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Everything posted by Darth_Sidewinder

  1. Thanks! That's what I thought, only it didn't seem to make sense. The stronghold bonuses etc may explain some of it. I still don't understand, however, why it sometimes shows some member on the top of the list and then suddenly, they disappear (while the points of everyone else remain the same). Is that some bug?
  2. I am looking for an answer to a simple question: how is the position and the amount of points on the conquest leaderboard for individual characters counted? I have been searching for hours, but neither of the dozens of guild guides or guild conquest guides on the internet seems to be able to answer this simple question. Please note I do NOT mean the planetary conquest board, but simply the board that says "Conquest Leaders" (bottom right corner of the first guild tab) that shows how much different individual characters have contributed. WHAT have they contributed? To WHAT? And how is it counted? Is it how many weekly conquest points they have? Or? It's just that I have been trying to figure it out and the numbers don't seem to make any sense in relation to anything (some of our characters who have been playing the same content together with others show lower on the board, etc.)
  3. Adding my voice to this. It still keeps happening. It is annoying to have to resummon my companions every time I use the elevator. Which in this particular place is a lot. It also happened to me in Red Reaper flashpoint last week, though only in one elevator (the first one).
  4. I kept getting OTP basically every time since I moved from one place to another, and recently I got myself the security key. It is 500% better if you can do that, because you are not depending on any external "do our e-mails send on time or not". ...of course, you need to set it up when the password service is working. Which is when people usually don't mind and think "nah, I am fine". But right now, for example, I am really happy that I can use it and don't need to worry about the e-mails. My girlfriend used the rare moment when she managed to get her password on time for getting a security key of her own, too. Granted, you could probably think of some other options (for people who can't, or don't want to use the security key app), but it IS a good thing that it exists, that's for sure.
  5. My girlfriend has also the problem with not getting the password, it's been an hour and tried it repeatedly. Bonus - somebody should give a thought to the fact that if you have a problem with the password, you can't even post on the forums that you have a problem with the password, because you cannot log in. I had a similar problem sometime ago. Please, fix this.
  6. Fortunately just a few of them. But that said, I hope they won't remove anything else!!! Otherwise, you summed it all up pretty well! That's what I meant to say. Yes, it's the Savrip island stuff. They are still there, but you get them only from the mission box next to the spaceport. I seriously, absolutely don't understand why they removed even the mision givers in this particular case. Also for purely practical reasons: because the mission givers were quite well-positioned, but the box is in such a place that you are going to find it only as you are leaving the planet, and not anytime before, as it is quite out of the way - you have no reason to wander anywhere close near it.
  7. Well, I think the logic is to have people get the chance to play the new (post-lvl 60) content ASAP. But in my opinion, the key would be rather to give people simply free slots, or simply straightaway free choice to start at level 60 or whatever. That way, those who want to skip the original class content (maybe because they played it many times) can, but those who don't won't be influenced by this new system at all. This is, in my opinion, what should have been done. And not mess up existing stuff.
  8. Yes, that is exactly what I am talking about. That said, unless I am mistaken, there are STILL those vendors who used to sell "planetary" items stationed on the origin planets and on the capital planets, only they no longer sell anything and if you click them, it says "error". Okay, so Bioware removed the stuff, and then left the vendors there, not only with nothing to sell, but with looking like they still might sell something and giving an error message? And they have been standing there for several years. That goes completely over my head. While at the same time, for example Sergeant Travi Pott (the quest giver for one of the Heroic missions) disappeared without trace, except she is still listed in the quest description, and there is no logical reason why. Ok, you could have at least left her standing there or something, if you have the vendors who don't do anything. Mess. Pure mess. Why? Speaking of vendors, the random equipment you could buy on the planets (light, medium vendors etc) - mostly gone as well. Why? Nobody forces players to buy that. Yes, it is worse than what they probably wear. But so what? Why remove it? Nobody is going to buy it, but if somebody wants, they can! It actually happened to me a few (rare) times that I WANTED to buy something because I lacked a helmet or whatnot. I don't get removing stuff at all.
  9. Well, I am not giving up that fight. I hope they still listen to us. Because seriously, there is nothing, NOTHING they get by removing content. If they want to draw in more players, there are all the options and possibilities that do not require taking away existing stuff. I am not crying over the old game. But I am trying to make it clear that there are steps that should NOT be taken - granted, something I could have said years ago, but it didn't occur to me that the developers could actually start removing content in the first place.
  10. I think there is also a horrible generic disbalance regarding the flashpoints in terms fo story mode/other. There are the story flashpoints, which are super-easy, you can do them in the story mode in which you can get a support droid even though you'd be fine even just with a healer companion. Then there are the other flashpoints, which you have to do only with a full group, and like you said above, you may end up with a group which isn't 100% the "right" level or some player just happens to have slightly worse gear and you can't do it just because you don't choose who you randomly team up with. I don't understand that logic. Wouldn't it make sense to give a chance to play THESE with an extra support droid if you need it, and not the story ones?
  11. This is not a suggestion per se, it is an anti-suggestion: but a fairly easy one to keep, I think! The most important thing is: if something IS already in the game, please, please don't remove it. Especially as far as story is concerned. I mean for example the Heroic mission dialogues. Okay! I understand the wish to speed it up, thus removing the final dialogue. I disagree, but whatever. (Although I am sure there would have been a way to make them "holocallable" upon completion or something.) But what is defying all logic is removing the mission givers themselves, such as on Ord Mantell. If somebody wants, they can pick it up from the terminal, but they also may want to pick it up from the person, so give them that option! The story is an essential part of SWTOR, so DON'T REMOVE THE STORY. The same goes for the specialization missions on the fleet, where you were picking up your class specialization. Ok, that was a question of replacing the whole system, although putting the specialization to level 1, in my opinion, took away a lot of character development. Importantly also because it involved some dialogue. I understand it didn't always work and people specialized without talking to the trainers first, but at least that option should have remained there. Not everybody needs to use it, but it should be there for those who want to! (For example: there are the trainer missions at the starting planets, nobody also forces the players to do those missions, but it's nice to have them. I hope next step isn't removing those, by the way.) And is it just me, or have you also removed the reports when your companions return from certain crew skill missions? It used to sometimes say something related to the "story" of what they did, now, it just says "companion X returned and completed the mission". If it is really gone, I don't understand why. That was there and wasn't really in the way of anything, was it? And if you stop adding it with new missions, fine, but keep it with the old ones! That should be the general rule for everything: keep the stuff that is there. If it is not being straightaway replaced by something else, keep it around.
  12. Yes. The game was uber-simple to begin with, now we are slowly losing all the modification options there are. It is just becoming a single grey mass. It started already with removing the abilities and making them all just "mastery"... okay, I get it, it was mostly "cosmetic" anyway, but who cares! If you want to become a super-top-pvp-champion, you'll do the research and make the effort to become one by finding out, or looking up what is the best combination of abilities for you to be "the top". But many of us - I even dare say maybe most of us - want to have customization for customization's sake!
  13. I second this. And I don't understand why some of the content got removed if it was already there - the companions used to have original abilities at least in some way, then all of a sudden, they all became just clones. It's understandable that you had to make new versions of their abilities if you wanted to make the companion a different role than it was before (tank, healer, whatever) - those "new abilities" could have been done sloppily like they are now, but why take away the working, good, unique abilities that were there? One example for all: there is a companion in one of the storylines who is a Force user even though otherwise it should be a normal soldier. Originally, it used some sort of Force push-type attack when dealing damage. Now for reasons unknown, it only shoots. Why??? Why break something that is working as intended?
  14. What "new class intros"? Have they remade the old intros you get at the start of the game? Like the arrival on Korriban, Tython, Ord Mantell, Hutta? Haven't made new character in a couple of months. That all said, I welcome any effort on working also on the old stuff, because in my opinion, the class stories were the best. Most of all, they were personal. Looks like the new content is basically the same for everyone, which is a pity. I want this character to have this story, the other to have that story, this one to have these companions, that one those companions. And not some weird mixture.
  15. I mostly agree with the OP - but I would add one thing that makes it different, and why it is important that SWTOR is a MMO: I love the story first of all, but I also like it that you can experience it in a group with other players. ...which, sadly, may be the problem if KOTFE and KOTET are just centered on one person. I hope that won't continue in future expansions because it would be completely wasting it. From the beginning, the MAIN thing about SWTOR was that it had a great story, all this fully-voiced content etc. AND the possibility to play it with several players at once.
  16. I would sign that. I only fear that would be really difficult. Or maybe not??
  17. Thinking way back, how about Nalen Raloch? Or the guy from the IA storyline on Balmorra, forgot his name, as a companion.
  18. Is it really like that? That is super-awful. I mean, I thought it weird to begin with that your companions, especially those who swore you loyalty forever and ever, or, Force forbid, who are married to you, would let you simply disappear for ages and not rush to you the moment you reappear, but fair enough. Lots of meek excuses could be made, "my life changed so much during the time you were away; I had twenty bounty hunters after me; my grandma died; I was in prison", whatever, lame, but I'd deal with it. But are you telling me that you marry someone and they don't even address that? Really? That was what I had been hoping for all the time, that after all the mess someone just comes rushing to you with open arms and is like "Hey! I am here!" Wasn't this supposed to be the return to storytelling? Wasn't the reason to bring old companions back exactly so that there can be more of them? Just why?
  19. It does, I tried it. But thing is, if you are let's say DS and some average mission gives you 50 points, then dark diplomacy mission gives you 65 or something and light gives you 15 light or somesuch. Ok, I don't remember it exactly now, but it is basically like that. Marginal difference.
  20. Damn. That is a real shame. I had hoped that the "return to storytelling" also meant "return to the importance of companions", however in some altered way. Incidentally, does it have at least some vague attempts at explaining why would your companions not come back to you eventually, especially if they have all basically sworn their undying loyalty to you at the end of their companion arcs? Like I understand that some of the companions are following your character just because it is convenient and all that, but with some, it seemed to be a choice of a lifetime (looking especially at some of those military types). Not to speak of the case when you e.g. go through all the trouble of, say, marrying them.
  21. Yes, but that makes Diplomacy absolutely useless now. If any random crafting mission earns you like 50 LS/DS points, why do the Diplomacy missions (which originally earned you some small amount) not give you like 200 or 500 LS/DS points to sort of make the difference clear? I don't understand why they did this. Yeah, but how does it work then? I got the picture, don't you just earn DS points if you keep killing Republic mobs, for instance, so if you are Empire, there is no way you would ever be Light V? Point being: should not they have multiplied the amount of points you get from the decisions you make inside the missions, especially during your class story quests, because THAT should be what should help you define your character?
  22. I haven't yet played any of the post-Shadow of Revan content because first, I haven't had the time to play, and second, to be frank, I am not sure what to expect. Can somebody quickly answer several questions which I have so far been unable to find answers to? So in KOTFE, you at first lose all your companions, and later you can regain them as part of this "alliance", correct? As well as some others. I have heard you can recall your old companions outside the story and run around with them as if nothing happened, but if you haven't finished their companion quests/talking, you can't do them anymore etc. I am aware of this, but I am still unsure on how some things work. - so do you have any companions whatsoever anymore, or do you just have "allies"? How does your personal starship look, for instance? Do you now have a big empty ship, or does it look like before even though technically you aren't supposed to have these companions anymore, or are you now, say, a Bounty Hunter with Vette and Aric Jorgan standing in the storage room, or?? what happens to the crafting system if you lose your companions? Can you send your "new Kaliyo" to craft, or what? Or will it be your "old Kaliyo" and the crafting screen remains the same? are you (theoretically) able to get ALL the companions as allies? Like all the 40 of them from the original class stories? Or are some "out"? are you able to at least get back all of your class companions? (Like if you are an Imperial Agent, can you get all the five IA companions back, etc?) if I get all those different companions from other classes, so can I be a Sith Warrior running around with Qyzen Fess, next moment switching him to Mako, or what? Can I do this outside the story instances? what happens if you have commited to some relationship during your class story quest? Will the respective companion "recognise" it upon meeting you again in KOTFE? what happens if you have customized your companion somehow? When they reappear during KOTFE, will they look the way you customized them (not necessary even armor, but customization, like the Aric Jorgan you encounter will have stripes if you made him look that way)? Or if not, can you re-customize them later on? (I assume you would also somehow get back the armor and customization you gave them when they disappear in the first place, or..?) (Boldened questions, of course, insterest me the most. Thanks for any help, in any case!)
  23. Yeah, I hope not! Jo Wyatt is great. I don't know if we can trust imdb, but that claims that she is credited for the agent as usual. So maybe it's just some weird impression there.
  24. I've been wondering about the same. Posted my questions about it here.
  25. So, has anyone figured out how does this work? I have noticed everything has been reset into immense amounts of points (tens of thousands) necessary to achieve the respective LS/DS status (Light I, II, III... etc...). Yes, you now get some points for random stuff, all crew skill missions etc. But that probably should not be the main source of these points? Does this make any sense? Can a "normal" person reach the high levels of alignment the way it used to be possible? How relevant are LS/DS choices inside missions as opposed to randomly killing twenty republic troopers and getting a hundred DS points? It used to be that it was the story that shaped your character; is it still there or is that completely gone? How many points (comparatively) do you get for making story choices? Is it possible to reach, say, DS II by just playing your story by the time you get to mid-Act 1? (Mentioning this example, because there are some occassions exactly at that point where your alignment matters.) What more, is it possible to reach the "opposite" alignment than your faction's (DS for Republic, LS for Empire)? And just as a small remark, does Diplomacy skill have any "advantage" compared to the others? It seems to me this has completely disappeared. Shouldn't the points from Diplomacy be at least multiplied? Because if you get 50 DS points for bringing a patch of moss from somewhere with Biochem, then you should not get 50, but at least 500 DS points for the simplest quest in the Diplomacy skill. (And, consequently, like 5000 DS points for, say, choosing to blow people out of the airlock at the Esseles.) I'm hoping for people to share their experiences here; because for myself, I am just absolutely puzzled as to how this system works now.
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