR (NEEDED AFTER REBOOT, SEPARATE SCRIPT AVAILABLE) :: ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------- :MOUNT cls :: Prepair ramdisk, mount if needed if not exist %RamDrive% imdisk -a -s %RamSize% -m %RamDrive% -p "/v:SWTOR_RAM /fs:ntfs /q /y" if exist "%RamDrive%\SWTOR" rmdir "%RamDrive%\SWTOR" /S /Q mkdir "%RamDrive%\SWTOR\swtor" :: Create settings junction to SWTOR_Original in local mklink /J "%RamDrive%\SWTOR\swtor\settings" "%AppLocal%\SWTOR_Original\swtor\settings" :: Copy fx asset file to the ramdisk if needed if not %AddFxFile% == yes goto EOF if exist "%RamDrive%\swtor_main_art_fx_1.tor" goto CopyDynamicCape if not exist "%InstallPath%\Assets\swtor_main_art_fx_1_ORIG.tor" goto ErrorAssetFx copy "%InstallPath%\Assets\swtor_main_art_fx_1_ORIG.tor" %RamDrive% ren "%RamDrive%\swtor_main_art_fx_1_ORIG.tor" swtor_main_art_fx_1.tor :: Copy dynamic asset files to the ramdisk if needed :CopyDynamicCape if not %AddDynamicAssetFiles% == yes goto EOF if exist "%RamDrive%\swtor_main_art_dynamic_cape_1.tor" goto CopyDynamicChest if not exist "%InstallPath%\Assets\swtor_main_art_dynamic_cape_1_ORIG.tor" goto ErrorAssetCape copy "%InstallPath%\Assets\swtor_main_art_dynamic_cape_1_ORIG.tor" %RamDrive% ren "%RamDrive%\swtor_main_art_dynamic_cape_1_ORIG.tor" swtor_main_art_dynamic_cape_1.tor :CopyDynamicChest if exist "%RamDrive%\swtor_main_art_dynamic_chest_1.tor" goto CopyDynamicChestTight if not exist "%InstallPath%\Assets\swtor_main_art_dynamic_chest_1_ORIG.tor" goto ErrorAssetChest copy "%InstallPath%\Assets\swtor_main_art_dynamic_chest_1_ORIG.tor" %RamDrive% ren "%RamDrive%\swtor_main_art_dynamic_chest_1_ORIG.tor" swtor_main_art_dynamic_chest_1.tor :CopyDynamicChestTight if exist "%RamDrive%\swtor_main_art_dynamic_chest_tight_1.tor" goto CopyDynamicHand if not exist "%InstallPath%\Assets\swtor_main_art_dynamic_chest_tight_1_ORIG.tor" goto ErrorAssetChestTight copy "%InstallPath%\Assets\swtor_main_art_dynamic_chest_tight_1_ORIG.tor" %RamDrive% ren "%RamDrive%\swtor_main_art_dynamic_chest_tight_1_ORIG.tor" swtor_main_art_dynamic_chest_tight_1.tor :CopyDynamicHand if exist "%RamDrive%\swtor_main_art_dynamic_hand_1.tor" goto CopyDynamicHead if not exist "%InstallPath%\Assets\swtor_main_art_dynamic_hand_1_ORIG.tor" goto ErrorAssetHand copy "%InstallPath%\Assets\swtor_main_art_dynamic_hand_1_ORIG.tor" %RamDrive% ren "%RamDrive%\swtor_main_art_dynamic_hand_1_ORIG.tor" swtor_main_art_dynamic_hand_1.tor :CopyDynamicHead if exist "%RamDrive%\swtor_main_art_dynamic_head_1.tor" goto CopyDynamicLower if not exist "%InstallPath%\Assets\swtor_main_art_dynamic_head_1_ORIG.tor" goto ErrorAssetHead copy "%InstallPath%\Assets\swtor_main_art_dynamic_head_1_ORIG.tor" %RamDrive% ren "%RamDrive%\swtor_main_art_dynamic_head_1_ORIG.tor" swtor_main_art_dynamic_head_1.tor :CopyDynamicLower if exist "%RamDrive%\swtor_main_art_dynamic_lower_1.tor" goto CopyDynamicMags if not exist "%InstallPath%\Assets\swtor_main_art_dynamic_lower_1_ORIG.tor" goto ErrorAssetLower copy "%InstallPath%\Assets\swtor_main_art_dynamic_lower_1_ORIG.tor" %RamDrive% ren "%RamDrive%\swtor_main_art_dynamic_lower_1_ORIG.tor" swtor_main_art_dynamic_lower_1.tor :CopyDynamicMags if exist "%RamDrive%\swtor_main_art_dynamic_mags_1.tor" goto EOF if not exist "%InstallPath%\Assets\swtor_main_art_dynamic_mags_1_ORIG.tor" goto ErrorAssetMags copy "%InstallPath%\Assets\swtor_main_art_dynamic_mags_1_ORIG.tor" %RamDrive% ren "%RamDrive%\swtor_main_art_dynamic_mags_1_ORIG.tor" swtor_main_art_dynamic_mags_1.tor goto EOF :: ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------- :: DISMOUNT THE RAMDRIVE TO FREE MEMORY BETWEEN GAME SESSIONS :: ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------- :DISMOUNT cls imdisk -D -m %RamDrive% goto EOF :: ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------- :: MESSAGES :: ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------- :ErrorPathFinding cls echo ÉÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍ» echo º º echo º ERROR º echo º º echo ÈÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍͼ echo. echo This script could not find the needed locations on your computer by reading out echo the required registery. The needed locations that are needed are the echo installation path of SWTOR and the path to the local application. echo. echo This error might occur aswell as you try to run this script on a non 64-bit echo Windows as this script only looks in the 64-bit registery. echo echo If this script fails and you are running a 64-bit version of windows please echo follow the manual steps explained on the ramdisk thread by Lemon_King. echo. pause goto EOF :ErrorAssetFx cls echo ÉÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍ» echo º º echo º ERROR º echo º º echo ÈÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍͼ echo. echo This script could not find the original fx asset file on your computer. This is echo needed for both removing the fx asset file from the setup or be able to copy echo it to the ramdisk to set it up. echo. echo As this error only occurs when the filename that is been used by SWTOR is a echo link already and then this script (and the mountscript) will look for a renamed echo original fx asset file, that is located in the same asset folder. echo. echo Note: if used with [M]ount, make sure you used [s]etup first again with the echo if you changed usersettings AddFxFile to yes, else the files are not made yet. echo. echo If you have the original fx asset file on a different location please place it echo back in the asset folder of the game with the name: echo "swtor_main_art_fx_1_ORIG.tor" echo. pause goto EOF :ErrorAssetCape cls echo ÉÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍ» echo º º echo º ERROR º echo º º echo ÈÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍͼ echo. echo This script could not find the original dynamic cape asset file on your computer. echo This is needed for both removing the cape asset file from the setup and to copy echo it to the ramdisk to set it up. echo. echo As this error only occurs when the filename that is been used by SWTOR is a echo link already and then this script (and the mountscript) will look for a renamed echo original cape asset file, that is located in the same asset folder. echo. echo Note: if used with [M]ount, make sure you used [s]etup first again with the echo if you changed usersettings AddDynamicAssetFiles to yes, else the files are not echo made yet. echo. echo If you have the original cape asset file on a different location please place it echo back in the asset folder of the game with the name: echo "swtor_main_art_dynamic_cape_1_ORIG.tor" echo. pause goto EOF :ErrorAssetChest cls echo ÉÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍ» echo º º echo º ERROR º echo º º echo ÈÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍͼ echo. echo This script could not find the original dynamic chest asset file on your computer. echo This is needed for both removing the chest asset file from the setup and to copy echo it to the ramdisk to set it up. echo. echo As this error only occurs when the filename that is been used by SWTOR is a echo link already and then this script (and the mountscript) will look for a renamed echo original chest asset file, that is located in the same asset folder. echo. echo Note: if used with [M]ount, make sure you used [s]etup first again with the echo if you changed usersettings AddDynamicAssetFiles to yes, else the files are not echo made yet. echo. echo If you have the original chest asset file on a different location please place it echo back in the asset folder of the game with the name: echo "swtor_main_art_dynamic_chest_1_ORIG.tor" echo. pause goto EOF :ErrorAssetChestTight cls echo ÉÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍ» echo º º echo º ERROR º echo º º echo ÈÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍͼ echo. echo This script could not find the original dynamic chest tight asset file on your echo computer. This is needed for both removing the chest asset file from the setup echo and to copy it to the ramdisk to set it up. echo. echo As this error only occurs when the filename that is been used by SWTOR is a echo link already and then this script (and the mountscript) will look for a renamed echo original chest tight asset file, that is located in the same asset folder. echo. echo Note: if used with [M]ount, make sure you used [s]etup first again with the echo if you changed usersettings AddDynamicAssetFiles to yes, else the files are not echo made yet. echo. echo If you have the original chest tight asset file on a different location please echo place it back in the asset folder of the game with the name: echo "swtor_main_art_dynamic_chest_tight_1_ORIG.tor" echo. pause goto EOF :ErrorAssetHand cls echo ÉÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍ» echo º º echo º ERROR º echo º º echo ÈÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍͼ echo. echo This script could not find the original dynamic hand asset file on your computer. echo This is needed for both removing the hand asset file from the setup and to copy echo it to the ramdisk to set it up. echo. echo As this error only occurs when the filename that is been used by SWTOR is a echo link already and then this script (and the mountscript) will look for a renamed echo original hand asset file, that is located in the same asset folder. echo. echo Note: if used with [M]ount, make sure you used [s]etup first again with the echo if you changed usersettings AddDynamicAssetFiles to yes, else the files are not echo made yet. echo. echo If you have the original hand asset file on a different location please place it echo back in the asset folder of the game with the name: echo "swtor_main_art_dynamic_hand_1_ORIG.tor" echo. pause goto EOF :ErrorAssetHead cls echo ÉÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍ» echo º º echo º ERROR º echo º º echo ÈÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍͼ echo. echo This script could not find the original dynamic head asset file on your computer. echo This is needed for both removing the head asset file from the setup and to copy echo it to the ramdisk to set it up. echo. echo As this error only occurs when the filename that is been used by SWTOR is a echo link already and then this script (and the mountscript) will look for a renamed echo original head asset file, that is located in the same asset folder. echo. echo Note: if used with [M]ount, make sure you used [s]etup first again with the echo if you changed usersettings AddDynamicAssetFiles to yes, else the files are not echo made yet. echo. echo If you have the original head asset file on a different location please place it echo back in the asset folder of the game with the name: echo "swtor_main_art_dynamic_head_1_ORIG.tor" echo. pause goto EOF :ErrorAssetLower cls echo ÉÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍ» echo º º echo º ERROR º echo º º echo ÈÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍͼ echo. echo This script could not find the original dynamic lower asset file on your echo computer. This is needed for both removing the head asset file from the setup echo and to copy it to the ramdisk to set it up. echo. echo As this error only occurs when the filename that is been used by SWTOR is a echo link already and then this script (and the mountscript) will look for a renamed echo original lower asset file, that is located in the same asset folder. echo. echo Note: if used with [M]ount, make sure you used [s]etup first again with the echo if you changed usersettings AddDynamicAssetFiles to yes, else the files are not echo made yet. echo. echo If you have the original lower asset file on a different location please place echo it back in the asset folder of the game with the name: echo "swtor_main_art_dynamic_lower_1_ORIG.tor" echo. pause goto EOF :ErrorAssetMags cls echo ÉÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍ» echo º º echo º ERROR º echo º º echo ÈÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍͼ echo. echo This script could not find the original dynamic mags asset file on your computer. echo This is needed for both removing the mags asset file from the setup and to copy echo it to the ramdisk to set it up. echo. echo As this error only occurs when the filename that is been used by SWTOR is a echo link already and then this script (and the mountscript) will look for a renamed echo original mags asset file, that is located in the same asset folder. echo. echo Note: if used with [M]ount, make sure you used [s]etup first again with the echo if you changed usersettings AddDynamicAssetFiles to yes, else the files are not echo made yet. echo. echo If you have the original mags asset file on a different location please place it echo back in the asset folder of the game with the name: echo "swtor_main_art_dynamic_mags_1_ORIG.tor" echo. pause goto EOF :Success cls echo ÉÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍ» echo º º echo º SUCCESS º echo º º echo ÈÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍͼ echo. pause goto EOF :: ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------- :: END OF SCRIPT :: ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------- :EOF exit Yes, it is rather significantly longer.
  2. As a man whose first alt dinged 50 two days ago, I disagree. Without any pvp gear in warzones, although I am admittedly quite squishy, I still do just fine. I'm normally gettin around 7 medals or so, and while it may not be as good as I will be able to do once I start getting some pvp gear (which is sufficient in terms of speed, imo, even if I have to buy it with centurion comms) it is still a lot of fun. Not sure what all the QQ is about - play your class better, and you'll be perfectly fine. The only people I can see having a problem are healers, who are very severely gimped by gear. And hey, if that's the case, either respec DPS or find a tank willing to actually stay with you and protect you.
  3. How are new FPs, Ops, and space missions not the answer? Those are endgame content. What more do you want?
  4. In terms of length, this one always makes me chuckle: Salomongrundy Bornonamonday, Hero of the Gorinth Canyon For sheer amusement value, though, I'm rather fond of that fat Consular named Starwarskid
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