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Posts posted by SkillzKillz

  1. Ehhh what can I say I'm a glutton for punishment. Probably why I was married for two years too. But that's a whole nother topic. I look at it as a challenge though, something to adapt too and overcome. Some people rage quit and others look at it as an opportunity to try and shine, I like to think of myself as the latter of the two.


    Your a retard thats what you are. Cant see how Poorly of a nerf they did and more will come in the future. feel good hitting like a BH at lvl 40 at 50! :]

  2. CANCEL Subscriptions! Warhamer devs dont do work. They just Pick there *** and listen to QQers. NERF bats coming around for round 2 on Sorcerers WHY? because im going to open 30 threads with my guildies too QQ about them see what happens :]


    How poorly can the next NERF go I meen did you see the Hard cold facts they put up for everyone too look at. I meen the numbers dont like. This was truly there excuse for nerfing us + Research they have done.


    "because it was enabling significantly faster than intended kills in PvP"


    I meen WOW thats crazy right like. This company must have like specialized Dev's with Nerf bats to come out with somthing as pro as this. Like HUUUGE money they must be putting into there WARHAMMER dev team. Like anyone agree with me? Totally crazy right?

    I had my jaw open for 2 hours. This dev teams is just the GREATEST.




    Hmm Next nerfs coming to sorcerers Rumours out and lets see how they handle this ONE!

  3. Good players adapt to nerfs and changes.


    Poor players throw a fit that there class got nerfed. Guess which one you fall under. :p



    I have had no issues with adapting to the changes to operatives. I still rock in PVP and still do well in flashpoints.


    LOL, I would say your right in most cases. But ARE you like blind? 20% drop in dmg? We arent talking penuts here BROSIF. Starting out at around 7-12% nerf and seeing how the croud reacts then nerfing it up to 20% if things are still out of control is one thing but kicking it up to 20% then describing the nerf because


    "because it was enabling significantly faster than intended kills in PvP".


    Not even throwing anynumbers to look at so the tards that play operatives can be like "**** that looks like they did there research" Im OFF TO PPLLAAAY WWWEEE "BRAIN EXPLODES"


    Its hard to accept that they poorly NERFED a class to ****. When you love a game so much because its Star wars. Sorry bros but the PVP devs are from WARHAMMER ONLINE which is a game thats totaly broken I THANK YOU.

  4. Cancel Subscription


    BYE BYE ***********


    It's cool you love this game enough to post a respond to show that you care that hes canceling 3 of his account by saying you dont care. ^^ because you do and many others are already canceling there accounts without making post about it.


    6 Members in my guild already left because we have seen this before in Rift and Wow. I bet its all those ****** Warhammer Devs.


    Take note how they approached it when it came to the HARD FACTS my fellow pro gamers.

    " because it was enabling significantly faster than intended kills in PvP"

    No Facts just what they heard the whinners say.

    -Think about it

    Nerf Bat will come back around and all I have to do is start 30 threads with QQ post about sorcerers and the same thing will happen. ENJOI YOUR GAME THATS totally going down the drain if they approach every QQ with a nerf like this.


    Nerfing the dmg by IDK 7-12% reasonable. Maybe if things continue then knock it up to 20%. You start small. Then People start to accept the change. Not just whip it out and **** us with IT! GOD DAMMIT :3

  5. I don't need to main a OP to see we're this game is going. Poor nerfs will corrupt and leave a class in the dark. I'm out






    Not going to stick around for the next nerf on who knows what.

  6. Someone mentioned stealth not being effective, which I also notice everyday and never understood this bug being missed. I spend 2 talent points to increase my effectiveness in stealth to be seen threw my stealth from 10 meters away every WZ.


    I quit wow 5 years ago and will not go back. If all this is true that I read (which I will find out when I get off work) I will cancel and so will my 3 other friends will eventually.


    I love this game and was looking forward to it for years, but I do not have the time to re-roll and would just have a bad taste in my mouth the whole time from my main class being broken.


    I was a beta tester which playing for free was great but now I pay to play the (beta), which is obviously why this nerf happened right? We are still in beta or am I crazy?


    Go look what they did silently to our dmg and you'll cancel in a heartbeat

  7. Anything that gets dropped a total of 20% is a over nerf. That already is pushing the bar and might just kill Operatives in pve aswell as pve. Now we have a 7s longer stun? Looking at this nerf. Im pretty sure they'll come back again with the bat and hit us even harder. Along with other classes. If you think this is the end. nononono its just the beginning. Wait till they hit your class with the bat and you start putting up threads to take extreme measures because of such a poor nerf that wasnt even taken into consideration what would come of such a extreme nerf. See how you guys fair with the Dev"s cause there all from warhammer. Look at how warhamer turned out and if you follow mmo's you already know how bad it is wrecked. Now Swtor just going to follow it up if they keep making poor as Decisions on nerfs. ANYTHING that is dropped 20% just shows that they made if *********** rediculously OP showing there lack of designing a skill at first hand or that they dont know what to do with all the QQers so they just Nerfed the problem at the source very poorly. IM OUT. This is retarded. If you dont see what they did here and think your class is whatnot safe. There will always be somthing that QQers will find to QQ about. As bad as this nerf went im sure they will do it again
  8. When your nerfing a class. You dont overdo it or people will drop the class, reroll, or play another game. To Nerf a stun to about 50% of what you guys intented it to be and then Reduce the dmg on hidden strike by a total of 20%.


    You guys are retarded. Going down 5-10% is reasonable. But 20% is ridiculous.


    Reducing a stun by 50% is just obsurd. Do you guys even listen to the majority that play operatives or just the 12 yearolds that whine about not being able to play there own class.


    If you continue to nerf classes like THIS because they seem OP. You can cancel my subscription.


    This just proves to show how immature Biowares Nerfs are.

  9. When your nerfing a class. You dont overdo it or people will drop the class, reroll, or play another game. To Nerf a stun to about 50% of what you guys intented it to be and then Reduce the dmg on hidden strike by a total of 20%.


    You guys are retarded. Going down 5-10% is reasonable. But 20% is ridiculous.


    Reducing a stun by 50% is just obsurd. Do you guys even listen to the majority that play operatives or just the 12 yearolds that whine about not being able to play there own class.


    If you continue to nerf classes like this because they seem OP. You can cancel my subscription.


    This just proves to show how immature Biowares Nerfs are.

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