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Posts posted by Avrose

  1. If they removed the stat bonus it wouldn't be an issue. People want to play Dora the Explorer? Fine. Doesn't mean the stat bonus should be there to one day force people to go do it.


    Plus it will defeat the point of RIVETING EXPLORATION since people will just TORhead it.


    The whole point anyone does anything in any game...


    To get better stats.


    You want to play the boil down game here it is.

  2. If you think I'm trolling, then the proper response would be for you to leave instead of "feeding the troll." But I have no intention of eliciting any shocked reactions, I just posted this to see what people would say about it (knowing and accepting that 99% of it would be typical internet crowd comments).


    what? and miss the chance for you to hang yourself if I give you enough rope?


    Also you didn't tell me what more is because at this point if you are earnest I don't think you know what this 'more' is.

  3. I didn't expect it to be a brand new magical MMO, I was just hoping for more since Bioware put so much resources into TOR's creation. I'm glad you're enjoying yourself, though.


    What is 'more'? The game doesn't have 4 expansions of data behind it. What is more? With each post in this thread you do I'm starting to feel like your trolling.

  4. Greetings everyone! After hitting level 50, completing my class story-line, checking out guilds and PvP etc., I felt like I needed to come and give my final thoughts on TOR.


    I'll begin this review by congratulating Bioware on the completion of SWTOR, and I'd like to say that it's remarkably stable for being such a young MMO. Compared to other MMOs at launch, SWTOR is probably the least buggy I've come across. However, for all it's solidness and stability, this review actually learns toward being negative, unfortunately.


    While the class story-lines are a very nice addition to gameplay that give the game some heart, the story-line does end. And besides the emphasis on story, I honestly couldn't find anything new that Bioware implemented in this game that hadn't already been done over and over by other MMOs. In fact, while what IS there is very stable, this game lacks many features that have become virtually a standard for MMOs. It's as if Bioware copied the generic-ness of other MMOs enough that it feels like all the others, but not enough to implement the helpful features that other MMOs have.


    "Flashpoints" are a rehash of instances. "Ops" are a rehash of raids. Etc etc. There is nothing new under the sun (and I'm aware most of this existed in other MMOs before WoW was even around). I walk away genuinely disappointed by this. I quit WoW long ago because I got sick of it, and when I hit 50 on TOR I checked my /played time, and the terrible feeling that I had just donated another week of my life to WoW came over me.


    A lot of TOR "fan boys" will surely accuse me of being a WoW "fanboy," but I quit WoW years ago and have become totally sick of it. My theory of why I don't feel that TOR has any staying power for myself and many other ex-WoW players is that it's so similar to WoW and other MMOs that our being sick of WoW goes for TOR too. Just being burned out on WoW has made me automatically feel burnt out on TOR.


    For players who are new to MMOs or hardcore Star Wars fans, this game will probably have terrific success. But for people who have played MMOs before and were looking for a refreshing change, they'll quickly become sickened when they have the epiphany that they're playing "WoW in Space," and they'll quickly proceed to unsubscribe.


    Congrats to Bioware for making a solid game, but it's just not original enough to be any fun for me. :o


    To be fair in this big wide world where in all honesty most things have been done does the story not make a refreshing change of pace? I know ToR is a wow clone but at the same time so is pepsi a clone of coke. Sure it tastes different but it comes down to what you enjoy.


    I think the story add so much to the game as well as the cover mechanic and companions.


    Its a world I can sink my teeth into and it more importantly 'feels' like starwars.


    The problem I have with WoW these days is you could reskin everything and it will still be the same game. TOR tor can't do that too.


    That ultimately is what sets it apart.

  5. And if SWTOR or any other MMO that is released had a perfect "ENDGAME" (an ignorant term really), in 3 months these forums would be filled with people that are screaming and BAM'ing about there not being any more content or story. No matter what, there will always be people that can't see the whole forest and how awesome it is compared to other forests. Being a level 50 right now means that someone either has no job or they are power levelers that know how to get through the content. Great, nice job, thanks for telling us how awesome you are. Now go level the other 15 different types of toon to 50 and then come back to the forums.


    Just a question, how many MMO's really have been successful in the past ten years? WoW is the king ding-a-ling, I'll grant that, played it since BC came out and just two months ago quit cold turkey. But there really hasn't been a challenger in the ring until SWTOR. Star Trek Online SUCKED, DC Universe SUCKED, Rift got BORING. I mean, all you people are doing is comparing this to World of Warcrack and then trying to justify why you will probably go back to it. Like you need our stamp of approval to leave SWTOR. Honestly, we could care less if a thousand people like WoW better and leave. By all means, go!


    A voice of reason on the forums that makes my day. thank you sir.

  6. Pretty sure I played wow longer than most people here. Since I played it from beta till about a year ago. If I said 6 months and it was actually more like a year I am sorry, but that nit picking doesnt change my point. It took them 1 year to completely recreate nearly all of the 1-60 content in that game. This game has had what? I heard rumor of 6 years in dev? At least 4 right? And they got a head start from using an existing engine? That should shave a couple years of development I would think. Before any of you ask no I am not a MMO developer but I would love a crack at some content developer position.


    I am still enjoying this game but I see tons a just plain poor mmo crap everywhere. I cant tell you the last time I played a game that didnt make me feel like I was crammed into tiny boxes and hallways. I think they have boxed themselves in with the way they have done the light/dark system. I think their crafting solves some problems with the missions and the time it takes to craft stuff. I think their crafting falls into the same trap crafting from all other MMOs I have played have fallen. It cant compete with 50 boss gear because if it did it would ruin end game content. Yet they go ahead and design the system with this flaw to the point that half the professions will need to be scrapped and redone to fix it. Or most likely we just live with it.


    There is a lot more issues with this game as I am sure most everyone knows. I don't think this game will go FTP. I don't think it will shut down either. I do think it will be relegated to being toward the top of the non blizzard sub based MMOs. I am sure that Bioware and EA are just fine with all of that. After all, from playing the game it seems that is all they were shooting for.


    FT2 isn't the mark of a failure of a game you know. not that I want to see this game go free to play.


    I can play the following games for free and they are still fun.




    City of Heroes.

  7. It all comes down to money. No one will leave if it is added. People will leave if it is not added.




    See here is the thing. With duel spec many people are pigeon holed into one spec for the guild/groups/raiding while your 'free spec you keep to yourself or use for pvp.


    Having a duelspec system makes it so people who either raid or pvp will only come in so many flavors.


    Instead of adapting to your class and learning what you can and cannot do then playing up your strengths and letting your OP mates cover your weaknesses everyone will be exactly the same.


    Can it happen the other way? sure but I love seeing raid healers and tanks in pvp, they are a curve ball the enemy isn't often ready for. Also pvp spec players can be viable in raids too.


    Now granted that's mostly the WoW experience in me talking. In Starwars TOR we don't have as many choices as our talent trees are not as big and we have to max one tree before we can have another.

  8. This post should not die, I'm been sitting in the fleet sending tells to people trying to build a group. If this is being apart of the community I really don't want it. How is this fun? How is this hard? All it is doing is wasting my time. I only had 2 hours to play today, and I've wasted a hour trying to build a group.



    Sorry Bioware, your game does not live up to todays MMOS. I love story, I love how you tell them, but Not having a LFG queue system broke the game for me.


    Do I feel that cross server LFG damage the game?


    Not Directly.


    Do I feel that they damage server relations?




    Yes I can instant find a group in wow when I only have a short time to play but if I find a good party member to rock out with I will never see this gem of a player again. Also if I have a ninja in the party I have just wasted my only one hour and have to run the instance again.


    Both of these problems can be avoided if I join a guild and build a friends list in this MMO who oddly people call a single player game.


    Without implementing any programing bioware has a unspoken system that solves your lfg woes.


    its called getting out on the dance floor nerds and socializing.

  9. Originally Posted by JadedSins

    Because I can be going out and getting things for crafting, Or maybe I don't have much time to play so want a fast group?



    LFG queue system does more good things for the game. In fact, I've made more friends with it. This MMO won't have the numbers it wants without it. No mmo in this day in age can go without a QUEUE system. It not only helps servers out that has one sided community, it also lets people on limited time enjoy the game. It also lets more people see the content instead of a limit amount of people.


    No one buys the LFG queue system killing a community. I've made tons of friends from other servers, It's a must have.


    And what pray are people going to do when the wait to pop the timer is longet then 5-10 minutes? Claim the LFG is broken and we need to add cross server instancing.


    Whoops there goes server relationships....


    Sound familiar?


    You can't quest and buddy someone from an alternate reality. Didn't work in WoW, doesn't work in Doctor Who (see Rose) and it won't work here.


    That is why.

  10. To get said mods, barrels, hilts, enhancements, armourings etc you need to do Nightmare Mode Operations (drop level 58 mods etc). To do Nightmare Mode Operations you need raiding gear ie - the tier sets.


    You can't use orange gear at level 50, sorry.


    aww sad face.

  11. And you guys hell bent on keeping it out will drive the game right into the ground....but that's ok as long as you can say you held your ground against the "wow kiddies".


    Its not about the wow kiddies, its about keeping people teaming up with other people on your own server. I played wow too, its ran its course then it killed itself sadly.


    That's one reason why I'm here.


    the other reason is I don't have the time to run a corp in EvE anymore.

  12. Because I can be going out and getting things for crafting, Or maybe I don't have much time to play so want a fast group?



    LFG queue system does more good things for the game. In fact, I've made more friends with it. This MMO won't have the numbers it wants without it. No mmo in this day in age can go without a QUEUE system. It not only helps servers out that has one sided community, it also lets people on limited time enjoy the game. It also lets more people see the content instead of a limit amount of people.




    No one buys the LFG queue system killing a community. I've made tons of friends from other servers, It's a must have.


    And what pray are people going to do when the wait to pop the timer is longet then 5-10 minutes? Claim the LFG is broken and we need to add cross server instancing.


    Whoops there goes server relationships....


    Sound familiar?


    You can't quest and buddy someone from an alternate reality. Didn't work in WoW, doesn't work in Doctor Who (see Rose) and it won't work here.


    That is why.

  13. Well then tell bioware that we should be throwing Revan's Great Grand Daughter instead of tiny pebbles....at least throwing people around would look like it hurts more than small rocks


    You um know why Dark Malgus is on a respiratory system? Its cause She Threw pepples at him.... watch the movie.


    Your not throwing rocks, they are a side effect off a cone of pure force tunneled at a target. rocks just happen to be involved.


    Just like sometimes how you toss a random droid instead of rock. You work with what you got. :p

  14. This is another reason why I wish this game had a LFG Instance queue. When I want to do some dungeons for exp instead of doing content I already done.




    Ah well, In like five or six months I will be back when they add it.


    why in the the name of the Force do you need an LFG when EVERYONE who needs to go to the flash-points are all neatly gathered in one location anyway?


    And don't tell me its so you can join up while questing, that means we have to wait for everyone to walk to the instance, repair buy meds ect.


    Oh you want to teleport to the instance?


    I fought this in WoW and I'm tired of fighting it here. ITS NOT COMING.


    And if it does it will cause more harm then good.

  15. Sith Warrior skill-


    Vicious Throw


    Range: 10m

    Throws the main-hand lightsaber at a target, dealing 2469 - 2873 energy damage. Only usable on targets at or below 20% max health.


    Sith Inquisitor skill-




    Force: 25

    Range: 4m

    Attempts to assassinate the target, dealing 4148 - 4451 weapon damage. Only usable on targets at or below 30% max health.



    ...the ****?



    One is ranged one costs force both are instant and one has a condition.


    seems cool to me.

  16. Another thing is, Empire get freaking amazing sweat lightning to throw at people......Jedi get to throw pebbles back at them hoping that tiny little rocks can hurt them as much as LIGHTNING does....they don't need cool purple, republic need it to at least feel we got something better.


    Your have Revan's Great Grand Daughter leading your army. What more do you want?

  17. you have to go thru all the quests to unlock the ability to leave the planet, just like you have to go thru the quests to unlock your ship....


    basically at lvl16 you can sorta start to do what you want SORTA!


    (Longest GAME Tutorial EVER)


    This game is not an MMO.... It doesnt allow you to make your own story it jams a story down your throat and makes you quest, so your screwed if you dont like endless questing! However, there is nothing other then questing to do in this game so if you dont like questing well tough thats all there is to do!!!


    Basically this game is 8 Choose your own adventure books! Its definitely not an MMO!


    And this is not a constructive forum post but who is keeping track?

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