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Everything posted by TheDIrtyHun

  1. <The True Imperial Order> was formerly a large active guild, but has lately turned into a small core group of returning players looking to step into back into Veteran Mode Operations and other PVE content. We are currently running operations on Friday and Saturday nights from 7pm to 10pm America/Denver Time Zone (MST). We have a bit of flexibility to move our times around for the right players. We will always take on casual players looking for a new home! However, our Ops team is currently looking for one ranged dps, one melee dps, and one tank. Other slots may open if we get enough interest for a second 8 man group or we get enough for a 16 man team. We are not looking for hardcore players. Most of us are parents, have jobs, and lives outside . We will likely never move into NiM content. We are looking for players that can commit to being on time, doing the best they can, and learning while having fun. We laugh. A lot. Please be over 18 as a number of us have potty mouths. If this type of guild sounds interesting to you, leave a post here, PST (M'irken/M'irkan/Mer'kan/Mirk'en) or (Aelin Ashfire/Aelin Skyfyre/Aelin Shadowfyre) in game, or message either of us on discord @Merkin#5162 or @Aelin Skyfire#4126 to set up an interview.
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